







汉语拼音:kuáng jiào








  1. 发狂似地大叫。

    《法苑珠林》卷九:“设遇饮食,亦不能受饥渴所恼,狂叫乱奔。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·音律》:“使 王实甫 復生,看演此剧,非狂叫怒駡,索改本而付之祝融;即痛哭流涕,对原本而悲其不幸矣。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“当他走进了大客厅前面的时候,听得汽车的喇叭呜呜地狂叫。”



  1. Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice.


  2. Now many years have passed but the image of myself with a beggar's pole trying to fend off a bunch of barking dogs still haunts me.


  3. "I said if I have to haul us kicking and screaming into single-digit interest rates, I'll do it, " he recalls.


  4. The children bellowed out with excitement as their father came home in a new car.


  5. Does the dog know the proverb, too? The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.


  6. Do not forget the clamor of your foes, the continuous uproar of your enemies.


  7. Although "dog of Shu barking at the sun" tells that the dog barks on seeing the sun, in fact, it also barks when not seeing the sun.


  8. A no-nonsense attendant in rainboots took us past rows of barking dogs, many big and scary, at least to me.


  9. A small, two-seaterairplane flew close to her house, so close that the windows rattled and her dog, Tippy, barked.


  1. 台下的群众开始狂叫。

    And the manic roar of the crowd begins.

  2. 他拖着我的毯子狂叫。

    He was pulling at my blankets and barking.

  3. 那条狗突然对邮差狂叫起来。

    The dog suddenly turned on the mailman.

  4. 我们因狂叫不已而嗓子哑了。

    We lost our voice from screaming our heads off.

  5. 他向狂叫的狗扔出一块石头。

    He pegged a stone at the barking dog.

  6. 原先在哭的那个病人现在已经变成狂叫了。

    The patient who had been weeping had begun to scream now.

  7. 他们不会让你这么狂叫一声而不惩罚你的。

    They could not let such an outburst go unpunished.

  8. 看到了吗?嗯?现在拜托别再惊呼狂叫了好吗?

    See? Ok? Now could you please stop shouting?

  9. 今天我家的狗对着院子里一只松鼠狂叫。

    Today, my dog was barking at a squirrel in the yard.

  10. 邻居的狗突然狂叫起来,可能是只松鼠惊动了它。

    The neighbors dog howls. No doubt a squirrel.

  11. 他拦在卡车前坐着狂叫,直到车子停下来才罢休

    He sat in front of it and barked until it came to a halt.

  12. 千万不要忘了你敌人的喧嚣,和反抗你的人们不断的狂叫。

    Do not forget the clamor of your foes, the continuous uproar of your enemies.

  13. 此后不久,马克经常会在半夜三更惊醒,然后就大声狂叫。

    Pretty soon Mark got so he would wake up at night and scream.

  14. 震耳的音乐响起时,她狂叫,接著对著麦克风嘶吼出歌词。

    When the loud music starts, the girl snarls before belting her first lyrics into the microphone.

  15. 最近,隔壁邻居家的狗经常在半夜狂叫,弄得我睡不好觉。

    Recently, my neighbor's dog often barks at night, I can hardly sleep.

  16. 想像一下, 电梯门打开后, 一条狗突然跑出来冲你狂叫的情形。

    Imagine the elevator door opening and a dog running out and barking at you.

  17. 我们叫他政治狂。

    We call him a politics fanatic.

  18. 这种想法叫人发狂。

    The thought is maddening.

  19. 他叫大家发起狂来。

    He carried the others off their feet.

  20. 皑皑白雪,一望无际,四处静悄悄的一片,叫人欣喜若狂。

    It was a silence and a sheer whiteness exhilarating to madress.

  21. 一名狂叫的疯子阻塞了交通。

    Traffic was stopped by a deranged man shouting at the sky.

  22. 事故之后传来一片狂叫声。

    Frenetic screams followed the accident.

  23. 事故之后传来一片狂叫声。

    Frenetic screams followed the accident.

  24. 月亮是不会理会狗的狂叫的。

    The moon does not heed the barking dogs.

  25. 他叫大家发起狂来。这种病我们叫做偏执狂。医生说道。

    He carried the others off their feet. It is the sort of malady which we call monomania, said the doctor.

  26. 如果有人将书掉在地板上, 佳丽更是吠叫得发狂。

    If someone drops a book on the floor, Callie goes into a barking frenzy.

  27. 老黄开始饶着桌边狂叫和跑着。

    Old yellow starts barking and running around the table.

  28. 那条大狗呲着牙狂叫着向他们冲了过来。

    The huge dog bore down on them with bared fangs and barking murderously.

  29. 那条大狗呲着牙狂叫着向他们冲了过来。

    The huge dog bore down on them with bared fangs and barking murderously.

  30. 听狗不停地狂叫和被狗咬伤一样糟糕。

    His bark is definitely as bad as his bite.