


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……


1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……



汉语拼音:tǒng shuài








  1. 统辖率领。

    《吕氏春秋·简选》:“选练角材,欲其精也;统率士民,欲其教也。”《汉书·西域传赞》:“ 匈奴 能得其马畜旃罽,而不能统率与之进退。” 唐 柳宗元 《贞符》:“立有德有功有能者,参而维之,运臂率指,屈伸把握,莫不统率。” 明 唐顺之 《公移·牌》:“照得 卢副总兵 参将 刘显 等已刻期六月初一日,统率各营兵万餘进剿贼巢。”



  1. The bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead.


  2. He abolished the position of Assistant to the President and was his own chief of staff .


  3. Being the military orders department of the Beijing Government, Military headquarters was a sign of the President's commanding the army.


  4. The governors of the New England states would not allow their armies to go into the field under Federal command.


  5. Now we were in the calamity and I had the power to guide and arm our effect .


  6. Copernicus to dominate the entire universe took power gives the sun, and each object has its nature is the motion.


  7. He commanded five armies on the western front now. A million and a half men were under his command.


  8. He could neither unite broad masses of troops in great sweeping maneuvers, make bold political plans, nor create any major reforms.


  9. Die Nadel's orders are to assess the strength of the First United States Army Group under General Patton in East Anglia.


  1. 总统统率武装部队。

    The President commands the armed forces.

  2. 派一军官统率军队

    officer an army

  3. 李将军统率着陆军。

    General Lee is in command of the army.

  4. 军队由国王直接统率。

    The army is under the king's command.

  5. 他统率着第八军。

    He assumed command of the Eighth Army.

  6. 国王统率武装部队。

    The King commands the armed forces.

  7. 统率所属部队前往增援

    be in command of all the troops and march forward as reinforcements

  8. 刘将军统率这支军队。

    General Liu is in command of the army.

  9. 史密斯将军统率陆军。

    General Smith is in command of the army.

  10. 我们委任你作军队统率。

    We offer you command of the army.

  11. 怀特将军统率那个军队。

    General White was in command of the army.

  12. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。

    The captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.

  13. 这些部队由黑格将军统率。

    The troops were commanded by General Haig.

  14. 舰长统率舰上的全体官兵。

    The captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.

  15. 舰长统率舰上得全体官兵。

    The captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.

  16. 将军是统率众多士兵的人。

    A general is a man who commandsa large number of soldiers.

  17. 他奉命统率并指挥作战行动。

    He was asked to take command and direct operations.

  18. 史密斯将军统率这只部队。

    General Smith commands the army.

  19. 二战期间, 李将军统率空军部队。

    General Lee was in command of the air force.

  20. 美国总统是统率三军的总司令。

    In the U.S. the president is the commander in chief.

  21. 当军官的应懂得怎样统率士兵。

    An officer must know how to handle his men.

  22. 他统率驻扎在埃及的英国军队。

    He was in command of the British Army in Egypt.

  23. 用科学发展观统率矿产资源工作

    The Work of Mineral Resources is in Command by the Scientific Development View

  24. 他原是力天使, 统率着31个恶魔军团。

    He hath under his government 31 Legions of Spirits.

  25. 他带领一个连队,在训练中统率有方。

    In training he had commanded his company well.

  26. 黑格将军曾在1915年统率英国远征军。

    General Haig took command of the British Expeditionary Force in1915.

  27. 他统率着30个恶魔军团,这是他的封印。

    He governeth 30 Legions Infernal Spirits,and his Seal is this, etc.

  28. 是要是能看到的地方,都在你统率之下。

    Far as the eye can see under your command.

  29. 很难想象一个如此矮小的人能统率大军。

    It's hard to think that such a little man could lead an army.

  30. 姆拉克爵士统率的军队以行动迅速而闻名。

    Generally stoic, Sir Mullich is prone to spasmodic fits of uncoordinated excitement believed to intimidate his troops into working faster.


  1. 问:统率拼音怎么拼?统率的读音是什么?统率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统率的读音是tǒngshuài,统率翻译成英文是 command

  2. 问:统率力拼音怎么拼?统率力的读音是什么?统率力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统率力的读音是,统率力翻译成英文是 leading




拼音:tǒng shuài 词义:率领;指挥 游戏里的一种属性,一般指武将带兵的能力或带兵数。

词性:动词 如:统率三军 基本解释 [command] 率领;指挥。
