


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……


两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……



汉语拼音:diào pèi







  1. 调和,配合。

    萧军 《五月的矿山》第八章:“那些红红黄黄的油彩,确是调配得很鲜明。” 杨朔 《潼关之夜》:“现在,当他同堂倌说话时,声音仍然带着女性的气味,这和他的矫健的举动似乎不大调配。”

  2. 调动分配。

    柯岩 《奇异的书简·船长》:“因为他如不同意付大吊费,他就得到港口申请岸吊,同样得付费用,而且还得等着调配。”



  1. The old gentleman, not to be behind, brewed me a strong punch out of their country spirit.


  2. Easy to dyeing and color of the flower through provisioning dyes and heating rate reaches level dyeing effect.


  3. possible. It was a complication for the shunting yard, but, once it had been.


  4. Mix all this together with long-standing fears about outsourcing, and a potent brew can be concocted before the US mid-term elections.


  5. The preparation must be frozen in 4-8 degrees Celsius, and try to run out within a week.


  6. But now I have been used to for raw material, the grapes by fermentation, distillation, storage, mix wine called brandy.


  7. " Supplementary materials " means the excipients and additives used for the production and dispensing of pharmaceuticals.


  8. The product has a wonderful fragrance of mushroom and can been used in the preparation of flavoring essence.


  9. Such a combination of colours is really too off-beat for an old people's home.


  1. 装卸工调配

    loader scheduling.

  2. 调配劳动力

    deployment of labor force.

  3. 调配原材料

    allocation of raw materials.

  4. 车辆调配后援

    Motor pool backup.

  5. 合理调配劳动力

    rational deployment of manpower

  6. 为曲调配词

    setting words to a tune.

  7. 人事调配员

    personnel assistant.

  8. 精心调配的味道

    delicately balanced flavours

  9. 装卸工人调配问题

    loader scheduling problem

  10. 调配一种新菜

    to concoct a new dish

  11. 调配威士忌的秘方

    the secret formula for the blending of the whisky

  12. 调配某物用于某事

    to commit something to something

  13. 关于重新调配的事

    So this whole redeployment thing.

  14. 桂圆香精的调配技术

    Compounding of Longan Essence

  15. 这个时间怎么调配啊

    How do you coordinate your time

  16. 巫婆开始调配神奇药水。

    The witch began to make the magic potion.

  17. 他可能在车辆调配场

    He's probably at the motor pool.

  18. 小调配上优美的乐曲。

    a ditty married to a beautiful air.

  19. 番石榴香精的调配工艺

    The Manufacture of Guava Flavor

  20. 你们一定能调配这种酒。

    Surely you can mix the wine.

  21. 调配型酸豆奶饮料研制

    Development of formulated sour soybean milk drink

  22. 这些颜色能调配得很好。

    These colours mix well.

  23. 荔枝果露酒调配工艺研究

    A study on the technology of litchi liqueur

  24. 中药配方颗粒自动调配系统

    An Automatic Distributing System for Prescriptive Granules of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  25. 我也要回车辆调配场了

    Yeah, I got to get back to the motor pool.

  26. 他们的需求左右着调配的过程。

    Their demand steers the allocative process.

  27. 他们把我调到车辆调配场

    Well, they've got me on motor pool.

  28. 调配中心知道这里交通堵塞,对么

    Dispatch knows about this traffic, right.

  29. 药师在非处方药调配中的作用

    Pharmacy Consultation in OTC Medication Application and Purchasing

  30. 看看哪种调配爆炸威力大一些。

    and see which one blows up more.


  1. 问:调配拼音怎么拼?调配的读音是什么?调配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配的读音是diàopèi,调配翻译成英文是 deploy

  2. 问:调配拼音怎么拼?调配的读音是什么?调配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配的读音是tiáopèi,调配翻译成英文是 mix

  3. 问:调配牛奶拼音怎么拼?调配牛奶的读音是什么?调配牛奶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配牛奶的读音是diàopèiniúnǎi,调配牛奶翻译成英文是 toned milk

  4. 问:调配通知拼音怎么拼?调配通知的读音是什么?调配通知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配通知的读音是tiáo pèi tōng zhī,调配通知翻译成英文是 Advice of Allotment

  5. 问:调配下降时间拼音怎么拼?调配下降时间的读音是什么?调配下降时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配下降时间的读音是tiáo pèi xià jiàng shí jiān,调配下降时间翻译成英文是 scheduled downtime

  6. 问:调配消费网络拼音怎么拼?调配消费网络的读音是什么?调配消费网络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:调配消费网络的读音是tiáo pèi xiāo fèi wǎng luò,调配消费网络翻译成英文是 schedule cost network



基本解释 调配 diào pèi 调和;配合;调动分配 调配物质 调配 tiáo pèi 调和;配置;配合 调配色彩