







汉语拼音:yú shù





  1. The doctor put the lantern at the head of the grave and came and sat down with his back against one of the elm trees.


  2. She had a look in her eye as she checked out the pine branch extending toward the elm branch, and she went for it.


  3. Wake up in the morning that day, father receives an eye up my double, tell my old elm, the long is a swing.


  4. Elm looks like a very proud, slender sticks of Sophie falls down, crowded full of dollars above the wiped the child.


  5. A Yushu man hires balloon hanging banners to look for his wife.


  6. The villagers have lopped away the biggest of the branches of that ELM overhanging the road.


  7. Hg absorbency of white poplar, willow and pine was low, while that of the larch was high with the elm being the highest.


  8. And someone had been apprehended cutting down trees, a row of elms broken-backed among the VWs and Valiants.


  9. They reasoned that the tree must have absorbed so much iron from the rusting chain, that it became immune to the fungus.


  1. 榆树街噩梦

    A Nightmare on Elm Street.

  2. 街道两旁榆树成行。

    Elms line the steets.

  3. 夹道遮荫的榆树

    shady vista of elms

  4. 榆树赤蟥杆状病毒

    panonychus ulmi virus

  5. 鸽子在榆树上欢唱。

    Doves were cooing in the elms.

  6. 街道两旁榆树成荫。

    The street was overarched by elm trees.

  7. 岑树, 榆树和山毛榉树林。

    Forests of ash, elm, and beech.

  8. 街道两旁榆树种植成行。

    Elms line the streets.

  9. 一排雄伟壮观的榆树

    a line of stately elms

  10. 那些榆树全都奄奄一息了。

    The elm trees are all dying.

  11. 几株美国梧桐和榆树。

    A few sycamores and elms.

  12. 榆树街和橡树街相交叉

    Elm Street crosses Oak Street.

  13. 天使们就在榆树上歌唱。

    Angels were singing in the elm tree.

  14. 房子左边有一棵榆树。

    Theres an elm tree on the left of the house.

  15. 农场周围榆树成篱。

    The farm is fenced in with elms.

  16. 疾病使栎树和榆树枯萎。

    The disease blighted oaks and elms.

  17. 我知道, 两棵榆树, 对吗?

    I know Shuangyushu, the Double Elm Trees. Is that right

  18. 房子左边儿有一棵榆树。

    There's an elm tree to the left of the house.

  19. 那棵大榆树没有完全枯死。

    The giant elm was not quite dead.

  20. 我家在榆树街得街尾处。

    My house is at the end of Elm Road.

  21. 我家在榆树街的街尾处。

    My house is at the end of Elm Road.

  22. 我的房前有一棵榆树。

    There is an elm tree in front of my house.

  23. 例如榆树可以治疗咽喉痛。

    An example is slippery elm for sore throat and laryngitis.

  24. 榆树下的欲望的女性主义解读

    Feminist Interpretation of Desire Under the Elms

  25. 温带榆树稀树草原生态系统

    temperate Ulmus pumila sparse forest grassland ecosystem

  26. 我知道双榆树, 两颗榆树, 对吗?

    I know Shuangyushu, the Double Elm Trees. Is that right

  27. 榆树垂下幕帘洒下阴影憧憧

    The elmtrees drop their curtains down

  28. 对榆树蜜露的观察和研究

    Study and observation on mechanism of honeydew from elm

  29. 我们在院子里种了一些榆树。

    We planted some elms in the yard.

  30. 一些树的翅果, 如白蜡树, 榆树

    winged fruit of some trees, eg the ash and elm


  1. 问:榆树拼音怎么拼?榆树的读音是什么?榆树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树的读音是yúshù,榆树翻译成英文是 Ulmus pumila

  2. 问:榆树沟拼音怎么拼?榆树沟的读音是什么?榆树沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树沟的读音是Yúshùgōu,榆树沟翻译成英文是 Yushugou

  3. 问:榆树湾拼音怎么拼?榆树湾的读音是什么?榆树湾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树湾的读音是Yúshùwān,榆树湾翻译成英文是 Yushuwan

  4. 问:榆树苗圃拼音怎么拼?榆树苗圃的读音是什么?榆树苗圃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树苗圃的读音是,榆树苗圃翻译成英文是 ulmarium

  5. 问:榆树丽盲蝽拼音怎么拼?榆树丽盲蝽的读音是什么?榆树丽盲蝽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树丽盲蝽的读音是yúshùlìmángchūn,榆树丽盲蝽翻译成英文是 Arbolygus ulmi

  6. 问:榆树矮松鼠拼音怎么拼?榆树矮松鼠的读音是什么?榆树矮松鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榆树矮松鼠的读音是yúshù'ǎisōngshǔ,榆树矮松鼠翻译成英文是 Exilisciurus samaricus



“榆树”是个多义词,它可以指榆树(吉林省长春市下辖市), 榆树(落叶乔木植物)。