


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……





汉语拼音:xiàng fǎ






  1. 佛教语。正、像、末“三时”之一。谓佛去世久远,与“正法”相似的佛法。其时道化讹替,虽有教有行而无证果者。“像法”的时限说法不一。一般认为在佛去世五百年后的一千年之间。见《大集经》。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《山居赋》:“析旷劫之微言,説像法之微旨。”《旧唐书·高祖纪》:“自 觉王 迁谢,像法流行,末代陵迟,渐以亏滥。” 宋 王禹偁 《<左街僧录通惠大师文集>序》:“像法修明,緇徒整戢。” 清 龚自珍 《支那古德遗书序》:“晚 唐 以还,像法渐谢,则有斥经论用 曹溪 者,则有祖 曹溪 并失夫 曹溪 之解行者,愈降愈滥,愈诞愈易。”



  1. Like Horyu-ji and Todai-ji, the great majority of Japan's structures that have entered UNESCO's World Heritage Site ranks are made of wood.


  2. "It is like having a Ferrari body with a Fiat Cinquecento engine inside, " she says.


  3. ATMOSPHERE More downtown Manhattan than downtown Flushing.


  4. Did they -- like Faten -- try to find a way out ? There would have been few escape routes available, even if they had gone looking.


  5. Small Midwestern cities such as Fargo, North Dakota, have experienced higher than average population and job growth over the past decade.


  6. Still, we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that Chinese companies are incapable of branding.


  7. And, would you really want to look like Fabio anyway?


  8. Players like Fabian Boll who have a job on the side and an education are a very rare exception these days.


  9. A Research on Concatenated Image Problems in the Presence of a Conductor and a Dielectric


  1. 温度照像法

    thermographg method.

  2. 化学显像法

    chemical development.

  3. 地震映像法

    seismic imaging method.

  4. 微粒显像法

    fine grain development.

  5. 平面表像法

    planar displaying method.

  6. 液体显像法

    liquid immersion development.

  7. 炭素印像法

    carbon process.

  8. 炭纸印像法

    carbon process.

  9. 层析成像法

    tomography method.

  10. 狭缝聚像法

    slit focusing method.

  11. 地电成像法

    geoelectricity imaging.

  12. 红外热像法

    infrared thermal image method.

  13. 樱草素印像法

    primuline printing process.

  14. 男人像爆米花,怎麽个像法?

    Why are men like popcorn?

  15. 频域反卷积成像法

    Frequency Domain Deconvolution Imaging

  16. 关于薄透镜作图求像法的讨论

    On the Methods of Making Ray Pictures to Obtain Thin Lens'Image

  17. 我们需要改变我们像法利赛人的地方。

    We need to change the ways we are like Pharisees.

  18. 源像法在平板弯曲边界元法中的应用

    Application of image method for plate flexure problems in boundary element technique

  19. 多媒体技术在频闪照像法实验中的应用

    Application of multimedium technology in experiment of stroboscopic photography

  20. 还有, 你会真的要看起来像法比奥吗?

    And, would you really want to look like Fabio anyway?

  21. 平面表像法在钻头刃磨参数优化中的应用

    The point grinding parameters optimization of twist drills by planar displaying method.

  22. 层析成像法监测粮仓粮食水分分布的仿真研究

    Using Tomographic Technique to Monitor Moisture Distribution of Grain in Barn

  23. 同时存在导体和电介质的边界时电像法问题研究

    A Research on Concatenated Image Problems in the Presence of a Conductor and a Dielectric

  24. 互补色分像法立体电视系统简便实用,利于推广普及。

    The anaglyph stereoscopic TV system is Simple, practical and easy to be popularized.

  25. 瞬态瑞雷波及地震映像法在海堤检测中的应用

    Applications of Methods of Transient Surface Wave and Seismic Image to the Inspection of Sea Wall

  26. 利用映像法提出了面杂波回波模型以及模拟方法。

    Then using the mapping method, the model of surface clutter echo and method for simulation are proposed.

  27. 用电像法研究带电导体球与点电荷作用的场强

    Field Intensity Affecfed by Electric Conductor Ball and Dot Electric Charges by Using the Law of Electricity Image

  28. 我昨天一晚上都在像法斯布抛媚眼, 他居然完全忽视我。

    I was hitting on Foosball all night and he was totally ignoring me.

  29. 在这年代,像法佛尔打四分卫这样的拼命三郎态度非常少见。

    Favre played quarterback with abandon we seldom see in this day and age.