


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:shuō bù qù






  1. 犹言说不过去。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十六:“ 丘大 只是摇头道:‘説不去。许多银两交与他了,岂有没个执照的理?教我也难帮衬你。’”



  1. She said she would not go to the ball, but she went there after all.


  2. Jenny: She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.


  3. With a sweep of his hand he said, " I won't go. "


  4. Yet as with many consumer innovations, Mr Bezos has said there was no way to know if the strategy would work other than to experiment.


  5. But this time she asked me to explain to the schoolmates that I could not go with them and had to return home sooner.


  6. George said he want to go to the bathroom. Then he said no.


  7. Today, she says, "It's impossible not to think globally about one's career. "


  8. "Some people said giving up Wal-Mart would be tough, " I say. "I can't say we've missed a thing. "


  9. Preparing a window to say not to go, just remember oneself moved suddenly, who is moving 10 buildings ~~ from 1 building then?


  1. 说不去就不去。

    I won't go and that's that.

  2. 当他们知道疝气病情时,都说不去了

    They threatened not to go when this hernia.

  3. 你觉得现在说不去教堂而是在家举行婚礼

    you think it's too late to have the wedding here at the house.

  4. 她说不去检验这个项目, 这大概只有天知道吧!

    Jenny She told me that she decided not to have it tested. Only God knows.

  5. 他一直没说不去海滩之旅,直到他听到我们要去的地方。

    He hadn't said no to the beach trip till he heard where we were going.

  6. 我没说我不去

    I'm not wussing out.

  7. 他回答说他不去。

    He responded that he wouldn't go.

  8. 可她现在说不想去了。

    And now she says she doesn't want to go.

  9. 我没说我不去咨询婚姻顾问

    I did not say I won't do the marriage counseling.

  10. 斯特拉说她不去柏林了。

    Stella said that she would not visit Berlin.

  11. 说不定去看看医生什么的,我不知道啊

    Maybe see a doctor? I don't know.

  12. 记者天啊!但你的妈妈说不要去。

    Interviewer Oh, my gosh! Your mother said no.

  13. 如果你不去说的话。

    If you don't tell him.

  14. 如果我不去说,怎么样

    If I don't tell him, what?

  15. 我跟自己说不要去想学校的事,毕竟还有一个礼拜呢!

    Well, let me not think about that as yet. I still had a week!

  16. 她激动得说不下去了。

    She couldn't speak for emotion.

  17. 他说不下去了,停了一会儿。

    He broke off and paused a moment.

  18. 我不确定,说不定我会坐车去。

    I don't know, maybe I'll go there by car.

  19. 若说泰然,却也避不去感伤。

    If say poised, but also avoid and don't go to grief.

  20. 外婆在家里太忙了, 说不上去了。

    Grandma is very busy at home, so we can't go.

  21. 他忧心如焚,话也说不下去了。

    His heart was so full he could say no more to me.

  22. 我说不要推我到步校去了

    I said that you neednt recommend me to Shenyang Infantry School

  23. 实话说,是我让她不去上班的

    You know what? We're playing hooky.

  24. 你不说清你的鬼主意我们哪都不去。

    We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts.

  25. 碧草葳蕤,野芳清馨,不说去哪里,唯是静静地享受此刻时光。

    The green jade grass Wei Rui, savage Fang pure Xin, don't say where, only is noiselessly enjoy time at the moment.

  26. 说不定外人的批评 她们听得进去。

    Perhaps hearing it from somebody else would make the difference.

  27. 他激动得浑身乱颤,说不下去了。

    He broke off, shaking from his violence.

  28. 你怎么说对我都无所谓,反正我不去。

    It makes no difference to me what you say; I'm not going.

  29. 她说不好,叫我上她家去吃晚饭。

    She said that wouldn't be good and invited me to her house for dinner.

  30. 他所说的全是想加重他不去的事实。

    All his talk boiled down to the fact that he did not want to go.