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亦作“ 客坐 ”。招待客人的屋室、房间。
唐 许浑 《春醉》诗:“酒醲花一树,何暇 卓文君 !客坐长先饮,公閒半已曛。”《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“ 王九妈 道:‘但説不妨,且请到里面客坐里细讲。’”《儒林外史》第二五回:“ 鲍文卿 回来和浑家説下,把乐器都揩抹净了,搬出来摆在客座里。”
《歧路灯》第四八回:“到了轩中, 吴自知 一伙起身为礼,便让 谭绍闻 上座。 谭绍闻 道:‘我是主人,那有僭客座之理!’” 郭沫若 《棠棣之花》第二幕:“左侧酒家一,右三分之二为客座,背面开窗临河,有栏可凭眺。”
Following up on your leadership initiative, let me be the first to volunteer to be placed on your roster of visiting guest 'lecturers.
在您的率领之下,请让我以第一批志愿者的身份出现在您的客座讲师名单中。You could still guest post once in a while, but limit it to good opportunities when high profile bloggers invite you to do so.
这时候你还可以偶尔发布客座博客,但是这种机会应该留给那些高水平的博客邀请你的时候。Grant has published multiple articles, been a guest editor, and contributed to other books on framework technology and related technologies.
Grant发表过多篇文章,同时还是一名客座编辑,对其它关于框架技术以及相关技术也做出很大贡献。On Wednesday, Berlin's University of the Arts said that it had offered Ai a position as a guest lecturer and that he had accepted.
本周三,柏林艺术大学宣布邀请艾未未到该校担任客座教授,艾未未接受了这一邀请。He came up to Beijing days ago, and he will work there for months as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.
他于几天前来北京,将在北京大学做半个月的客座教授。It was their last class in the course that had been filled with a bunch of interesting VC and entrepreneurial guest lecturers.
在他们毕业前的最后一堂课上,很多非常风趣的风险投资家和企业家作为客座讲师受邀参加。David Oliver, visiting professor of medicine for older people at City University, London, said the findings "made sense" .
来自伦敦城市大学的研究老年人药物的客座教授---大卫.奥利弗表示,这些调查结果“意义非凡”。U. S. schools are able to get a guest teacher for two years sponsored by the Chinese government via a program with the College Board.
美国的学校可以通过大学理事会(CollegeBoard)的一个项目引进一位由中国政府赞助经费的客座教师,为期两年。"People would think of it as a balloon, " said Dr. Schneider, who now is a visiting professor at Texas A&M University.