







汉语拼音:xiě shū








  1. 抄写书籍。

    《汉书·艺文志》:“﹝ 孝武 ﹞建藏书之策,置写书之官。” 晋 王嘉 《拾遗记·秦始皇》:“ 张仪 、 苏秦 二人同志好学,迭剪髮而鬻之以相养。或佣力写书,非圣人之言不读。”《敦煌变文集·孝子传》:“写书不饮酒,恒日笔头乾。” 鲁迅 《<嵇康集>跋》:“自板本盛,而人始不復写书。”

  2. 今亦称著书为写书。



  1. I had expected that writing a book from home would be the best sort of work there was.


  2. If you mean you want to ask more questions about what I think of Tynan for your book, let me tell you right off, I have nothing more to say.


  3. In lesser hands Ms Nasar's story might have degenerated into a series of pen portraits: tittle-tattle for the middlebrow.


  4. Writers write them for reasons that usually have a little to do with money and not as much to do with masochism as you might think.


  5. If you've read one of my books, thanks. I write them to be read, so without you, it would be a pointless exercise.


  6. For a time she had been beset with a madness for writing notes which she addressed to Seth.


  7. Anyway, she had not written it for the sales, or the royalties, or even for the fame.


  8. If I wrote a book, it would be a fictional story that relates to historical events.


  9. He did not find any gold. Instead, he found ideas for his books and stories.


  1. 她为孩子写书。

    She writes books for children.

  2. 他好从事写书。

    He has an appetite for writing.

  3. 他写书文笔艰涩。

    His books are written in a laborious style.

  4. 医生眼下正在写书。

    The doctor is presently writing a book.

  5. 你在写书的时候

    When you were writing the book.

  6. 写书期间有赚钱吗

    And make a little money along the way?

  7. 我们喜欢用圆珠笔写书。

    We like to biro book.

  8. 今年夏天看见你写书

    You know, watching you with the book this summer.

  9. 写书把我累坏了。

    I tired myself out with my writing a book.

  10. 在写书的同时也教书

    has written several books and teaches in between times.

  11. 他正在聚集写书的资料。

    He i collecting material for a ook.

  12. 他正在为写书搜集素材。

    He is collecting materials for a book.

  13. 我回到大学 开始写书。

    Went right back into the university and began to write books.

  14. 你不想让他帮你写书

    You don't want him doing your books.

  15. 所以,写书也是一样的道理。

    So book writing is the same thing.

  16. 这些作家写书都非常卖力

    These authors have been striving to write books.

  17. 总会有个人为此写书的。

    Somebody was gonna write about it.

  18. 约翰知道我写书的提案了

    John knows about my book proposal.

  19. 比我写书时更不平等。

    has been actually higher than what I report in my book.

  20. 都是因为我光顾着写书

    because I was too distracted with my book.

  21. 最近我太忙于写书的事。

    I've been so focused on the book lately.

  22. 这是她第一次尝试写书。

    This is her first crack at writing a book.

  23. 我留出整个下午来写书。

    I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book.

  24. 米莉?班逊。她为年轻人写书。

    Millie Benson wrote books for young people.

  25. 写书要付出时间和耐心的。

    Writing a book costs time and patience.

  26. 你要放弃写书,可能会后悔

    I think dropping it would be a huge mistake.

  27. 在流放期间,他也开始写书。

    During his exile, he also began writing books.

  28. 要说到写书他可是行家里手。

    He's no slouch when it comes to writing books.

  29. 就我所知,他也许在写书。

    For all I know, he may be writing a book.

  30. 写书的确是个累人的工作。

    Writing is really a fatiguing work.