







汉语拼音:xiě shǒu







  1. 抄手,抄胥。

    清 顾炎武 《答俞右吉书》:“因乏写手,一时未得奉寄。”

  2. 擅长写字或写文章的人。

    陆文夫 《不平者》:“ 王大爷 嘴快,说起当初如何去请那个写手写了一份状子,那状子里写了些什么东西。”



  1. I don't see how such a fine writer could slight any valid startup in such a blatant fashion.


  2. But by promising the project in a week and failing to deliver, the freelancer has lost future trust with the client.


  3. This was just a PRE-beta release that was given out at a trade show so writers would write about the new version.


  4. We'll pick six winners to receive a signed copy of "It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous &Obscure. "


  5. A former Reagan speechwriter says Obama is like The Great Communicator in his style, oratory, and temperament.


  6. Reading a blog can become as much of a habit as checking email, a new study looking at readers, rather than bloggers, suggests.


  7. Even the Daily Mail sketch-writer Quentin Letts once confessed: "Jesus preached fairness - you could almost call him a lefty. "


  8. I was a fledgling writer at the time of our introduction, just about to publish my first novel.


  9. A few other techniques you might find in a speech writer's toolbox might be the use of imagery, anecdotes and head rhyme .


  1. 一个小报写手披露了此事。

    A tabloid hack uncovered the story.

  2. 我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。

    I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant.

  3. 然而,博客写手的成功正挑战上述观点。

    Success, however, is challenging that image.

  4. 我是红袖添香小说网言情小说新人写手。

    I am the red sleeve add the fragrant novel network love story new person writer.

  5. 你是否有写手和项目经理,还是你和一个实习生?

    Do you have a team of writers and project managers, or you and an intern?

  6. 设想有一博客写手使用了知识共享许可协议。

    Imagine a blogger who uses a Creative Commons license.

  7. 以下给专业写手的三条建议对你也同样适用。

    Here are three ideas that guide professional resume writers and should guide you as well.

  8. 衰退期间涌现的商学院申请令论文写手大发横财。

    The runup in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.

  9. 一位自称劳伦斯先生的博客写手是一位代课老师。

    A blogger who calls himself Mister Lawrence works as a substitute teacher.

  10. 在一些人看来,网络成了年轻写手彰显叛逆的媒介。

    In someones opinions, the keyboard becomes a medium of expression for the young writers rebelliousness.

  11. 专业抄袭写手可能会被送上民事法庭,并被勒令赔偿损失。

    ProfessioalProfessional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages.

  12. 其中一位论文写手说,他的客户已经进入了顶级院校了。

    One of those essay writers says his clients have gotten into top programs.

  13. 手写印刷体

    print hand.

  14. 联机手写签名

    on line signature.

  15. 手写数字图像

    handwritten digits.

  16. 动态手写签名

    dynamic handwritten signature.

  17. 连续手写中文

    continuous handwriting Chinese

  18. 手写中文字符

    handwritten Chinese character.

  19. 联机手写识别

    Online handwriting recognition.

  20. 自由手写识别

    Handwriting cursive recognition

  21. 手写数字分割

    Handwritten numerals segmentation.

  22. 手写签名认证

    handwritten signature verification.

  23. 手写字符分割

    handwritten characters segmentation.

  24. 手写输入计算机

    clipboard computer

  25. 手写印刷体数字

    handprinted numeral

  26. 汉字手写输入

    Chinese character handwriting input method

  27. 繁体手写汉字

    traditional Chinese handwritten character.

  28. 手写的笔划

    handwritten stroke.

  29. 孟加拉手写数字

    handwritten Bangla numerals

  30. 这是手写的。

    It was written by hand.