





1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:jiào zi







  1. 旧时的交通工具。方形,用竹子或木头制成,外面套着帷子,两边各有一根杆子,由人抬着走或由骡马驮着走。

    宋 王巩 《甲申杂记·阮逸》:“后 有仪 为 海州 都曹,至 淮 舟没,凭轿子浮水上得脱。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第一回:“ 泰安 的轿子像个圈椅一样,就是没有四条腿。” 巴金 《家》二:“不,我们走路回来的,我们从来不坐轿子。”



  1. The litter was as slow as it was comfortable, however, and the dwarf soon found himself itching with impatience.


  2. The litter swayed side to side, a soothing movement that made him feel as if he were a child being rocked to sleep in his mother's arms.


  3. All they could see was the palanquin. But it was a fine procession just the same.


  4. When Daiyu landed the bank from the boat, she was received by a sedan chair sent by Palace of Prosperity.


  5. Kunming street scene, might be a wedding or just a wealthy lady passing by.


  6. It was fatal. The eyes of the two girls met. And immediately Lasaraleen sat up in the litter and burst out at the top of her voice.


  7. The result of this incident was that le gates too rode in a carriage, whereas previously they used to go on foot.


  8. the princess selene , in moon blue robes , a silver crescent on her head , descends from a sedan chair borne by two giants.


  9. Which have the person to call to save her she Jiao son front of listen to the truth of ?


  1. 推荐轿子而非马车。

    recommended a sedan instead of a station wagon.

  2. 明早, 给我准备轿子。

    And in the morning, arrange for me a litter.

  3. 明早,给我准备轿子。

    And in the morning, arrange for me a litter.

  4. 轿子就没什么可疑的?

    Nothing suspicious about the palanquins?

  5. 坐轿子到不了天堂。

    There is no going to heaven is a sedan.

  6. 轿子里面放上了食物。

    Food was put in the palanquin.

  7. 她坐着轿子回了家。

    She went home in sedan chair.

  8. 乘坐一个客人的遮蔽的轿子。

    a closed litter for one passenger.

  9. 她泪如泉涌, 坐着轿子打道回府。

    She went home in a sedan chair and a flood of tears.

  10. 你为什么坐这么漂亮的轿子?

    Why on earth do you travel in such a garish litter?

  11. 清朝官员出行通常乘坐轿子。

    Officers always went out in sedan chairs in Qing dynasty.

  12. 我坐进轿子, 眼睛就阖上了。

    As I got into the palanquin I closed my eyes.

  13. 四个随从抬着王后的轿子。

    Four attendants bore the queen's palanquin.

  14. 向土豪劣绅罚款捐款, 打轿子。

    They fine the local tyrants and evil gentry, they demand contributions from them, and they smash their sedanchairs.

  15. 从来没有坐轿子上天堂之事。

    There is no going to the Heaven in a sedan.

  16. 有四个搬运工的遮蔽的轿子。

    a closed litter carried on the shoulders of four bearers.

  17. 于是马图尔用轿子送我去。

    So Mathur Babu sent me there in a palanquin.

  18. 轿子在重负之下吱吱呀呀地响着。

    The sedan is creaky under the heavy weight.

  19. 为什么要帮助基金的资本抬轿子呢?

    Why should we help fund capital Sedan Chair son do?

  20. 她泪如泉涌地坐着轿子回家了。

    She went home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.

  21. 轿子也是老北京的传统交通工具之一。

    The sedan chair was one of the traditional vehicles in ancient Beijing.

  22. 作为一种交通工具, 轿子已完全过时了。

    As a mode of transport the sedan chair is as head as a dodo.

  23. 波洛小姐泪如泉涌,坐着轿子径直回家去了。

    Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair.

  24. 新娘坐上轿子后, 会燃放鞭炮驱赶邪灵。

    Then firecrackers will be set off to drive away evil spirits as the bride sits into the sedan chair.

  25. 旅行的最后一段路我是坐着轿子完成的。

    I was carried in a litter during the final stage of our journey.

  26. 只嫌轿子走得不爽气, 宁可下了轿自己走。

    He hated the way the sedan bearers meandered along and preferred to get off the chair and walk by himself.

  27. 上了轿子,闷闷不乐,不懂为什么说话坦白算是美德。

    Once in the sedan dejectedly, not knowing why it was considered a virtue to speak frankly.

  28. 运输机器人不能触及除扁担外的轿子的其他部分。

    The Carrier Robots may not touch any part of the Kago other than the Shoulder Pole.

  29. 运输机器人不能触及除扁担外得轿子得其他部分。

    The Carrier Robots may not touch any part of the Kago other than the Shoulder Pole.

  30. 轿子前, 喝道的人不停的叫喊着让行人回避。

    People carrying the front of a sedan chair keep shouting for others to keep out of the way.


  1. 问:轿子拼音怎么拼?轿子的读音是什么?轿子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轿子的读音是jiàozi,轿子翻译成英文是 sedan chair

  2. 问:轿子接拼音怎么拼?轿子接的读音是什么?轿子接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轿子接的读音是jiào zǐ jiē,轿子接翻译成英文是 basket catch

