







汉语拼音:xiǎn qíng








  1. 邪恶之心。


  2. 危险的情况。




  1. Parker describes the early '80s as a frantic time, with the company going through "some choppy water within a general industry malaise. "


  2. Teach the child how to get out of the house in an emergency like a fire.


  3. A firefighter makes his way through knee-deep water as he checks flooding conditions on Gordon Place in Freeport, New York, Sept.


  4. Safety meeting records did not indicate topics discussed . No near miss had been recorded for the last two years .


  5. After repair, armed police officers and soldiers rushed in earth-rock covered the surface soakage burst, effectively controlled.


  6. And her husband should have been interrupted to be told about an airplane scare that sent her hurrying for cover in an underground bunker.


  7. I am owed and savor the halcyon times. They reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that I can thrive.


  8. As to whether the landing gear of the danger, he said inconvenient.


  9. But he was still dizzy with the glimpse of the precipice they had skirted, and full of a new awe at the mystery of young-girlhood.


  1. 险情的结束

    End Of The Adventure!

  2. 那真是一次险情。

    That was quite an adventure.

  3. 那次探险险情四伏。

    The expedition was beset with dangers.

  4. 谎报险情,制造混乱的。

    Making false reports of dangerous situations and fomenting chaos.

  5. 注意!海岛夜钓得险情

    Attention! The Angling Danger in Night

  6. 注意!海岛夜钓的险情

    Attention! The Angling Danger in Night

  7. 你幸好及时发现了险情。

    You were lucky you spotted the danger in time.

  8. 旅客中无人觉察到险情。

    None of the passengers were aware of the danger.

  9. 水位飞涨, 大堤出现险情。

    The water level kept rising and the dykes were in peril.

  10. 探测早期火灾险情并自动报警。

    Potential Early Fire Detect and Auto Alarm.

  11. 他是第一个发现险情的人。

    He was the first to spot the danger.

  12. 飞机起飞不久就遇到重大险情。

    The plane ran into serious trouble soon after takeoff.

  13. 河水不断上涨,大堤出现险情。

    The river keeps rising and the dam is threatened.

  14. 出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。

    This unit always bears the brunt of any danger.

  15. 出现险情时,这支部队总是首当其冲。

    This unit always bears the brunt of any danger.

  16. 听到大坝出现险情,她心里一惊。

    She startled at the news that the dyke was in danger.

  17. 他以为暴风雨的险情已经过去了。

    He thought the crisis of the storm had passed.

  18. 去年我们街上也出现过类似险情。

    Last year we had a similar scare on our street.

  19. 这也足见大禹治理水患险情得高明。

    This also indicates Da Yu to govern the flood situation wise.

  20. 这也足见大禹治理水患险情的高明。

    This also indicates Da Yu to govern the flood situation wise.

  21. 他昨天夜里因开车造成险情而被拘留。

    He was run in for dangerous driving last night.

  22. 只有红灯闪亮时才有危及职工的险情。

    Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.

  23. 最后, 他认为避险情绪似乎有所消退。

    Finally, risk aversion seems to have receded.

  24. 床帐通过无线电报告轮船上遭遇了险情。

    The skaters moved over the ice with a smooth, effortless grace.

  25. 至于险情是否与起落架有关, 他不方便透露。

    As to whether the landing gear of the danger, he said inconvenient.

  26. 死亡威胁着村民,但他们果断地对付险情。

    Death endangered the villages, but they dealt with the dangerous situation decidedly.

  27. 汛期堤身裂缝险情的诊断与抢护方法

    The diagnosis on the dike crack danger and reinforcement methods of dike

  28. 我们的确排除了险情, 关上了那个主门。

    We indeed removed the dangerous situation, closed that main gate.

  29. 只要红灯一亮,就表示有危及职工的险情。

    Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.

  30. 溃坝险情中除漫顶外,渗流险情也较为突出。

    Seepage risk is also obvious in dambreak risk except overtopping.


  1. 问:险情拼音怎么拼?险情的读音是什么?险情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:险情的读音是xiǎnqíng,险情翻译成英文是 hazard

  2. 问:险情接受决策拼音怎么拼?险情接受决策的读音是什么?险情接受决策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:险情接受决策的读音是xiǎn qíng jiē shòu jué cè,险情接受决策翻译成英文是 risk acceptance decision making