




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:guà bāo






  1. 即挎包。

    刘白羽 《远方的来信》:“他们无论到哪里,无论哪一次会议,无论哪一次战斗,指导员都从皮挂包里把它拿出来。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“在自己挂包里掏了一阵,摸出两个馒头。”参见“ 挎2包 ”。



  1. Just over a year ago, I foolishly locked up my bicycle outside my office, but forgot to romove the pannier.


  2. We wake shortly after sunrise and pack our sleeping bags and tent, our lives, into our panniers and clip them onto our bicycles.


  3. the entry shelf is for hanging bags and coats and displaying photos and candles. Not for stashing mail.


  4. First aid material - Bag with shoulder strap for first aid material


  5. Small bundle of parcel with animals


  1. 刚才她把包挂在了门后。

    Just now she hung up her bag behind the door.

  2. 奶奶的手提包有厚厚的黑色皮质背带,包挂于臀部处。

    Grandma's handbag, suspended by thick, black leather straps, hung down on her hip.

  3. 注意上面挂的包还有腰带和腰带垫片是不包括的。

    Note pouches, belt, and belt pad are not included.

  4. 所属行业密码锁箱包锁挂锁家具锁,办公锁机械门锁

    Industry Lock Luggage lock Padlock Furniture locks, office locks Mechanical locks.

  5. 束带可增加外挂包的稳定型性。

    Cinch Straps stabilize your extras.

  6. 那封信在我车上的挂包里。

    The letter is in my saddlebag.

  7. 贼抓了那个妇女的挂包便跑。

    The thief grabbed the shoulder bag from the woman and ran off.

  8. 盥洗室可以挂包或者把包放在我们我们这。

    The cloakroom where you can hang your coat or leave your bags is just behind us here.

  9. 今年的端午,我们家挂上艾叶,包好粽子。

    Dragon Boat Festival this year, we put Artemisia argyi home, wrap dumplings.

  10. 玛丽弄丢了挂包,更糟的是挂包里有她的身份证和护照。

    Mary lost her handbag, and the devil of it was that the handbag contained her ID card and passport.

  11. 她的短衫钮扣上挂着一个小包夹肉面包,令人十分感动。

    On her shirt button hang a sandwich. This makes ours extremely moved.

  12. 三道菜的餐包挂前餐, 主餐及饭后甜点。

    A meal with three a starter a main course and a dessert course.

  13. 小挂鱼炭包

    Charcoal parcel wraps up small bundle of fish.

  14. 介绍了一种新型全自动挂面包装机。

    A new automatic packager of noodles is introduced in this paper.

  15. 脱挂梁吊钩包络图的自动绘制

    Automatic Drawing of the Hook Envelope Diagram of the Lifting Beam

  16. 端午到,挂香包,吃粽子,家家户户真热闹!

    Dragon Boat Festival that linked Sachet, eating dumplings, every household!

  17. 孩子们很快就把挂在圣诞树上的一包包礼物拿得精光。

    The children soon denuded the Christmas tree of its parcels.

  18. 我平时是把它们放在一个特别的小包里, 挂在钥匙上的。

    I used to put them in a special packet attached on my keys.

  19. 介绍载重子午线轮胎锦纶胎圈包布挂胶配方的改进过程。

    A coating compound for nylon bead flipper in BTR tire has been improved.

  20. 所属行业锁具纸包装机械箱包锁密码锁挂锁

    Industry Lock Paper packaging machinery Luggage lock Lock Padlock.

  21. 所属行业箱包锁密码锁挂锁家具锁,办公锁窗锁摩托车锁

    Industry Luggage lock Lock Padlock Furniture locks, office locks Window lock Motorcycle Lock.

  22. 所属行业锁具配件箱包锁机械门锁窗锁挂锁门窗五金

    Industry Lock Accessories Luggage lock Mechanical locks Window lock Padlock Window Hardware.