


恭敬:~佩。~敬。~慕。~赞。~迟(敬仰。旧时书函用语)。封建时代指皇帝亲自所做:~命。~赐。~差(chāi )(由皇帝派遣,代表皇帝出外处理重大事件的官员)。……





汉语拼音:qīn dìng






  1. 皇帝亲自裁定的。

    元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第一折:“钦定的米价是多少银子糶一石来?”《儿女英雄传》第三六回:“那般新进士都在 保和殿 后左门外候旨,预备钦定下来,那个占了前十名,立刻就要预备带领引见。”多用于书名。如:《钦定四库全书》、《钦定渊鉴类函》等。



  1. Tibet scholars say China is almost certain to put forward its own candidate as the next Dalai Lama, setting the stage for a schism.


  2. Second, the beginning time of the compilation of Liao Jin Yuan San Shi Guoyu Jie is not the 36th year of Qianlong, but the 34'h year.


  3. The regulation of trade tends to enrich selected interest groups and industry captains at the expense of everyone else.


  4. Conversely, the electoral chances of Dilma Rousseff, Lula's chosen candidate, might be boosted by speedy approval.


  5. The compromise between the authority and the constitutionalists promoted the birth of the Constitutional Guidelines Made by Imperil Order.


  6. This landmark work was the basis for the later publication of Luther's German Bible, Tyndale's English Bible, and the King James Version.


  7. Interestingly enough, the King James version of the Bible goes along with its translation of toevah meaning abomination.


  8. His translation work, the Vulgate, became the offical Latin Bible used by the Roman Catholic Church of this day.


  9. 1711 years in yangzhou heavy carved the zhouyi, meaning "the moment all gold poems seventy-three. "


  1. 钦定宪法大纲

    Constitutional Outline Made by the Imperial Order

  2. 钦定圣经英译本

    Authorized Version

  3. 钦定藏内善后章程

    Authorized Regulations for the Better Governing of Tibet

  4. 杜威译本和钦定本圣经

    the Douay and King James versions

  5. 钦定宪法大纲的文化解释

    Cultural Interpretation on the Outline of Imperial Constitution

  6. 新钦定版主题研读本圣经

    The New King James Version Topical Study Bible

  7. 赎罪日和圣日是上帝钦定的。

    The Day of Atonement and the holy seasons are ordained by God.

  8. 第四章, 钦定版圣经或消遣读物。

    Chapter four. The King James Bible or light there be.

  9. 所有政府机构的岗位都是内部钦定的。

    Jobs in all institutions are apportioned.

  10. 以下是由詹姆斯国王钦定的滴24节

    They followed verse 24, which in the King James version reads

  11. 从句法结构看钦定本圣经的文体特征

    On stylistic features of syntactical structure in the King James Bible

  12. 上苍钦定的这个婚礼, 即使我不能拆散。

    Those whom God has joined in marriage, not even I can put asunder.

  13. 圣经钦定英译本中的散文或叙述风格的

    Suggestive of the prose or narrative style of the King James Bible.

  14. 第四章, 钦定版圣经或曰要有消遣读物。

    Chapter four. The King James Bible or let there be light reading.

  15. 我从未读过詹姆士国王钦定的圣经英译本。

    I have never read the king james version of the bible.

  16. 其次阐明钦定大清商律对本土资源的利用。

    Second clarify the use of local resources in the King James Qing Business Law.

  17. 法定简约,钦定简约最简单的分类基础是结构或构造。

    The simplest basis for classification is in terms of structure or texture.

  18. 第二部分主要说明钦定大清商律的法律内容。

    The second part explains the content of King James Qing Business Law.

  19. 当年乾隆皇帝游江南时,尝到此豆腐后,赞不绝口,钦定为贡品。

    Jiangnan Tour when Emperor Qianlong, the taste of this bean, the praise, as a tribute chin.

  20. 据碑刻记载,顺治立太子,就是在景忠山问卜后而钦定得。

    It was recorded in stone, Li Shunzhi Prince is King Zhong Shan Chin after divination set.

  21. 据碑刻记载,顺治立太子,就是在景忠山问卜后而钦定的。

    It was recorded in stone, Li Shunzhi Prince is King Zhong Shan Chin after divination set.


  1. 问:钦定的拼音怎么拼?钦定的的读音是什么?钦定的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定的的读音是,钦定的翻译成英文是 regius

  2. 问:钦定圣经拼音怎么拼?钦定圣经的读音是什么?钦定圣经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定圣经的读音是qīn dìng shèng jīng,钦定圣经翻译成英文是 Authorized Version

  3. 问:钦定教授拼音怎么拼?钦定教授的读音是什么?钦定教授翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定教授的读音是qīn dìng jiào shòu,钦定教授翻译成英文是 regius Professor

  4. 问:钦定立法拼音怎么拼?钦定立法的读音是什么?钦定立法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定立法的读音是qīn dìng lì fǎ,钦定立法翻译成英文是 Imperial Legislation

  5. 问:钦定长官拼音怎么拼?钦定长官的读音是什么?钦定长官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定长官的读音是qīn dìng zhǎng guān,钦定长官翻译成英文是 aldermannus regis

  6. 问:钦定版圣经拼音怎么拼?钦定版圣经的读音是什么?钦定版圣经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定版圣经的读音是,钦定版圣经翻译成英文是 King James Version

  7. 问:钦定宪法大纲拼音怎么拼?钦定宪法大纲的读音是什么?钦定宪法大纲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定宪法大纲的读音是,钦定宪法大纲翻译成英文是 Qinding Xianfa Dagang

  8. 问:钦定法律教席拼音怎么拼?钦定法律教席的读音是什么?钦定法律教席翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定法律教席的读音是qīn dìng fǎ lǜ jiào xí,钦定法律教席翻译成英文是 Regius Chairs of Law

  9. 问:钦定四库全书总目提要拼音怎么拼?钦定四库全书总目提要的读音是什么?钦定四库全书总目提要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钦定四库全书总目提要的读音是,钦定四库全书总目提要翻译成英文是 Siku Quanshu Zongmu Tiyao



qīn dìng