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The sectional area of the mine inclines that have been used for a long time is apt to decrease, which needs a great effort to correct.
使用年限长的煤矿斜井容易出现断面减小的情况,要花费大量的人力物力扩充断面。The algorithm can be used to interpret the well test data obtained from by neighboring inclined wells whose production rates are changeable.
算法可用于邻近斜井产量变化条件下的试井资料解释分析。Based on the basic theory of rock mechanics , this thesis decides the formula of stress distribution around the well bore in inclined hole.
本文从岩石力学基本原理出发,推导了斜井状态下井眼围岩的应力分布公式;The design of an inclined shaft mucking system with spoil tank and its operation are discussed herein.
论述了带有渣仓的斜井出渣系统的设计及其运行效果。The determination of the inclined shaft cross section should be considered from the shape, the width and the height.
斜井断面的确定要从斜井断面的形状、斜井的宽度和高度几个方面综合考虑。The excavation of inclined shaft was always difficult in the construction of Pumped-Storage Power Station.
在抽水蓄能电站中斜井开挖施工历来是一个难点。inclined drain on the road, the pressure can choose the size of seamless steel tubes, welded steel pipes and Cast iron pipe.
对斜井排水管路,可按承压的大小选用无缝钢管、焊接钢管和铸铁管。Tilt in the mountains of Central Line is near the site of the favorable oblique are dug the hole in the tunnel.
斜井是在中线附近的山上有利地点开凿的斜向正洞的坑道。Guo and his party also inspected the 412 District, the main fan room, forward, return air inclined installation and construction.