


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:zhǔ yè








  1. 主管产业。

    《文献通考·田赋五》:“ 隆兴 元年,詔:‘应人户抛下田屋,如有归者,依旧主业。’”

  2. 主要产业。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第四章第一节:“以农业为主业的国家,奴隶制比游牧国要发达些。”



  1. The flip side is also true: Music sales have always been a side business for Apple, and that's even more true now in the app economy.


  2. Their main business is often not the painting, but political, poetry Words, research, and other cultural heritage experts.


  3. Domesticated bees mainly produce honey; any contribution they make to crop pollination is usually a secondary benefit.


  4. Only with the click on the name of the affiliated motor enterprises, you can easily enter into relevant pages and search.


  5. They were synonymous with poor food and worse service, seemingly an afterthought to the main business of providing a bed for the night.


  6. "Speculative" behavior is not a permanent solution, return to the main industry is fundamental!


  7. Our company is building a rail-based industry, the metal is sold by the sodium-and-white top accounts two years ago, Wu Jin is the product.


  8. Focusing these resources on the company's core competencies has many benefits.


  9. The assets of real estate, city infrastructure and financial service take about 90% of the total assets.


  1. 主业鲜明率

    main business vivid rates.

  2. 创新, 让主业连续盈利

    The Old Enterprise Makes Profit by Innovation

  3. 这本不是我们的主业

    Because this isn't what we do.

  4. 农业是我国的主业。

    Agriculture is the leading pursuit in our country.

  5. 你知道我是主业会会员?

    You know that I am Opus Dei?

  6. 主业突出的资源优化型企业

    prominently major businesses and optimized resource

  7. 尽管酒店并非中石油的主业。

    Although the hotel is not in petrolic advocate course of study.

  8. 另外,您也可以浏览网站主业的英文版。

    In the meantime you may access our English website.

  9. 家庭主夫和家庭主妇一样以持家为主业。

    Househusband, like housewife, manages the household as main occupation.

  10. 海尔、海信、澳柯玛,主业是生产家电的。

    Haier, Hisense and Aucma, the main industry is the production of household electrical appliances.

  11. 福顺集团是一家以房地产为主业的集团公司。

    FuShun group is mainly in the real estate industry.

  12. 福顺集团是一家以房地产为主业得集团公司。

    FuShun group is mainly in the real estate industry.

  13. 树立主业意识提高四女寺枢纽工程管理水平

    Establishing the concept of owner, improving the management of Sinushi control project

  14. 而其资本控制的公司的主业经营不是它的主要。

    And the control of their capital to the operation of the company's main industry is not its chief.

  15. 集团公司以黄酒为主业,积极发展黄酒相关延伸产品。

    Majoring in yellow wine, the group is actively developing its relevant extended products.

  16. 有人告诉该青年,让他不要放弃自己的主业。

    The young man is told not to give up the day job.

  17. 稳定主业做强做大多产业开创改革发展新局面

    To Stablize the Main Industry to Strengthen and Enlarge the Supplementary Industry to Open a New Prospect of Reform and Development

  18. 多元化企业主业突出程度与经济绩效的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between outstanding degree of dominate business and economic performance of diversified business enterprise

  19. 他的主业是经营宠物医院,但他同时还是一个兽医。

    His main career is running a pet hospital, but he is also a vet.

  20. 他的主业是经营宠物医院,但他同时还是一个兽医。

    His main career is running a pet hospital, but he is also a vet.

  21. 比亚迪以前的主业是造电池的, 后来投身汽车业。

    Biya the beforehand principal work is makes the battery, afterward joined in the automobile industry.

  22. 比亚迪以前得主业是造电池得,后来投身汽车业。

    Biya the beforehand principal work is makes the battery, afterward joined in the automobile industry.

  23. 世茂集团,是一家以房地产开发为主业的企业集团。

    Shimao Group is an international corporate group mainly devoted itself in real estate and property development area.

  24. 对贷款企业的评级业务品种是全行业评级主业的增长亮点。

    The relative high growth Certificate of Loan rating business.

  25. 公司以工程承包为主业,充分利用国内外两种资源。

    The company mainly concentrates on the construction project contracting, and makes full use of the national and international resources.

  26. 但布朗爵士太过于关注资本运作而忽视了公司主业。

    But Lord Browne focused too much on the soft furnishings and too little on the foundations.

  27. 突出主业强化管理为集团公司持续快速发展而不懈努力

    Highlight the main occupation, strengthen the administration, and make relentless efforts for the continuous and rapid development of the company group

  28. 学习应该是学生的主业,社会经验可以在毕业后逐渐获得。

    Learning is the main task for students and social experience can be gained later after they finish their studies.

  29. 稻米种植是亚洲和非洲约1亿户家庭的主业和主要收入来源

    Rice cultivation is the principal activity and source of income for about 100 million households in Asia and Africa

  30. 稻米种植是亚洲和非洲约1亿户家庭得主业和主要收入来源

    Rice cultivation is the principal activity and source of income for about 98 million households in Asia and Africa.


  1. 问:主业拼音怎么拼?主业的读音是什么?主业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主业的读音是zhǔyè,主业翻译成英文是 Main occupation.

  2. 问:主业会拼音怎么拼?主业会的读音是什么?主业会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主业会的读音是,主业会翻译成英文是 Opus Dei