


数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……






年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……



汉语拼音:bǎi nián xié lǎo








  • 【解释】:偕:共同。指夫妻共同白头到老。
  • 【出自】:元·武汉臣《生金阁》第二折:“俺衙内大财大礼,娶将你来,指望百年偕老,你只是不肯随顺,可是为何?”
  • 【示例】:恩深义重,誓必图~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. live together to be a hundred -- to said of a couple;a happy union of a hundred years;be happily married and together reach an old age

  1. 国明党犹如百年老店。

    The KMT is a shop of a century's standing.

  2. 这家百年老店专卖云锦。

    The old store, which has a history of hundreds of years, sells special cloud-pattern brocade.

  3. 进苏州警察博物馆,看百年老监狱。

    Receive the Suzhou police museum, look at old jail a century.

  4. 百年老店,服务优良,信誉卓著,欢迎光临。

    a centuryold shop, with the Best service and high reputation, warmly welcomes your patronage.

  5. 深化改革, 依靠技改, 百年老厂重现生机

    Deepening reform and depending on technical innovation makes reappearing vigor and vitality of the centenary Baijiu factory

  6. 老凤祥银楼是半个世纪得百年老店了。

    Lao Fengxiang is old and famous store of half a century old.

  7. 老凤祥银楼是半个世纪的百年老店了。

    Lao Fengxiang is old and famous store of half a century old.

  8. 百年老配方,传统的混合东方和弗吉尼亚烟草。

    A century old formula, traditional mixture of Oriental and Virginia tobaccos.

  9. 百年老配方,传统得混合东方和弗吉尼亚烟草。

    A century old formula, traditional mixture of Oriental and Virginia tobaccos.

  10. 百年老店精制西服,令您顿显名人风采。

    Westernstyle clothes elaBorately made By this centuryold shop will enaBle you to have the elegant demeanour of a celeBrity.

  11. 百年风雨, 灯塔和老宅,

    One hundred years passing by, Light house and old house

  12. 街上有好多栋百年老屋。

    There are many centennial houses on the street.

  13. 百年老屋散发着古朴迷人的魅力。

    These old houses remain a tourist attraction.

  14. 百年老桥拆梁过程的仿真分析

    Simulating Analysis of the Demolition Process of a Hundred year Old Bridge

  15. 看在老天的份上,这可是百年一遇的旱灾

    For god's sakes, it's a historic drought!

  16. 这棵百年老松历经了百年风雨依然树身劲拔。

    This old pine has undergone extreme weather but still stands tall and straight.

  17. 这棵百年老松历经了百年风雨依然树身劲拔。

    This old pine has undergone extreme weather but still stands tall and straight.

  18. 定格在百年前的郑汴洛老照片

    Centurial Photograph Archives of Zhengzhou, Kaifeng and Luoyang

  19. 她在百老汇已经表演多年了。

    She has been playing on Broadway for years.

  20. 这个剧在2004年于百老汇首演。

    The play opened on Broadway in 2004.

  21. 现在在百老汇已迈入第五年。

    MAMMA MIA! is now entering its fifth year on Broadway.

  22. 这出戏在百老汇连续演了半年。

    The play ran for six months on Broadway.

  23. 这出戏在百老汇连续上演了两年。

    The play ran for two consecutive years in Broadway.

  24. 这出戏在百老汇连续演出了半年。

    The play ran for six months in Broadway.

  25. 他最成功的百老汇音乐剧是1946年的安妮,拿着你的枪。

    His most successful Broadway musical was Annie, Get Your Gun in 1946.

  26. 在此后的十五年中,她分别在百老汇和歌舞杂耍中演出。

    For the next fifteen years she sang and danced in both Broadway and vaudeville shows.

  27. 一年前, 我爱你成为首部翻译成中文的外国百老汇戏剧。

    A year ago, I Love You, Youre Perfect, Now Change became the first offBroadway production to be translated into Mandarin.

  28. 游百里老界岭,观千年恐龙蛋。

    Tours hundred mile old range, observes the millennium dinosaur egg.

  29. 这种最老的制取硫酸的方法距今已有五百多年历史了。

    This archaic process of sulfuric acid making enjoys a history of more than 500 years up to now.

