


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……







汉语拼音:gān bā bā









  1. 干硬貌。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》十八:“马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。” 李汉平 《“吓一跳”的故事》:“﹝ 小夏 ﹞猛地从衣兜里掏出一个干巴巴的馒头。”

  2. 干瘦貌。

    张天翼 《春风》:“那孩子慌慌地站了起来。又黄又瘦,脸上干巴巴的。” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕第一景:“她颤巍巍摇着头,干巴巴的瘪嘴激动得一抽一抽的。”

  3. 枯燥单调。

    茅盾 《少儿文学的春天到来了》:“当时(指1960年前后)的少年文学作品,绝大部分可以用五句话来概括:政治挂了帅,艺术脱了班,故事公式化,人物概念化,文字干巴巴。”



  1. Reading The Little Prince with her was a startling and wonderful hiatus from the rather dry business English classes that I taught so often.


  2. To work as an inducement, the food must be good: a mere dry biscuit is no longer sufficient to get a single bottom on to a single seat.


  3. "And do they feed you bread and water, as well? " ? Snape asked drily , beginning to be very angry.


  4. You've got to have faith, I said dully.


  5. As he slams the spade back into the base of the trough, she turns away on the dry sole of her foot.


  6. s your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything.


  7. Thus, clarifying our concept of art is not merely a matter of dry, academic book-keeping.


  8. "My subject is History of Magic, " he said in his dry, wheezy voice.


  9. When I feast after to see Grandma in the side of chewing the dry noodles.


  1. 干巴巴的土地

    parched land.

  2. 这只橙子干巴巴的。

    This orange is dry.

  3. 文章写得干巴巴的。

    The article is dull.

  4. 干巴巴的饼干让人难以下咽。

    These dry cookies are hard to swallow.

  5. 干巴巴的饼干让人难以下咽。

    These dry cookies are hard to swallow.

  6. 他干巴巴地唱了那首歌。

    Lifelessly he performed the song.

  7. 工业化,在本质上是干巴巴的。

    Industrialized, be dryasdust substantially.

  8. 她啃着干巴巴的烤面包的一角。

    She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast.

  9. 我干巴巴地说,你必须要有信仰。

    You've got to have faith, I said dully.

  10. 但人类不是没有干巴巴的计算机器。

    But human beings are not desiccated calculating machines.

  11. 您的教学方法是死板的,干巴巴的,过时的。

    Your teaching methods are dead, dried up, finished.

  12. 通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。

    Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument.

  13. 饭间,我们之间只有些干巴巴的谈话。

    We had a dry conversation over dinner.

  14. 饭间,我们之间只有些干巴巴的谈话。

    We had a dry conversation over dinner.

  15. 饭间,我们之间只有些干巴巴得谈话。

    We had a dry conversation over dinner.

  16. 他的声调,阴沉沉的,干巴巴的,完全没有感情。

    His voice was utterly and drearily expressionless.

  17. 她父亲的话题似乎没有什么意义,干巴巴的。

    The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral.

  18. 我们还没死哩,朱莉亚干巴巴地答道。

    We're not dead yet, 'said Julia prosaically.

  19. 肌肤干巴巴或水灵灵的要害,到底是什么?

    Skin dryasdust or the key with clever fresh and juicy, what be after all

  20. 所有的事实都在那儿,但是有点干巴巴的。

    All the facts are there, but it's a bit dry.

  21. 医生显得冷冰冰,干巴巴,对周围的人视若无睹。

    The doctor was stiff and dry, and absolutely indifferent to the presence of his companions.

  22. 每天三遍,饭后,斯蒂芬干巴巴地说。

    Three times a day, after meals, Stephen said drily.

  23. 在古巴国内, 生活已变成一套干巴巴的公式。

    Within Cuba life had settled into a drab routine.

  24. 春夏肌肤容易干燥,颈部也经常是干巴巴的!

    Chun Xia skin is easy and dry, cervical often also be dryasdust!

  25. 约翰是一个枯燥无味的人,他对什么都是干巴巴的。

    John's wet blanket and put a damper on everything.

  26. 不幸的是,他不小了,乔伊斯干巴巴地笑着说。

    Not so little, unfortunately, Joyce said with a dry laugh.

  27. 他把铁锹掷回沟底,她蹬着干巴巴的脚掌,转身走了。

    As he slams the spade back into the base of the trough, she turns away on the dry sole of her foot.

  28. 当我饱餐一顿后,才看见奶奶在一旁啃着干巴巴的面条。

    When I feast after to see Grandma in the side of chewing the dry noodles.

  29. 依我看, 这样似乎干巴巴的, 也不友好, 我倒想要些什么别的。

    It'seems dry to me, and unfriendly. I should like something else.

  30. 眼睛干巴巴的闭不上,他呆呆的看着那有些雨漏痕迹的顶棚。

    His eyes were too dry to close, so he stared fixedly at the patches on the ceiling where the roof had leaked.


  1. 问:干巴巴拼音怎么拼?干巴巴的读音是什么?干巴巴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干巴巴的读音是gānbābā,干巴巴翻译成英文是 dried-up; bland

  2. 问:干巴巴地拼音怎么拼?干巴巴地的读音是什么?干巴巴地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干巴巴地的读音是,干巴巴地翻译成英文是 drily



干巴巴:拼音ɡàn bā bā,反义词 水灵灵。指枯燥单调,形容没有水或水分很少。