







汉语拼音:bào guó







  1. 为国家效力尽忠。

    汉 马融 《忠经·报国》:“为人臣者官於君,先后光庆,皆君之德,不思报国,岂忠也哉!” 唐 陈子昂 《感遇》诗之三五:“感时思报国,拔剑起蒿莱。” 明 夏完淳 《六君咏·黄少保》:“亡 秦 虽不成,报国心已毕。” 徐迟 《牡丹》:“他( 李印光 )认为他看得很清楚,热血沸腾的爱国之情虽不是没有,杀敌报国却不是时候。”



  1. Before he left, his mother tearfully left "devotion to the country" on his back with an embroidery needle.


  2. Founded by a group of returning brains and world top experts, the company enjoys solid financial and technological strength.


  3. Enterprise target - innovation and serve country, dedicate to the great renaissance of chinese nation.


  4. This is right because the poet had a deep and irresistant complex to revenge the enemy to serve his own nation.


  5. Understanding historic mission, Embodying life value and Repaying motherland by industries.


  6. Dedication Industrial country to their national prosperity , improve business, a first- class talent .


  7. The spirit of the modern scientist patriotically serves the country was worth us studying.


  8. He cast surface and in the presence of "Sang - to back- cast show, 'faithfully serve the country ' four characters, in - depth skin. "


  9. The sender may use whatever language permitted by the country of destination.


  1. 发报国主管部门

    outgoing administration

  2. 报国忧民意识

    awareness of concern about country and people.

  3. 特别报国债券1元

    The spelial patriotic bond of japanese 1 yuan

  4. 报国寺一进院

    Court Yard of Baoguo Temple.

  5. 忠心报国的岳飞

    General Yue Fei, a Paragon of Loyalty

  6. 谈敬业, 创新与报国

    Professional dedication, innovation and serve the country

  7. 许多女人渴望精忠报国。

    Many women felt the keen tug of patriotism.

  8. 精忠报国是他的座右铭。

    His motto is to dedicate himself to the service of his country.

  9. 精忠报国是他的座右铭。

    His motto is to dedicate himself to the service of his country.

  10. 作为军人应该知道精忠报国, 服从命令。

    As a soldier should know about patriotism, obedience.

  11. 我承恩已久, 必当竭力报国。

    I am very grateful for the long patronage, so I will dedicate myself to the construction of my motherland.

  12. 我承恩已久,必当竭力报国。

    I am very grateful for the long patronage, so I will dedicate myself to the construction of my motherland.

  13. 端午节讲述了一个爱国报国的故事。

    The holiday embodies the story of love and service for one's country.

  14. 我从小就立下了投军报国的志向。

    I've aspired to join the army to serve my country ever since childhood.

  15. 我从小就立下了投军报国的志向。

    I've aspired to join the army to serve my country ever since childhood.

  16. 发报人可以用收报国准用的任何语言。

    The sender may use whatever language permitted by the country of destination.

  17. 近代科学家爱国报国的精神值得我们学习。

    The spirit of the modern scientist patriotically serves the country was worth us studying.

  18. 自主创新产业报国本土品牌在亚洲崛起

    Depending on Autonomous Innovation, Industry Prospers and Dedicate to Nation. The Local Brand Products are Rising in Asia

  19. 岳飞以他的精忠报国精神显扬于世。

    Yue Fei is famous for his loyalty to his country.

  20. 岳飞以他的精忠报国精神显扬于世。

    Yue Fei is famous for his loyalty to his country.

  21. 认清历史使命,体现人生价值,谋求产业报国。

    Understanding historic mission, Embodying life value and Repaying motherland by industries.

  22. 边际人的报国心 容闳的思想和行为特征新论

    A New Approach to the Characteristics of Yung Wing's Thoughts and Behavior

  23. 杜甫报国忧民意识的思想意蕴与精神特征

    The Ideological Implication and Spiritual Characteristic of Du Fu's Awareness of Concern about Country and People

  24. 重大的国家统计调查项目报国务院审批。

    Major national statistical investigation items shall be reported to the State Council for examination and approval.

  25. 重大得国家统计调查项目报国务院审批。

    Major national statistical investigation items shall be reported to the State Council for examination and approval.

  26. 永嘉诸子参与政变,拥戴宁宗,是出于报国,并非谋反。

    Yongjia scholars involved in the coup, acclaimed Ning, is out of service, not a conspiracy.

  27. 五要在规定期限内提交事故调查报告报国务院。

    Fifth, we must submit the required period of investigation report submitted to the State Council.

  28. 寒门之人则壮志难酬,空有一腔报国之志,无处施展。

    A poor family of the person ambition blighted, it takes a chamber patriotic ambition, no place to display.

  29. 十年前,我和我的同学来过这儿,我们画下了报国寺上的宝塔。

    I came here ten years ago with my classmates and we drew the pagoda above Baoguo Temple.


  1. 问:报国拼音怎么拼?报国的读音是什么?报国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报国的读音是bàoguó,报国翻译成英文是 serve one's country; dedicate oneself to the s...


报国,汉语词汇。拼音:bào guó释义:为国家效力尽忠 在我国历史上,历朝历代都有许多尽力效忠,忠君报国的人,他们关心百姓疾苦,关心国计民生,为国家做了许多好事,有利于社会的发展和进步。如诸葛亮《后出师表》中所表现出来的“鞠躬尽力,死而后已”的精神,就历来被人们所赞颂。