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中央有孔的圆形佩玉:~佩。圈形的东西:~形。连~。铁~。花~。耳~。围绕:~视。~顾。~拜。~海。~球。~行(xíng )。日~食。相互联系的许多事物中的一个:重要的一~。险象~生。量词,用于记录射击环靶的成绩:今天打了十~。姓。……
汉语拼音:huán sù
Comparable drugs include ciprofloxacin, doxycycline and ampicillin, but prulifloxacin only needs to be taken once a day for three days.
同类药物包括环丙沙星、多西环素、氨苄西林,但是普卢利沙星仅需要一天一次,连用三天。We review the common presentations of minocycline-induced pigmentation as well as some of the more unusual presentations.
我们回顾米诺环素引起的色素沉着,以及介绍一些更不寻常的常见症状。"The data suggests that minocycline may be a candidate to consider for human trials for JE patients, " write the authors.
这组作者写道:“这些数据提示可以考虑米诺环素成为人类乙脑临床实验的候选药物。”Objective To establish a turbidimetric method for the contents determination of minocycline hydrochloride capsule.
目的建立浊度法测定盐酸米诺环素胶囊的效价。Hydrochloric acid doxycycline element, streptomycin sulphate treatment group therapy effect is poor, other effect in general.
盐酸多西环素、硫酸链霉素给药组治疗结果差,其他结果普通。Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to vancomycin and Minocycline, While Gram-negative bacteria were sensitive to Meropenem and Imipenem.
G+球菌对万古霉素、米诺环素较为敏感,而G-杆菌对美洛培南和亚胺培南的敏感性较高。Few cases of fulminant liver failure in association with long term minocycline application have been reported.
几例长期应用米诺环素引起的肝衰竭被报告。Conclusion YiQing Capsules combined with Doxycycline Hydrochloride capsules for the treatment of acne vulgaris effective, few side-effect.
结论一清胶囊联合盐酸多西环素胶囊治疗寻常性痤疮有效,不良反应少。Conclusion The minocycline could ameliorate the brain edema after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion.