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汉语拼音:cháng wèi
《韩非子·解老》:“﹝人﹞以肠胃为根本,不食则不能活。”《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“此病疽也,内发於肠胃之间。” 唐 杜甫 《雷》诗之三:“气暍肠胃融,汗湿衣裳污。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致山本初枝》:“孩子的肠胃病虽已痊愈,但还磨人,影响工作。”
《战国策·秦策二》:“夫取三 晋 之肠胃,与出兵而惧其不反也,孰利?” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·刺权》:“ 齐 以其肠胃予人,家强而不制,枝大而折榦,以专巨海之富,而擅鱼盐之利也。”《北齐书·文宣帝纪》:“ 关 峴 衿带,跨躡萧条,肠胃之地。”
Then he took it step further, brought in another group of women with the exact same stomach distress, with the same vomiting.
然后他把实验往前推进了一步,召集另一拨同样有肠胃不适症状的女性,同样有恶心呕吐的症状。Tea drinking might have had the opposite effect: There is some evidence in rats that tea actually speeds up gastric emptying.
喝茶可能起相反效果:一些在老鼠中的研究显示,茶确实可以加速肠胃消化的速度。For viral infections, including stomach flu( gastroenteritis) and mononucleosis , the best treatment is often rest and plenty of fluids.
对于肠胃型流感(胃炎)单核细胞增多症这些病毒感染来说,最好的治疗方法通常是休息以及大量饮水。It begins to spit out masses of bees, as if it were emptying not only its guts but its soul.
蜂巢开始吐出成群的蜜蜂,仿佛不仅要倾空其肠胃,还要倾空其灵魂。They add that the benefits of a strong cup of chon coffee outweigh the unsavoury aspects of it passing through an animal's bowels.
他补充说一杯浓厚的chon咖啡的价值要高于穿过一只动物的肠胃所带来的负面影响。I can not see undertook judge for a while. I gave him the telephone, he said his stomach was not good and was seeing a doctor in hospital.
承办法官我一时见不着面,我给承办法官电话,他说他肠胃不好,在医院看病。If that day, a portrait tattoo as deep in your skin texture, like the poison into your stomach, then, to be or not to enter?
如果真有那么一天,一个人像刺青一样深入你的肌理,像毒药一样渗入你的肠胃,那么,是退还是进呢?While we were at Vegas, Angela started having cramps, pains, and unusual behavior from her gastrointestinal system.
当我们在维加斯时,安吉拉已经肠胃就有痉挛、疼痛和其他不寻常的情况。Cold weather, let too and is known as rotavirus of the enterogastritis of winter , wait for a chance to cause trouble.