


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu cái yǒu shì








  • 【解释】:既有钱财,又有势力。同“有钱有势”。
  • 【出自】:明·凌濛初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“比如一边有财有势,那趋财慕势的多只向一边去。”
  • 【示例】:计氏不肯降心,珍哥不肯逊让,晁大舍虽然~,如此家反宅乱,也甚不成人家。


  1. The wise and learned, the wealthy and powerful are too sophisticated, or self-sufficient, to see and hear beyond the surface appearances.


  2. Because have money situation, everybody dare displease him.


  3. Servant: Now I'll tell you without asking: my master is the great rich Capulet ;


  1. 最初他们以为是有财有势带着强大卫队得人来了。

    At first they thought it must be a powerful rich man approaching, with heavy security.

  2. 最初他们以为是有财有势带着强大卫队的人来了。

    At first they thought it must be a powerful rich man approaching, with heavy security.

  3. 有钱有势的人

    a person of wealth and influence

  4. 有许多有权有势的人。

    There are a lot of powerful people.

  5. 我知道他有钱有势。

    I understand he is wealthy, and very influential.

  6. 他是个有权有势的客人。

    He's one of those clits in high places.

  7. 他不喜欢有权有势的人。

    He has a dislike for people in authority.

  8. 有钱有势的人亲戚也多。

    A man of wealth and power is a relative to all.

  9. 有钱有势得人亲戚也多。

    A man of wealth and power is a relative to all.

  10. 我们不能认为有财便有德。

    We cannot equate the possession of wealth with goodness.

  11. 谁有钱有势,他就向谁卖好。

    He would fawn on anyone of wealth and position.

  12. 人们喜欢罗, 他们都有权有势。

    People like rowe, they're powerful.

  13. 交好运的都是有权有势的人。

    The big shots got the breaks

  14. 谁有钱有势,他就向谁卖好儿。

    He will fawn on anyone with wealth and position.

  15. 他爱给有钱有势的人戴高帽子。

    He is always ready to flatter rich and influential people.

  16. 他们没有理由效忠有权有势的人。

    They see no reason to give their loyalty to rich and powerful men.

  17. 他们只关心庇护有钱有势的人家。

    They were only concerned in protecting the powerful rich families.

  18. 除了有钱有势的人,她谁也瞧不起。

    She cried down everyone except the rich and powerful.

  19. 她对任何有权有势的人都不信任。

    She mistrusts anyone in a position of authority.

  20. 把某人从有权有势的职位上赶下来

    Lever sb. out of his powerful position

  21. 有钱有势的公家律师, 一个乖巧的选民

    he was a great provincial lawyer, wealthy and influential, a wise elector,

  22. 所谓官僚资产阶级都是有钱有势得人。

    Bureaucratic capitalists refer to people that own money and power.

  23. 所谓官僚资产阶级都是有钱有势的人。

    Bureaucratic capitalists refer to people that own money and power.

  24. 所谓官僚资产阶级都是有钱有势的人。

    Bureaucratic capitalists refer to people that own money and power.

  25. 有钱有势得政党常能在竞选中获胜。

    The haves can always win in the competition.

  26. 有钱有势的政党常能在竞选中获胜。

    The haves can always win in the competition.

  27. 他们基本上是一些非常有钱有势的精英。

    They were, by and large, a very wealthy, privileged elite.

  28. 娘说, 鲁家有权有势, 官做得很高。

    My mother says the Lu clan is very powerful and highly ranked.

  29. 他有钱有势,可尽管如此却并不快乐。

    He have great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.

  30. 她对任何有权有势的人都心存疑忌。

    She mistrusts anyone in a position of authority.

