


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……





汉语拼音:bìng lì








  1. 并立。

    周恩来 《关于党的“六大”的研究》一:“这种政权是一元化的,不是两权并立的。”参见“ 并立 ”。

  2. 並立:同立;同时存在。

    《庄子·则阳》:“或不言而饮人以和,与人並立而使人化。”《新唐书·儒学传下·元行冲》:“於是右丞相 张説 建言:‘ 戴圣 所録,向已千载,与经並立,不可罢。’” 清 侯方域 《朋党论上》:“君子、小人之不能不分也久矣。其祸必成於小人,其罪必归於君子;此二者相持不並立之势也。”

  3. 竝立:一同存在。

    《晏子春秋·谏上十六》:“诸侯竝立,能终善者为长;列士并学,能终善者为师。”一本作“ 并 ”。



  1. Goldman is instead going on the front foot, issuing a detailed denial to the SEC's claims and vowing to fight the regulator on every count.

  2. The system is characterized by four sides with a strained independent automatically aluminium frame.

  3. he lock up that room door. stood together a piece of brand not to let person enter.

  4. Pin compatible versions of this part exist, but should NEVER be substituted into a DAC1.

  5. It makes the pages compatible to both the human surfer as well as the Search Engines.

  6. Along with theology and law, medicine was usually one of the basic faculties.

  7. Color printed card transfers and membership card making Ribbon is divided into three separate color groups: yellow, magenta and cyan.

  8. The king married her and made her his queen.

  9. Completing a triple sunrise illusion, sundogs appear at the far left and far right edges of the 22 degree arc.


  1. 并立即用脚蹭了。

    And immediately rub out the sputum with ones foot.

  2. 国王娶了她并立她为王后。

    The king married her and made her his queen.

  3. 像是在问科学与水电并立吗?

    It's like, are science and plumbing compatible?

  4. 并立即有一个响亮的霹雳。

    And immediately there was a loud thunderclap.

  5. 两雄不并立, 一山难容两虎。

    A great man cannot brook a rival.

  6. 像是在问科学和宗教可并立吗?

    Are science and religion compatible?

  7. 将狗狗固定住并立即去见兽医。

    Immobilize the dog and take them to a vet immediately.

  8. 我方保存这些货物并立等你方早日答复。

    We are holding over these goods, awaiting your anticipated early reply.

  9. 计划已经拟好并立即可以付诸实施。

    The plan has already been worked out, and could be put into operation at a moment's notice.

  10. 在某些条件时, 两个圣武士联手并立前方。

    In some situations two paladins in front can come in handy.

  11. 试论并立的文化传统对道德典范树立的影响

    Influence of the Coexistent Cultural Traditions on Moral Cultivation

  12. 我猛然悟出了真相, 并立即将它付诸实用。

    The truth dawned on me, and I wasted no time in seeing the utility of this revelation.

  13. 火斗辊,计度辊是一个并立的传不静组件。

    Bucket roll, measuring roll is an independent transmission components.

  14. 在口中慢慢溶解1含片, 并立即跟进第二含片。

    Dissolve 1 lozenge slowly in the mouth and follow immediately with a second lozenge.

  15. 我要把这些信件粘上邮票并立即付邮。

    I want these letters to be stamped and mailed at once.

  16. 这位代表作了很多记录并立即将这些清秀传达。

    The rep took copious notes and addressed the issue immediately.

  17. 黑龙江的警察在北京拘捕了她,并立即将她带回黑龙江。

    Police officers from Heilongjiang detained her in Beijing and immediately brought her home.

  18. 霸天虎分裂,震荡波,萨克巨人与霸王三雄并立。

    Oslash; Decepticon army splits between Shockwave, Scorponok and Overlord.

  19. 医学常常是和神学、法学并立,作为大学的基本学系。

    Along with theology and law, medicine was usually one of the basic faculties.

  20. 要求会见首相的代表团准时抵达并立即受到接见。

    The deputation to see the Prime Minister arrived dead on time and was received at once.

  21. 惑儒我的并立就是这个意思同时存在但不互相影响

    Confused Then wouldnt itye a commensal existenc For they coexists yettheir existence does mot interfere with one another.

  22. 我决定放弃钓鱼并立即回家,否则我会被冻死的。

    I decided to abandon fishing and head home before I froze to death.

  23. 玫瑰就这样诞生了,并立即被封为花中之皇后。

    And so the Rose was born and was immediately crowned the Queen of Flowers.

  24. 每一个像素都是并立的, 都有其变动的场所和特定的值。

    Each pixel is independent and has its place and a specific value.

  25. 每一个像素都是并立得,都有其变动得场所和特定得值。

    Each pixel is independent and has its place and a specific value.

  26. 在监牢里,蒙太尼里诱劝亚瑟改变立场并立下结盟誓言。

    In the prison Padre Montanelli tempted Arthur to come over and pledge allegiance.

  27. 取出毒刺,把被叮处弄湿并立即把盐糊涂在上面。

    Remove the stinger, wet the sting and immediately shake on a paste of salt and water.

  28. 说着, 祥福站了起来, 双脚并立, 对着电视镜头深深鞠了躬。

    Then, Xiangfu stood up, feet sideside, in front of television cameras deep Ju Personally.

  29. 他借走现金3万元,约定借款期限一年,并立了一张借约。

    He borrowed 30,000 yuan in cash for a period of 1 year and signed a receipt for it.

  30. 我们划出一小块地方作为孩子们的游戏场, 并立桩标明。

    We've set aside a small area as a children's playground, and staked it off.


  1. 问:并立拼音怎么拼?并立的读音是什么?并立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:并立的读音是bìnglì,并立翻译成英文是 exist simultaneously; exist side by side

  2. 问:并立制拼音怎么拼?并立制的读音是什么?并立制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:并立制的读音是,并立制翻译成英文是 Parallel voting

  3. 问:并立环绕拼音怎么拼?并立环绕的读音是什么?并立环绕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:并立环绕的读音是bìng lì huán rào,并立环绕翻译成英文是 side-by-side spiral

  4. 问:并立背后握手拼音怎么拼?并立背后握手的读音是什么?并立背后握手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:并立背后握手的读音是bìng lì bèi hòu wò shǒu,并立背后握手翻译成英文是 Kilian position




【读音】bìng lì


【出处】明·罗贯中《三国演义》第十三回:“傕性不测,况今两雄不并立,倘彼酒后置毒,妾将奈何。 ”
