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1. 政 [zhèng]政 [zhèng]治理国家事务:~治。~府。~党。~权。~纲。~策。~令。~绩。~见。~客(为个人或某一集团利益从事政治活动的人)。~局。~变。参~。议~。国家某一部门主管的业务:财~。邮~。民~。家庭或集体生活中的……
汉语拼音:zhèng tán
The public seem to like the idea of "collaboration" in politics. Partisanship is a turn-off.
民众似乎喜欢政坛里的“通敌”思想,并且反感党派偏见。He made an attempt to break the mould of British politics.
他对打破英国政坛一成不变的局面做出了一次尝试。After two years of legal battles he was cleared of all charges, but it was to prove a long way back.
打了两年官司之后,他洗脱了所有的指控,但他重返政坛的道路很长。How the party responds to this reverse will be one of the interesting sub-plots in Irish politics over the coming months and years.
该党对此次转变作何反应将会是在接下来的岁月里爱尔兰政坛上的有趣插曲。Doctorates are in demand all over the world, but Germany is where politicians seem to need them most.
世界各地都需要博士学位。然而,德国政坛对博士学位的需求更甚。Second, permanent political revolution (in the washing machine, spin-cycle sense of the word) has an impact on other areas.
其次,永久性的政坛“旋转门”还有其他方面的影响。Yet, despite the long shadow that the septuagenarian casts over his country's politics, Mr Chirac's is not the only France.
然而,尽管这位七十岁的老人在法国政坛投下了一条长长的影子,但并非是唯一之人。By agreeing to talk, Mr Tsvangirai is at least offering Mr Mugabe a gracious if necessarily gradual exit.
相反,若是茨万吉拉伊先生同意谈判,他至少给穆加贝额先生一个宽限期,甚至是逐渐退出政坛。A "paradigm shift occurred" from the center of the American political spectrum, and Obama has embraced it, he said.