







汉语拼音:bàn zhù






绊住 [bàn zhù]
  1. 行动受到阻碍、不自由。




  1. He takes a sip of coffee before moving on to the next clip, in which a little girl gets clocked by a tire swing.


  2. Let go all that which is clearly a remnant of the old world and its ways that kept you from the true Light.


  3. I fell awkwardly and my left leg got caught underneath of me, ' Nowitzki said in a statement.


  4. I worked like a son of a bitch to learn a few tricks and I fight like a steer to avoid getting stuck with parts I can't play.


  5. Suddenly one of the helicopters floundered, its landing gear snagged on the guy wire of a transmission tower.


  6. Do it get caught underneath you when you went for that volley, or how did you actually do it on the court?


  7. Fernandez's foot caught his own calf and he tumbled to the ground. He fell on himself.


  8. Suddenly his legs are stumbled by a reinforcing steel bar, his pants torned and shattered, sending tatters flying into the air.


  9. Don't wait until you're locked down with two kids and a mortgage to start aggressively pursuing your goals.


  1. 捆绊住马腿

    to hobble horses.

  2. 去绊住猪脚!

    Tie the pig's feet!

  3. 我老板绊住我了。

    My boss latched onto me.

  4. 我被这工作绊住了。

    I was stuck in this job.

  5. 渔船被一块岩石绊住

    The fishing line hung up on a rock.

  6. 日常事务把我绊住了。

    I got myself bogged down in routine work.

  7. 我们到底被什么绊住了?

    What the hell have we stumbled onto?

  8. 可能是被什么东西绊住了。

    Maybe he stepped on something.

  9. 说不定我有事情绊住了脚。

    I can never tell wren Im going to be busy.

  10. 别让日常事务把你绊住了。

    Dont get yourself bogged down in routine work.

  11. 他可能又被什么事情绊住了。

    Maybe something's held him up again.

  12. 他可能又被什么事情绊住了。

    Maybe something's held him up again.

  13. 她被一条树根绊住了雪鞋。

    A snag caught her snowshoe.

  14. 他绊住一根爪蔓,摔了一跤。

    He trippedover the vine of the melon and fell.

  15. 绊住, 钩住像被缠住或揪住般抓住

    To hold, as by snagging or entangling.

  16. 当被绊住时使车运动的金属网

    a wire that activates a trap when tripped over

  17. 他的脚被石头绊住, 他向前栽倒了。

    His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forwards.

  18. 是感情的恩恩怨怨的纠葛绊住了脚。

    It is imbroglio of feeling's kind And enmity holding up his feet.

  19. 他一只脚被树根绊住而跌倒了。

    He caught his foot on a tree root and stumbled.

  20. 突然,他被一个树根绊住了,摔倒在地。

    All of a sudden, he tripped on a tree root and fell down to the ground.

  21. 她的一只脚被地席绊住,重重地跌倒了。

    Her foot caught in the mat and she fell heavily.

  22. 如果他被某个单词绊住,他可以从电脑上获得提示。

    If he gets stuck on a word, he can make the computer prompt him.

  23. 不要让对失败的恐惧,绊住你尝试新事物的脚步。

    Do not let the fear of failure, enmesh you to try new things with these creatures.

  24. 她跑的时候脚被什么东西绊住,于是摔了一跤。

    As she ran, her foot caught on something and she fell.

  25. 你去救那个截击时被绊住了吗,到底发生什麼事?

    Do it get caught underneath you when you went for that volley, or how did you actually do it on the court

  26. 我们为了爱而宽恕,只是有时候被一些事情绊住了脚。

    We forgive for the sake of love; we just sometimes get stuck on the way there.

  27. 卡尔顿弯下腰去拾医生的外衣 它几乎绊住了他的脚。

    Carton stooped to pick up the coat, which lay almost entangling his feet.

  28. 膝关节必须指向运动的方向,不能向外,形成弯腿或被绊住。

    The stifle joints must point in the line of travel, not outward resulting in a bowlegged appearance nor hitching in under the dog.

  29. 当它举起左脚想要跨入时,它的右膝已经被井缘绊住了。

    When he lifted his left foot to enter, his right knee was stumbled against the rail of well.