


牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……


1. 累 [léi]2. 累 [lěi]3. 累 [lèi]累 [léi]〔~~〕a.连续成串,如“果实~~”;b.颓丧的样子,如“~~若丧家之犬”。〔~赘〕a.多余,不简洁,如“文字~~”;b.使人感到多余或麻烦的事物,如“负重登高,不胜……



汉语拼音:tuō lěi








  1. 连累;牵累。

    《儒林外史》第五十回:“ 秦中书 听了这个话,叹了一口气,道:‘这都是好亲家拖累这一场,如今却也没法了!’” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·驭衙役》:“尤可恨者,花户钱粮,年年听其包揽,里社吞声赔纳,官吏少有拂意,挑唆无赖叩閽,动輒拖累多人。” 张恨水 《啼笑因缘》第二二回:“ 沉大娘 垂泪道:‘我让这孩子拖累得不得了,若有养病的地方,就送她去吧!’” 康濯 《腊梅花·卫星嫂》:“要论孩子和家务的拖累,村里自然数她经见的最多。”



  1. The weak US economy has slowed China's exports somewhat but has not been a heavy drag on demand.


  2. The commotion in Europe was one factor tugging down stocks in the U. S. , where the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1. 6%.


  3. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you ain't what you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody.


  4. Cutting corners can be a false economy; a cheap handbag, one expert argues, can drag down the rest of a woman's outfit.


  5. Though America is still a source of demand for the rest of the world, its waning appetite has been a hefty drag on world economic growth.


  6. She would suffer in that sort of environment, and her illness would be an eternal burden on Cal.


  7. "Financial stress has been and continues to be a significant drag on the recovery, both here and abroad, " he said.


  8. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the housing slump will continue to be a drag on U. S. growth into next year.


  9. I did not want to hear that I could not set forth to seek Hallows with a fragile and unstable sister in tow.


  1. 别拖累我们。

    Don't slow us down.

  2. 别拖累我们。

    Don't slow us down.

  3. 无儿女的拖累

    without encumbrances.

  4. 你会拖累团队,团队

    A liability to the team. Team?

  5. 她被家务事拖累。

    She was cumbered with house hold cares.

  6. 子女过多是个拖累。

    Too many children are a burden.

  7. 没有限制或拖累的。

    Devoid of restrictions or encumbrances.

  8. 妈,他会拖累我的。

    Mom. listen, he's just gonna drag me down.

  9. 他不愿有家室拖累。

    He refused to lumber himself with a family.

  10. 妇女依然受到家务的拖累。

    Women are lumbered with the housework.

  11. 该商行为重税所拖累。

    The firm is burdened with taxation

  12. 他被一个大家庭所拖累。

    He is encumbered with a large family.

  13. 孤老汉, 拖累着个小孙女。

    A single old man can only be a burden on his granddaughter.

  14. 他跑得慢,拖累了全班。

    He ran slowly and dragged behind the whole class.

  15. 我可不想你拖累我的进度。

    I don't want youto slow me down.

  16. 他不想再拖累他的父母了。

    He did not want to drag his parents.

  17. 扩大贸易赤字作为经济的拖累。

    A widening trade deficit acts as a drag on the economy.

  18. 幼小的孩子可能是一种拖累。

    Young children can be a tie.

  19. 房贷也严重拖累了国内消费。

    Household debt is also a big drag on domestic consumption.

  20. 在一定程度上, 人类拖累了地球。

    To a certain extent, mankind encumbers the Earth.

  21. 你觉得小狗拖累你吗 利迪娅问。

    Do you feel fettered by your dog asked Lydia.

  22. 这个部门已经被金融债务拖累了。

    The department has been distressed by financial obligations.

  23. 我本人已经为极度的贫困所拖累。

    I have borne great poverty myself.

  24. 新的股票市场没有被传统所拖累。

    The new stock market was unhampered by tradition.

  25. 财政整固对经济的拖累日益减少。

    The drag from fiscal consolidation is diminishing.

  26. 南斯拉夫军队被种族主义拖累了。

    The Yugoslav Army was wracked by ethnic divisions.

  27. 你不能拖累女儿跟着自己这样受苦。

    You have a daughter you're dragging into all this.

  28. 住房严重拖累了美国就业的流动性。

    Housing is a far bigger drag on American job mobility.

  29. 由于受到笨重行李的拖累, 他走不快。

    Encumbered by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast.

  30. 由于受到笨重行李得拖累, 他走不快。

    Encumbered by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast.


  1. 问:拖累拼音怎么拼?拖累的读音是什么?拖累翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖累的读音是tuōlěi,拖累翻译成英文是 be a burden; implicate

  2. 问:拖累邻居拼音怎么拼?拖累邻居的读音是什么?拖累邻居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖累邻居的读音是,拖累邻居翻译成英文是 Slow Down Your Neighbors



基本解释拖累 (tuō lěi )连累;牵累例句我要努力变强才不会拖累他。没有行李的拖累,他们不久就可以追上马车。英文拖累ball and chain cumber with cumbrance drag encumber日文拖累tuōlěi厄介(やっかい)をかける,巻(ま)き添(ぞ)えを食(く)わす。出处:《儒林外史》第五十回:“ 秦中书 听了这个话,叹了一口气,道:‘这都是好亲家拖累这一场,如今却也没法了!’” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·驭衙役》:“尤可恨者,花户钱粮,年年听其包揽,里社吞声赔纳,官吏少有拂意,挑唆无赖叩阍,动辄拖累多人。” 张恨水 《啼笑因缘》第二二回:“ 沉大娘 垂泪道:‘我让这孩子拖累得不得了,若有养病的地方,就送她去吧!’” 康濯 《腊梅花·卫星嫂》:“要论孩子和家务的拖累,村里自然数她经见的最多。”