


注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫:~卫。~世。~告。~戒。~备。~惕。~省(xǐng )(警惕醒悟)。需要戒备的事件或消息:~号。~报。~钟。感觉敏锐,见解独到:~句。~觉(jué)。机~。国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量:~察。~士。……


1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:jǐng chē






  1. 警察执行逮捕或其他任务时用的车辆。

    吉胡洪霞 《吉鸿昌就义前后》:“一辆警车把我们载到‘法国工部局’,才把我们分开。”



  1. I got handcuffed and thrown into a police car. The kid stood there laughing and pointing at me.


  2. Unfortunately, a few days later, while she was driving to her university, a police car drove up beside her and made her stop.


  3. After being slammed into the back of a squad car at gun point, they realized the car was actually recovered a week ago.


  4. He said he saw a terrorist act, and saw the police car fly into the air.


  5. The flashing light dimmed into the distance as the police car rolled to a halt, much to the amazement of its occupants.


  6. He looked up and down the side streets, hoping to meet a police car.


  7. He waves his hands about his head and makes the sound of police cars again.


  8. Video footage showed the children in one of the keys pressed a cell phone, a toy police car detonated cheered.


  9. Police and hospital officials said the man died from his wounds. The officers inside the car sustained minor injuries.


  1. 巡逻的警车

    a police car on patrol.

  2. 警车全速前进。

    The police car is driving at full speed.

  3. 警车全速前进。

    The police car is driving at full speed.

  4. 你甩了警车了?

    You lost the black and whites?

  5. 押送囚犯的警车

    pie waggon

  6. 警车呼啸而过。

    The police car whistled past.

  7. 警车呼啸而过。

    The police car whistled past.

  8. 我被推进警车。

    I was bundled into a police van.

  9. 无标识的警车

    an unmarked police car

  10. 他被推进了警车。

    He was nosed in the police car.

  11. 警车闪烁的蓝灯

    the flashing blue lights of a police car

  12. 抢劫警车是违法的!

    Hijacking a police car is illegal!

  13. 抢劫警车是违法得!

    Hijacking a police car is illegal!

  14. 抢劫警车是违法的!

    Hijacking a police car is illegal!

  15. 我们被推进了警车。

    We were harried into the police car.

  16. 警车开足马力前去救援。

    The police car went in full career to the rescue.

  17. 警车逐渐追上劫匪。

    The police car was gaining ground on the robbers.

  18. 我看到几辆警车。

    I see several police cars.

  19. 警车渐渐逼近犯罪嫌疑人。

    The police car was gaining ground on the suspects.

  20. 从警车旁超车而过

    to overtake over a police car

  21. 焚烧了十来辆警车

    burnt a dozen police vehicles

  22. 一辆警车呼啸而过。

    A police car roared past.

  23. 被告已用警车带走。

    The accused was taken away in a police van.

  24. 没有保镳,没有警车,什么也没有

    I've got no bodyguards, I've got no police cars. I've got nothing.

  25. 警车上部的灯在闪耀。

    The light on top of the police car was flashing.

  26. 警车上部得灯在闪耀。

    The light on top of the police car was flashing.

  27. 小偷撞了警车后逃走了。

    The thieves fled, ramming the policeman's car.

  28. 鸣警笛得大多不是警车。

    Pinging is currently not allowed.

  29. 鸣警笛的大多不是警车。

    Pinging is currently not allowed.

  30. 囚犯被揪着推进警车。

    The prisoners were thrown bodily into the police van.


  1. 问:警车拼音怎么拼?警车的读音是什么?警车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警车的读音是jǐngchē,警车翻译成英文是 police car; police van; squad car

  2. 问:警车巡逻拼音怎么拼?警车巡逻的读音是什么?警车巡逻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警车巡逻的读音是jǐng chē xún luó,警车巡逻翻译成英文是 Security Vehicle Patrol



“警车”是个多义词,它可以指警车(变形金刚中角色), 警车(公安司法机关公务车辆)。