




1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……


1. 委 [wěi]2. 委 [wēi]委 [wěi]任,派,把事交给人办:~托。~派。~任。~员。~以重任。抛弃,舍弃:~弃。~之于地。推托,卸:推~。~罪。曲折,弯转:~曲。~婉。~屈。积聚:~积。末、尾:原~。穷源意~(追究事物本原及……


1. 蛇 [shé]2. 蛇 [yí]蛇 [shé]爬行动物,身体细长,体上有鳞,没有四肢。种类很多,有的有毒,有的无毒。以蛙、鼠为食,大蛇亦吞食大的兽类:~蜕。~行。~蝎。~足(喻多余无用的事物)。画~添足。蛇 [yí]〔委(wěi )~……



汉语拼音:xū yǔ wēi yí





指对人假意相待,敷衍应酬。《庄子·应帝王》:“向吾示之以未始出吾宗,吾与之虚而委蛇。” 委蛇(wēiyí):敷衍。



  • 【解释】:虚:假;委蛇:随便应顺。指对人虚情假意,敷衍应酬。
  • 【出自】:《庄子·应帝王》:“乡吾示之以未始出吾宗,吾与之虚而委蛇。”
  • 【示例】:他也要同你~了。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. Over time, it became apparent that the US would not live up to its commitment, owing, as now, to opposition in the Senate.

  2. That was widely decried in China (and elsewhere) as xenophobic and, given the West's desire to invest in China, hypocritical as well.

  3. But if the banks do not come clean, regulators should push them.


  1. 这一回戈林不再虚与委蛇地回避问题。

    This time Goering did not try to dodge the issue by pretending cordiality.

  2. 浅谈企业管理的虚与实

    On the False and True in Enterprise Management

  3. 舞台音响效果的虚与实

    The Abstract and the Concrete in the Stage Sound Effect

  4. 西班牙语虚拟式中的虚与实

    Real vs. Unreal Subjunctive Mood in Spanish

  5. 第三部分探讨妒妇现象的虚与实。

    The third part discusses the truth and untruth of jealous women phenomenon.

  6. 柜门得开合,交替上演着虚与实得戏剧。

    Of cupboard door close, what performing empty and fact alternately is Thespian.

  7. 在这个结构中, 真是无的内涵, 虚与静构成了无的动力机制。

    In this structure, Reality is the connotation of Wu, Void and Whisht form the motive of Tao.

  8. 自然界是由实物质与虚物质两种物质组成。

    The nature is composed of concrete material and abstract material.

  9. 对虚与实的判断

    judgements of truth or falsity.

  10. 输弹机虚拟样机建模与动态仿真

    Modeling and Dynamic Simulation Analysis for Virtual Prototype of Rammer

  11. 浅析虚与实在传统造园中的审美特征

    The Esthetics of Emptiness and Solidity in Traditional Gardens

  12. 柜门的开合,交替上演着虚与实的戏剧。

    Of cupboard door close, what performing empty and fact alternately is Thespian.

  13. 肾虚与卵巢早衰机理及补肾填精辨治述要

    An Outline of Mechanism of Deficiency of the Kidney and Premature Ovarian Failure Treated with Diagnosis and Treatment Based on TCM by Tonifying the Kidney and Replenishing Essence

  14. 信念, 信仰与虚灵的真实

    Faith, Belief and Truth of Void

  15. 微分的阶与虚功原理的充分性

    Orders of differential and sufficiency of the principle of virtual work

  16. 独白与虚置性对话中无所不在的我。

    Omnipresent of I between monologue and dialogue.

  17. 实帐户与虚帐户在企业会计中的运用

    Application of Real Account and Nominal Account in Enterprise Accounting

  18. 从汉字之象论古典艺术中的实象与虚象

    A Study of the Actual Image and the Illusive Image in Classical Chinese Arts in the Light of the Images of Chinese Characters

  19. 荀子无美而乐与虚静的美学思想辨析

    An Analysis of Xun Kuang's Aesthetics of Pleasure without External Beauty Source and Void and Quietness

  20. 解读线性空间中植物意境审美的实像与虚像

    Analysis of the real image and the ideal image of plant artistic conception in linear space

  21. 认知影射机制与英语时体化实为虚和化虚为实的表意功能

    Cognitive Mapping and the Expressive Functions of the Factual and Hypothetical Uses of English Tenses and Aspects

  22. 虚饰与炫耀

    pomp and pageant.

  23. 虚静与迷狂

    The Solitary and The Furor.

  24. 虚位移与功的原理

    Virtual Displacement and Principle of Work.

  25. 论唐代的虚估与实估

    The nominal and actual evaluatio nin the Tang Dynasty

  26. 谈虚位移原理的陈述与证明

    Discussion on the Statement and Demonstration of the Virtual Principle

  27. 骨丢失与肾虚证的相关研究

    The Relationship between Bone Loss and Kidney Vacuity

  28. 脾虚证与胆囊收缩素的关系

    Relationship between Spleen Deficiency Syndrome and Cholecystokinin

  29. 坐标变换的虚时频率与辐射温度

    Imaginary Time Frequency of Coordinate Transformation and Temperature Radiation

  30. 逃离不洁与罪恶,并躲避一切虚谎。

    Fleeing unclean and evil and evading all other falseness.


  1. 问:虚与委蛇拼音怎么拼?虚与委蛇的读音是什么?虚与委蛇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚与委蛇的读音是xūyǔwēiyí,虚与委蛇翻译成英文是 to pretend to be polite and compliant



“虚以委蛇”是错误使用,应作“虚与委蛇”。语出《庄子.应帝王》,指对人虚情假意,敷衍应付。例如:他也要同你虚与委蛇了。 ◎闻一多《诗与批评·戏剧的歧途》