







汉语拼音:tuō sú








  1. 脱离庸俗;不沾染庸俗之气。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·登涉》:“近才庸夫,自许脱俗。” 唐 殷文圭 《贺同年刘咸辟命》诗:“脱俗文章笑鸚鵡,凌云头角压麒麟。”《何典》第七回:“这个聘礼,倒也脱俗。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·<中国新文学大系>小说二集序》:“这时的作者们,没有一个以为小说是脱俗的文学。” 郭沫若 《孔雀胆》第三幕:“半年功夫,便长得这样脱俗了。”

  2. 犹出家。

    苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第十章:“余自脱俗至今,所遇师傅,乳媪母子,及 罗弼 牧师家族,均殷殷垂爱。”



  1. One reason for her popularity was the fact that she was so elf-like and classy , unlike the sex-goddesses of the time.


  2. At a time when dishonesty and selfishness seem to be making inroads into American life, Mazur's selflessness set him apart as a role model.


  3. He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.


  4. A refined beautiful female leading role is adopted in, many horrific monsters are in the dark and frightful game as well.


  5. She was a vision of heavenly beauty, but caused him deep sadness by her refusal to look at him.


  6. it ' s as if they were , in some sense , cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures.


  7. Edmond looked at them for a moment with the sad and gentle smile of a man superior to his fellows.


  8. Lotus is always pretty, pure, free from vulgarity as she emerges unsullied from the dirt.


  9. Living in the secular, the do not fall into the stereotypes that have been refined with the association.


  1. 这座雕像真是很脱俗。

    The statue was simply remarkable.

  2. 领导干部的随俗与脱俗

    Following the Customs and Freeing from Vulgarity of Leading Cadres

  3. 读起来有轻灵脱俗的感觉。

    It an ethereal feel to it.

  4. 读起来有轻灵脱俗得感觉。

    It an ethereal feel to it.

  5. 但然后我开始看到脱俗的事物。

    But then I started to see beyond the idiot that everybody else saw.

  6. 狮子是耀眼的,双鱼是脱俗而神秘的。

    Leo is flamboyant, domineering Pisces is unworldly and mystical.

  7. 竹花很美,是那种清丽脱俗的美。

    Bamboo flower is beautiful, is the kind of Qingli refined beauty.

  8. 气质脱俗的斯嘉丽约翰逊排名第5。

    Blonde bombshell Scarlett Johansson hits number five.

  9. 石头让马益群的家显得自然脱俗。

    Stone lets Ma Yiqun's home appear natural and free from vulgarity.

  10. 它是又不平凡,又超尘脱俗,又古色古香吗

    Is it unusual, unsophisticated, primitive.

  11. 我们的国家和别的国家不同,我们的精神崇高脱俗。

    Here we differ from those other nations. We are so spiritual.

  12. 那在你自己的性格中,你有多脱俗呢?

    Now, in your own character, how refined you do?

  13. 她的外表清丽脱俗, 是众男人的理想女朋友。

    One night, Kyunwoo meets a terribly drunken girl.

  14. 这宁谧脱俗的地方位于世界上最高的平原

    This tranquil site is located in the world s highest plateau, the

  15. 在设计风格上充分体现女主人的高雅脱俗。

    What reflect goodwife adequately on design style is decorous and free from vulgarity.

  16. 以自信及脱俗为骨干,用细心和体贴为灵魂!

    With selfconfident freeing and far from philistinism as with careful and showing consideration for it soul!

  17. 她只是松松的挽了个髻子, 显得很清新脱俗。

    She casually wears her hair in a bun, and looks elegant and refined.

  18. 她只是松松的挽了个髻子,显得很清新脱俗。

    She casually wears her hair in a bun, and looks elegant and refined.

  19. 他们在散文化小说中表现出了脱俗的世事。

    They scattered and cultural stories in a refined performance of the world.

  20. 玻璃家具能够营造出冰清玉洁、典雅脱俗的家居气氛。

    Vitreous furniture can build elegant and a pure and noble, free from vulgarity household atmosphere.

  21. 莲花总是那麽清纯脱俗,皆因她出污泥而不染!

    Lotus is always pretty, pure, free from vulgarity as she emerges unsullied from the dirt.

  22. 许多脱俗的人尽力避免负面情绪,超越或否定它们。

    Too many spiritual people try to avoid negative emotions, transcend them, or deny them.

  23. 渔父词中总有一位清高脱俗的人物挺立其中。

    Fisherman word has a lofty total refined one of the characters stand.

  24. 已郁金香为灵感来源, 赋予产品高雅脱俗, 清新隽永的造型。

    Design inspiration origins from tulip, endow the product with elegance and comeliness.

  25. 脱俗与俗气,从某种意义上讲,就是精神与物质的关系。

    Refined and the vulgar, in a sense, that is, the relationship between spirit and matter.

  26. 好久没有听到有人能把牛吹得这么清新脱俗了!

    Haven't heard anyone can the ox is blown so pure and fresh and free from vulgarity!

  27. 作品中神佛的笑容, 那种笑看人世间的神韵与不屑的脱俗!

    Work is hit by magical Buddhist smiling expression, that laughs at the romantic charm looking at the land of the living and transcendence disdaining!

  28. 也许真的是脱俗于现实的另个美好而纯净的梦话般的世界。

    Perhaps the earthly world really is the reality in another beautiful and pure as the daydream world.

  29. 生活在世俗里,不落入俗套与之为伍便是已经脱俗了。

    Living in the secular, the do not fall into the stereotypes that have been refined with the association.

  30. 金先生受过很好的教育, 但他是一个极其脱俗不拘小节的人。

    Mr King was highly educated, but was a Bohemian down to his boots.


  1. 问:脱俗拼音怎么拼?脱俗的读音是什么?脱俗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱俗的读音是tuōsú,脱俗翻译成英文是 refined


