


1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……





汉语拼音:zhǒng zāi






  1. 犹栽种。

    宋 丘崈 《沁园春》词:“楼上盈盈,闺中脉脉,应念胡麻好种栽。”



  1. Technique of Improved Variety Selection and Storage of the Tuber of Pinellia


  1. 半夏的良种选择与种栽贮藏催芽技术

    Technique of Improved Variety Selection and Storage of the Tuber of Pinellia

  2. 探明了种栽和块茎切段的等级与药材产量和品质的关系。

    The relationship between grade of head parts and segments of tuber and yield and qulity has been proved.

  3. 甜瓜小拱棚栽培品种比较试验

    A comparative experiment on muskmelon cultivars under plastic tunnel planting.

  4. 本种是作为嫁接梨栽培品种的股票使用的通常。

    This species is often used as stock to graft pear cultivars.

  5. 你可以花上几个小时到处逛逛,看看能否找到什么容易种的东西栽到你的花园里。

    You can spend hours just browsing to find good ideas to easily put into your garden.

  6. 棉属二倍体野生棉与四倍体栽培棉种间杂交的胚珠培养

    Ovule Culture of Interspecific Hybrids from Diploid Wild Cotton X Tetraploid Cultivars and the Embryo and Seedling Development

  7. 地黄传统种植方法是用小生地作种栽,进行无性繁殖。

    The traditional cultivated method of Rehmannia glutinosa is the asexual reproduction that small rhizomes are used as materials of reproduction.

  8. 这是一种易栽的花。

    This is a kind of flowers easy to grow.

  9. 你种树,我栽花,快把北京来绿化。

    You plant trees, I Zhihua, Kuaiba Beijing to Green.

  10. 上海不种麦子,到了芒种时节,我们得抓紧栽插。

    Shanghai does not grow wheat, to the Grain in Ear season, we have to pay close attention to planting.

  11. 不同栽培居群广藿香的种内遗传多样性研究

    Study on intraspecific genetic diversity in different plant populations of Pogostemon cabli

  12. 一种栽培甘蓝的野生原型,常见于欧洲沿海各地。

    Wild original of cultivated cabbages; common in western coastal Europe.

  13. 锯末软化栽培法是一种简单实用的无土软化栽培方法。

    It is a simple but practical way of soilless and blanching culture of chicory.

  14. 锯末软化栽培法是一种简单实用得无土软化栽培方法。

    It is a simple but practical way of soilless and blanching culture of chicory.

  15. 常见于谷地的一种一年生欧洲罂粟,通常为人工栽培。

    Annual European poppy common in grain fields and often cultivated.

  16. 福禄考属植物及其主要栽培种的园艺学研究进展

    Recent Advances in Horticultural Studies of Phlox and Its Major Cultivated Species

  17. 别在我的坟前种玫瑰,或栽柏树来遮阴蔽雨。

    plant thou no roses at my head, No shady cypress tree.

  18. 地中海的一种树,因其可食用的果实而广泛栽培。

    A tropical American evergreen tree widely cultivated for its edible nutlike kernels.

  19. 我国栽培芍药与几个近缘种的数量分类学研究

    Study on Numerical Taxonomy of Chinese Cultivated Herbaceous Peonies and Its Related Wild Species

  20. 五岭以南最常见的栽培种金橘, 果椭圆形, 皮甜肉酸。

    The Five Ridges with south the commonnest help advance somebody's career kind of cumquat, fruit is elliptic, pi Tian flesh is acerbity.

  21. 采用灰色关联分析法综合评价国内主栽山药品种

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of Main Chinese Yam Varieties in Northern China by Grey Relativity Analysis Method

  22. 水分胁迫条件下不同栽培居群菘蓝中4种有机酸得变化

    Effect of water stress on content of four organic acids in different cultivated populations of Isatis indigotica.

  23. 任何一种热带美洲植物,由于艳丽的树叶和花朵而被栽培。

    Any of various tropical American plants cultivated for their showy foliage and flowers.

  24. 水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想得一种水稻移栽机械。

    It will be an ideal rice transplanting machine at present.

  25. 水稻钵苗行栽机是目前较为理想的一种水稻移栽机械。

    It will be an ideal rice transplanting machine at present.

  26. 水分胁迫条件下不同栽培居群菘蓝中4种有机酸的变化

    Effect of water stress on content of four organic acids in different cultivated populations of Isatis indigotica

  27. 此基因在烟草栽培种中是一个含有五条基因的小基因家族。

    The gene family encoding this enzyme is constituted by five genes.

  28. 每三四个女孩分一小块地,负责种蔬菜、栽花和除草。

    Each girl shared a small plot with two or three others, where they grew vegetables and flowers, and kept the weeds at bay.

  29. 目前分盆景矮化栽培和果树嫁接栽培两种。

    Cent miniascape is at present short change help advance somebody's career with fruiter engraft two kinds.

  30. 李园生草栽培是李树有机栽培的一种重要模式。

    Sown grass in plum orchard is an important organic cultivation model.