如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
So, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, the Romans would make fun of him, but the Jews clearly understood this symbol.
所以,当耶稣骑在驴子背上进入耶路撒冷的时候,或许罗马人会因此捉狭祂,但犹太人对这当中所象徵的意涵再清楚不过。In order to be determined ( in the two sense of the word) by an external factor, it is necessary that I should be a thing.
我若是要受外在因素所决定(决定论的双重意涵),我必然会沦为物化的命运。Secondly, we attempt to define and expound the concept of fuzzy metadata by using fuzzy theory as the theoretical model.
接着,阐述模糊诠释资料,并以模糊理论模型解释其意涵。The letter closed with this wish: "May West Side Story mean as much to the theater and to people who see it as it has to us. "
信函以这句句子结尾:“《西区故事》对我们意味深远,愿它对整个戏剧界能有同样深远的意涵。”And yet, properly understood, postmodernism is playful, intelligent, funny and fascinating.
但如果恰当地理解了它的意涵,就会发现后现代主义是俏皮的、伶俐的、滑稽的和迷人的。The purpose of this study was to explore the behavioral responses to tocolysis of an older woman who has experienced two failed pregnancies.
本研究是在探讨一位经历两次妊娠失败,而再度怀孕的高龄孕妇,在住院安胎期间的行为表现意涵。So this is what I meant when I said, "write only when you have real feelings. " And I don't worry about its being short or long or anything.
因此,这就是我所谓「应当在有所感悟时才写」的意涵。而且我也不管它是短或长或怎样。By the discussion in class, we wish to encourage students to think actively about the implication of service management.
透过课堂讨论,使同学主动思考服务管理的意涵。That was what our painting was about, until the slate was wiped clean when people began to seriously concern themselves with little squares.