









汉语拼音:fú yīn shū






  1. On every other occasion in the Gospels, the word "follow" is only used in relation to following Christ.


  2. The Gospels contain countless stories in which he helps the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk.


  3. Peter was one of them, there were three of them, so Peter was there, and he's recalling that scene from the Gospels.


  4. We do not know where Matthew was when he wrote his Gospel.


  5. In the book of Matthew a tale is told about an employer who keeps recruiting guys to help him in the vineyard.


  6. One-sixth of the Gospels' content, including one out of every three parables, touches on stewardship .


  7. The other gospels say they were in a desert place where there was no food for them. It was late in the afternoon, almost night time.


  8. As you read through the gospels, you see over and over again the affirming words of the relationship that we have with God.


  9. According to the Gospels, he was a tax collector known as Levi when Jesus called him to be a disciple.


  1. 手按福音书宣誓

    gospel oath

  2. 本文档不是福音书。

    This document is not gospel.

  3. 福音书现代英文译本

    The Gospel in Modern English

  4. 为甚么有四卷福音书?

    Why are there four gospels?

  5. 朗诵福音书时, 自然要起立喽。

    Stand up at the gospel of course.

  6. 福音书人物的叙事学研究

    A Narratological Research on Characters in the Gospels

  7. 当你读四福音书的时候。

    When you read the Gospel accounts.

  8. 我必须说出福音书的真实性。

    I have to tangibilitate the Gospel.

  9. 保罗承认了耶稣基督福音书。

    Paul acknowledged the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  10. 你说福音书充满谎言和毒药。

    And that the words of the Gospels are nothing but lies and poison.

  11. 保罗讲道了耶稣基督福音书。

    Paul preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  12. 圣经的福音书里没有记载的耶稣的言辞

    sayings of Jesus not recorded in the canonical Gospels

  13. 福音书的名字是后来文士加上去的。

    The names in the Gospels were added by later scribes.

  14. 也许又从福音书传入守望的传统。

    Perhaps also from the Gospel it passed into the tradition of scouting.

  15. 他考虑了叙事顺序,考虑了要如何写福音书。

    He's thought about the order in which he puts it and he's thought about how he wants to write his Gospel.

  16. 使徒书信在新约中当作福音书收录的书信

    One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.

  17. 它是四福音书当中最为详尽细致的一部。

    It is the most detailed of the 4 Gospels.

  18. 你在这里会有一大堆机会学习福音书。

    There will be plenty of opportunities here for you to learn the Gospel.

  19. 从前有人称巴哈的大合唱为第五福音书。

    It has been said that Bach's cantatas represent the fifth Gospel.

  20. 我们不清楚马太在何时何处写的福音书。

    We do not know where Matthew was when he wrote his Gospel.

  21. 诗篇118篇中还有两节经在福音书中被引用。

    Psalm 118 contains two more verses are quoted in the gospels.

  22. 保姆的神话故事被当作福音书中的真理而接受。

    A nurses fairytales are accepted as the gospel truth.

  23. 可是福音书只是种种意想不到的事情的汇编罢了。

    But the gospel is simply a catalogue of unexpected things.

  24. 他曾在这里向不信教的当地人宣讲福音书。

    He preached the Gospel to the heathen locals from this spot.

  25. 这是在四本福音书唯一都提到的神迹。

    This is the only miracle mentioned in all four Gospels.

  26. 正典主要由四福音书,还有使徒书信组成。

    The Canon was comprised mainly of the four Gospels and letters of the apostles.

  27. 出于这样的担心,耶鲁没有买下这份福音书。

    Yale passed on purchasing the Gospel because of such concerns.

  28. 在一些教堂做仪式时朗诵或吟唱福音书的人

    One who reads or sings the Gospel as part of a church service.

  29. 这部福音书的年代似乎与以上新文本残片相同。

    It seems to date from the same time as the new text.

  30. 历史学家在对福音书里记载的历史事件进行考证。

    Historians are researching the historic events recorded in the Gospel.


  1. 问:福音书拼音怎么拼?福音书的读音是什么?福音书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:福音书的读音是Fúyīnshū,福音书翻译成英文是 The Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gosp...

  2. 问:福音书作者约翰拼音怎么拼?福音书作者约翰的读音是什么?福音书作者约翰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:福音书作者约翰的读音是,福音书作者约翰翻译成英文是 John the Evangelist