




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:zhāo shù







  1. 武术上的动作。

    老舍 《老张的哲学》第三八:“﹝ 王德 ﹞天天到天桥、土地庙去看耍大刀舞花枪的把戏;暗中记了一些前遮后挡,钩挑拨刺的招数,这是他军事上的预备。”

  2. 比喻办法、手段。

    《十月》1981年第1期:“和 范氏碧 一起的几个女孩子大哭大闹了一场,这是她们所能施展的最后的招数了。”



  1. In fact, there are many more tricks that you did not know.


  2. He gave me a suplex and I blacked out for a minute.


  3. Hopefully these tips can help you get a bit more done, and keep you from pulling the hair out of your head.


  4. While leaving is an option, it's not the only one for coping with a bad boss.


  5. What was he supposed to do? Play no defensive tricks at all and simply allow anyone who fancied it having a pop at his lead?


  6. I could have done, in my waitering days, with some of the methods that, US researchers have found, make customers more likely to tip.


  7. High school to join a society, it is to spend at least eight hours a day practicing a variety of fancy tricks.


  8. comes complete with a special gimmick on bicycle stock and a full color , photo - illustrated instruction sheet.


  9. Though his investment in the stock- index option suffered heavy losses , it is far away from the stage to scrape the bottom of the barrel .


  1. 创新招数不多

    fewer innovation methods

  2. 三大招数应对停电

    The measures to deal with the power cut

  3. 他没有了反败为胜的招数。

    He is running out of aces.

  4. 一些新创的武士道招数吗

    Some kind of nouveau samurai code.

  5. 我不该偷学你的招数。

    I shouldn't have stolen your bit.

  6. 听着像萨维奇的惯用招数。

    That sounds like Savage's MO.

  7. 听着像萨维奇的惯用招数。

    That sounds like Savage's MO.

  8. 他采用了以攻为守的老招数。

    He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.

  9. 获得帮助或有助于小费或招数, 在

    Get help or contribute tips or tricks at

  10. 立竿见影增强自信七大招数之七

    Helpful Tips to Immediately Increase Your Confidence

  11. 选举权政治学的普遍的最后招数。

    Suffrage universel Dernier terme de la Science politique.

  12. 魔法的招数 遵循叙事小说的原型。

    The tricks of magic follow the archetypes of narrative fiction.

  13. 魔术师的招数使他大开眼界。

    The magician with his tricks fed his sight.

  14. 或者还有其他野蛮暴力的招数吗

    or employ some other barbaric form of violence?

  15. 咪咪洗手间?这就是你吊码子的招数?

    Mimi The loo Is that your usual pickup routine.

  16. 我再不会被那种招数骗倒了。

    I wont fall for that gag again.

  17. 谁知道帕西法厄会使出什么招数?

    Who knows what Pasiphae has in store for her?

  18. 他们施尽所有的招数想让我们去。

    They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.

  19. 他们已经把他们最后的招数都施出来了。

    They had shot their last bolt.

  20. 他们施尽所有的招数想让我们离去。

    They tried all kinds of tactics to get us to go.

  21. 吉姆为了击败网球对手, 施展了全部招数。

    In order to defeat his tennis opponent, Jim called on all his skill.

  22. 为了打赢这场比赛,他施展出了全部招数。

    In order to win the game he called on all skill.

  23. 降低公司营业税可不是总统选举中常见的招数。

    Cutting corporate taxes is not the kind of idea that normally pops up in presidential campaigns.

  24. 不要偷别人的招数,除非发明者允许你使用。

    Do not steal moves unless the inventor gave you permission to use his move.

  25. 他要用法律上所有的招数来痛斥那个陌生人。

    He was going to flay that stranger with every trick known to the law.

  26. 对欧洲竞争者的这些招数的回应都是预料之中的。

    The response to these inroads by European competitors has been predictable.

  27. 但是,一些人说你永远不能教会老狗新招数。

    Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new tricks.

  28. 他擅长许多博得儿童欢心和吸引他们的小招数。

    He knew an abundance of simple acts to propitiate and invite the approaches of the little people

  29. 配有300页小说,可擦写局标记,字典和秘密招数。

    Comes complete with 300 Page Novel,Erasable Board,Marker,Dictionary and secret gimmick.

  30. 让我来算一下政治家可能把事情搞糟的那些招数。

    Let me count the ways in which politicians might make a mess of things.


  1. 问:招数拼音怎么拼?招数的读音是什么?招数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招数的读音是zhāoshù,招数翻译成英文是 strategic move




拼音:zhāo shù 基本解释 同“着数” 详细解释 1. 武术上的动作。 老舍 《老张的哲学》第三八:“﹝ 王德 ﹞天天到天桥、土地庙去看耍大刀舞花枪的把戏;暗中记了一些前遮后挡,钩挑拨刺的招数,这是他军事上的预备。” 2. 比喻办法、手段。 《十月》1981年第1期:“和 范氏碧 一起的几个女孩子大哭大闹了一场,这是她们所能施展的最后的招数了。”