


1. 臭 [chòu]2. 臭 [xiù]臭 [chòu]不好闻的气味,与“香”相对:~味儿。~氧。恶~。香气:“左佩刀,右备容~,烨然若神人”。惹人厌恶的:~钱。~美。~架子。~名远扬。狠狠地:~骂一通。指子弹、炮弹坏,失效:~火。臭 [……





汉语拼音:chòu wèi






  1. 臭恶之气味。

    《周礼·天官·内饔》“辨腥臊羶香之不可食者” 汉 郑玄 注:“腥臊羶香可食者,是别其不可食者,则所谓者皆臭味也。” 清 赵翼 《裙带鱼臭如醃鲞莪洲白门乃酷嗜诗以调之》:“臭味輼輬不可亲,嗜痂偏作席间珍。”

  2. 气味。

    汉 仲长统 《昌言下》:“性类纯美,臭味芬香,孰有加此乎?” 宋 苏轼 《题杨次公蕙》诗:“蕙本兰之族,依然臭味同。”

  3. 比喻志趣。

    汉 蔡邕 《玄文先生李休碑》:“凡其亲昭朋徒,臭味相与,大会而葬之。” 唐 元稹 《与吴端公崔院长五十韵》:“吾兄諳性灵, 崔子 同臭味。投此挂冠词,一生还自恣。” 清 方苞 《赠潘幼石序》:“岂臭味之同,虽先生亦有不能自主者耶?”

  4. 比喻同类。

    《左传·襄公八年》:“ 季武子 曰:‘谁敢哉!今譬於草木,寡君在君,君之臭味也。’” 杜预 注:“言同类。” 唐 李百药 《房彦谦碑》:“且復留连宴赏,提携臭味,登山临水,必动咏言。” 宋 苏轼 《下财启》:“夙缘契好,获媾婚姻,顾门阀之虽微,恃臭味之不远。”



  1. However, it should not be confused with that of the fermenting pulp.


  2. there was a whitish thick discharge with a foul odor from my vagina in the past few weeks . i did not see any blood in it.


  3. Clean floor drain outlets at least once a week to prevent putrid air and insects in the soil pipes from entering the premises.


  4. To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals.


  5. her hands were covered with layer upon layer of grime, and the stale smell of sweat rose in a thick vaporous cloud from her clothes.


  6. An idea came into his mind --may-be the smelly tofu would be a kind of special food.


  7. The air was full of bad smells, and the road full of men and women who drunk too much.


  8. A fart, which is the expulsion of gas from the anus, is often accompanied by a loud noise, a vibrating sensation, and an unpleasant odor.


  9. He began to have frequent, frothy, foul-smelling stools.


  1. 臭味相投。

    Like lips, like lettuce.

  2. 发出臭味。

    Give off a bad smell.

  3. 这里有臭味。

    There is a bad smell here.

  4. 香烟的臭味

    the stale odour of cigarette smoke

  5. 令人作呕的臭味

    a bad smell

  6. 臭鼬为什么有臭味?

    Why Do Skunks Stink

  7. 垃圾发出臭味。

    The garbage smells to high heaven.

  8. 臭味狗母鱼

    Inshore lizardish.

  9. 有臭味的花

    malodorous flowers.

  10. 腐肉的臭味

    a stink of decayed flesh.

  11. 这鱼有臭味。

    The fish smells bad.

  12. 烂肉的臭味

    the putrid smell of rotten meat

  13. 惹人厌的臭味

    A wicked stench.

  14. 腐肉得臭味。

    the rank stench of rotting meat.

  15. 他满身酒臭味。

    He reeks of alcohol.

  16. 发霉烟草的臭味。

    the reek of stale tobacco.

  17. 发出威士忌的臭味

    reek of whisky

  18. 臭味假柴龙树

    foetid nothapodytes herb

  19. 垃圾发出一阵臭味。

    The rubbish gave out a smelly gas.

  20. 他满嘴烟臭味。

    His breath reeked of tobacco.

  21. 他有大蒜的臭味。

    He reeked of garlic.

  22. 这臭味使我不快。

    The stench repels me.

  23. 肉铺热天散发腥臭味。

    The butcher's shop stank in hot weather.

  24. 我讨厌女性的臭味。

    I loathe the stink of females.

  25. 去掉硫醇臭味的

    sweet smell

  26. 腐烂的鱼发出的臭味。

    the putrid smell of rotting fish

  27. 腐烂得鱼发出得臭味。

    the putrid smell of rotting fish.

  28. 有底舱污水臭味的鱼

    bilgy fish

  29. 这肉似乎有臭味了。

    The meat smells as if it was foul.

  30. 他们俩臭味相投,相互勾结。

    They two are people of the same ilk, who collude with one another.


  1. 问:臭味相投拼音怎么拼?臭味相投的读音是什么?臭味相投翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味相投的读音是chòuwèixiāngtóu,臭味相投翻译成英文是 be two of a kind

  2. 问:臭味儿拼音怎么拼?臭味儿的读音是什么?臭味儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味儿的读音是chòuwèir,臭味儿翻译成英文是 A strong, offensive odor.

  3. 问:臭味拼音怎么拼?臭味的读音是什么?臭味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味的读音是,臭味翻译成英文是 funk

  4. 问:臭味计拼音怎么拼?臭味计的读音是什么?臭味计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味计的读音是chòu wèi jì,臭味计翻译成英文是 odorometer

  5. 问:臭味新耳草拼音怎么拼?臭味新耳草的读音是什么?臭味新耳草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味新耳草的读音是chòuwèixīn'ěrcǎo,臭味新耳草翻译成英文是 Neanotis ingrata

  6. 问:臭味沙雷菌拼音怎么拼?臭味沙雷菌的读音是什么?臭味沙雷菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味沙雷菌的读音是chòu wèi shā léi jūn,臭味沙雷菌翻译成英文是 Serratia odorifera

  7. 问:臭味假柴龙树拼音怎么拼?臭味假柴龙树的读音是什么?臭味假柴龙树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臭味假柴龙树的读音是chòuwèijiǎcháilóngshù,臭味假柴龙树翻译成英文是 Nothapodytes foetida