







汉语拼音:sù jiù






  1. 犹速成。

    《太平广记》卷五引《仙传拾遗·王次仲》:“﹝ 王次仲 ﹞以为世之篆文,功多而用寡,难以速就。” 元 王祯 《耨》诗:“曾闻傴僂翁,功毋求速就。” 郭沫若 《纪念碑性的建国史诗之期待》:“伟大的成品决不能一朝一夕便可以完成,我们也不希望它有那样的速就。”



  1. We see that it was so green and as long as you put rubber on the track, lap times improve a lot and the balance improves a lot as well.


  1. 要是它失速了,就失控了。

    Or it'll stall, and you'll lose control.

  2. 就本定单,请尽速处理。

    Your prompt attention to this order would be appreciated.

  3. 现在我们就开始我们的极速之旅!

    Now we begin our journey speed!

  4. 现在我们就开始我们得极速之旅!

    Now we begin our journey speed!

  5. 亚速尔群岛就成为他的囊中物了。

    The Azores will be in his palm.

  6. 实际的速度就是半径乘以角速度。

    The actual speed is the radius times angular velocity.

  7. 天黑时,要照相你就需要慢速曝光。

    When it is dark, you need a slow exposure in take a photograph.

  8. 想,速食面当主食的年代,主食也就可有可无了。

    Thought the instant noodles worked as staple food the age the staple food are also dispensable.

  9. 毕竟,这个增速本身就是本年度的目标。

    After all, that's the target for the year.

  10. 特别速他强壮健美得大腿, 他就素偶得小兽兽。

    The guy is big, has strong legs, and he's a beast.

  11. 就牵扯到变速箱的速比和差速器的速比。

    Involves to gear box's transmission ratio and differential device's transmission ratio.

  12. 特别速他强壮健美的大腿,他就素偶的小兽兽。

    The guy is big, has strong legs, and he's a beast.

  13. 玩花式足球就是为了速忧,完整是为了快活。

    Football freestyle is about having fun, jordan shoes, it's all what having fun.

  14. 几年以来, 我就发现了超慢速阅读妙用无穷。

    I discovered its worth years ago.

  15. 极速滑雪者的一天总是很早就开始了。

    The extreme skier's day always begins early.

  16. 新闻业就是奔波着续写历史,我们便记录着这步速。

    Journalism is history written on the run and we record the race.

  17. 我觉得这种步速跑起来轻松, 所以我就决定保持这种速度。

    The pace was comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was.

  18. 假如让滑动物运动,就可以看到它的运动是恒速的。

    If the glider is set in motion, it is observed to move at a constant speed.

  19. 他现年20岁,他的教练说,他就像没有二档的五速引擎。

    At 20,his coach says,he is like a five speed engine with no second gear.

  20. 速食食品,即溶饮料经过简短准备就可食用的食品或饮料

    A food or beverage designed for quick preparation.

  21. 他们最终的目的是为了迫使清政府就范,速定和约。

    Their ultimate and real aim is to force Qing government to submit, to sign the treaty immediately.

  22. 卡巴拉健抵达第一个洞时就打开了灯光,并减了速。

    Kabaraijian switched his on as as they hit the first cave, and slowed.

  23. 当它潜水时, 它的心跳速度就减慢到正常心速的一半。

    When it dives its heart slows to half its normal speed.

  24. 以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语经济报道的全部内容。

    And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report.

  25. 你的贫穷就必如强盗速来, 你的缺乏仿佛拿兵器的人来到。

    So shall your poverty come as one that travel, and your want as an armed man.

  26. 宠爱他的父母在他13岁时就给他买了第一辆竞速自行车。

    His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13.

  27. 你的贪穷就必如强盗速来, 你的缺乏仿佛拿兵器的人来到。

    So shall thy poverty come as one that traveller and thy want as an armed man.

  28. 再不从速答复就解雇他。

    that if he did not reply soon he would be fired.

  29. 就可以保证他们的财富 可以和经济等速增长。

    that their wealth rises as fast as the size of the economy.