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1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……
汉语拼音:shèng táng
上古帝王 唐尧 的时代。
南朝 齐 谢朓 《出藩曲》:“鐃音《巴渝曲》,簫鼓盛 唐 歌。”《隋书·音乐志中》:“曲高大 夏 ,声和盛 唐 。”
尊颂 唐 王朝之词。
唐 李百药 《赞道赋》:“赫矣盛 唐 ,大哉灵庆。”
唐 代自 开元 至 大历 间,为 唐 诗的全盛时期, 唐 诗分期者称为盛 唐 ,有著名诗人 王维 、 孟浩然 、 李白 、 杜甫 、 高适 、 岑参 等。
宋 严羽 《沧浪诗话·诗辨》:“诗者,吟咏情性也。盛 唐 诗人,惟在兴趣,羚羊掛角,无跡可求。”
If it is with Tang ratio, it is not enough to make gas the late Tang Dynasty.
如果是跟盛唐比,晚唐是不够尽气了。During the early Tang Dynasty, the poet school of Wuyue headed by the "Four Scholars of Wu Zhong" , achieved great fame in the capital.
初、盛唐间,一群以“吴中四士”为首的吴越诗人名扬京城,组成了一个相当规模的吴越诗人群体。Li Bais cultural orientation reflects the time spirit and vogue of the scholars-bureaucrats of the flourishing Tang Dynasty.
李白的文化取向是盛唐士风和时代精神的映射。natural beauty is the Tang poetry solemn strains of a major aesthetic appearance.
自然美雄浑悲壮是盛唐诗歌的一大美学风貌。Wang Wei, a representative writer in the Tang's pastoral poetry, is knew as a "poetry buddha" because of his very Zen poem of moods.
王维是盛唐山水田园诗派的代表作家,由于其诗中颇具禅宗之意境而被誉为“诗佛”。Tang Dynasty is a period of great prosperity in which plenty of frontier fortress poems were written.
唐代是边塞诗发展的极盛时期,中唐大历十才子和盛唐边塞诗派都写作了大量的边塞诗作。The climax of the Tang Dynasty was a golden period in the development of Chinese dance, and it was also the prime time of the Jiyue dance.
盛唐是我国舞蹈发展史上的黄金时代,也是伎乐舞蹈的全盛时期。His scenic poems were grandiose and impressive, giving a grandeur of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.
他是盛唐诗人创作惟一可分为前后两期的诗人。It was in Flouring Tang Dynasty that the aesthetic tendency was popular.