


年纪大,时间长,有经验,陈旧的:~当益壮。~朋友。~练。~化。少年~成。~马识途。对年纪大的人的尊称:吴~。~人家。~大爷。极,很:~早。~羞成怒。老年人:敬~院。扶~携幼。~有所为(wéi )。晚年:~年。~境。敬老,养老:“~吾老,以及……








汉语拼音:lǎo dōng xī








  1. 詈词。称老年人。

    《儿女英雄传》第四十回:“説着,这才问多少日子了,一面又抱怨两妈妈説:‘这个老东西,怎么也不先透给我个信儿呢?’” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·钟》:“没有忘记他的人只有两个吧,一个是 大秋 ,一个是 林德贵 那老东西。” 徐迟 《精神分析》:“ 黄秘书 心里也在想,这老东西今天分明得意非凡。”



  1. He curled up and sighed as the others said, "The only place you're going to find that is in your dreams, old man. "


  2. With that pair of pigeons, she has eaten enough for two days, the poor old thing.


  3. The last piece is an old thing in Longquan, exquisite! Few! Good collection!


  4. Li Yi Niang listens to ought match, the heart namely next but dingy to scold, since is a good matter, you old thing how not the house go.


  5. And when it diverts from what you want , we prioritize risk , we evaluate not just the new stuff, but the old stuff .


  6. Your chart shows a step up, not a lateral move to the same old thing you did before, so don't settle for anything less, dear Aries!


  7. This creature cannot be a witch, or have any conversation with a spirit.


  8. A mace. It should be old, but I don't know what extent it is.


  9. Old caved stone Real old things are so cool!


  1. 听着没有,老东西!

    Hear that, old witch ?

  2. 你是说这个老东西。

    You mean this old thing.

  3. 你本来就是个老东西。

    You are an old character.

  4. 这个老东西能帮什么忙?

    How can this old one help ?

  5. 他真是个烦人的老东西。

    He's just a boring old fart.

  6. 老石刻真正的老东西, 就是酷!

    Old caved stone Real old things are so cool!

  7. 那就是老东西的美妙之处。

    That's the beauty of old things.

  8. 过来捉我呀,你这个老东西。

    Come and get me, you old codfish!

  9. 遗憾的是,这老东西恰好是我的丈夫。

    That old son of a bitch happens to be my husband.

  10. 噢, 住嘴, 你这令人厌恶的老东西!

    Oh, shut up, you old douche bag!

  11. 看看这个卑鄙下流邋遢自私得老东西!

    Look at this old grubby filthy and selfish doggie!

  12. 看看这个卑鄙下流邋遢自私的老东西!

    Look at this old grubby filthy and selfish doggie!

  13. 最后一把, 龙泉的老东西, 精!少!好收藏!

    The last piece is an old thing in Longquan, exquisite! Few! Good collection!

  14. 可我还没有换衣服呢。我看去像个老东西。

    Now I've nothing and undressed. I look like an old character.

  15. 我喜欢老东西和古典家具,这很好地代表了我。

    I like old bones and classic furniture, and this kind of represents me very well.

  16. 一把锏, 应该是老东西, 但老到什么程度就不清楚了。

    A mace. It should be old, but I dont know what extent it is.

  17. 爬开, 老东西!你得上司什么都可以是, 就不是英雄!

    Stand down, rust boss is a lot of things but hero is not one of them.

  18. 爬开,老东西!你的上司什么都可以是,就不是英雄!

    Stand down, rust boss is a lot of things but hero is not one of them.

  19. 这个老东西不会是个女巫,也不会同精灵有什么对话。

    This creature cannot be a witch, or have any conversation with a spirit.

  20. 这个老东西绝不会是个女巫, 绝不会同什么精灵有关系。

    This creature cannot be a witch, or have any conversation with a spirit.

  21. 有什么东西老在叮我的脚指头。

    There's something flicking around my toes.

  22. 有什么东西老在叮我得脚指头。

    There's something flicking around my toes.

  23. 为什么没吃东西老是觉的肚子很胀?

    The gut that why to take a thing to often become aware very bilge?

  24. 爸爸东西老是乱放, 大家都说他健忘。

    Dad always misplaces his stuff. Everybody says that his memory is like a sieve.

  25. 爸爸东西老是乱放,大家都说他非常健忘。

    Daddy always misplaces his stuff. Everybody says his a sieve.

  26. 他怎么老丢东西啊?

    Why is he always losing things?

  27. 这铁拐李怎么老丢东西?

    How did Tieguai Li always lose things?

  28. 东西老,品相好,攒的技术太劣,不如单展示矛头效果好。

    Old thing, good appearance, bad assemblage technique, not good as showing the single lance head.

  29. 我时常感到自己看到所有的东西老憋再胸中, 胀的难受。

    I often feel saw all that old suppress again, the expansion chest.

  30. 拉格菲尔德并不为任何老旧东西所拖累。

    Mr. Lagerfeld does not suffer any of this old business.