


1. 乐 [lè]2. 乐 [yuè]乐 [lè]欢喜,快活;快~。~境。~融融。~不可支。其~无穷。~观(精神愉快,对事物的发展充满信心)。~天(安于自己的处境而没有任何忧虑)。使人快乐的事情:取~。逗~。对某事甘心情愿:~此不疲。~善好……





汉语拼音:lè shì







  1. 乐于从事所作的事。参见“ 乐事劝功 ”。

  2. 欢乐的事。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《拟魏太子邺中集诗序》:“天下良辰、美景、赏心、乐事,四者难并。” 唐 白居易 《和微之春日投简阳明洞天五十韵》:“醉乡虽咫尺,乐事亦须臾。” 宋 张孝祥 《虞美人·赠卢坚叔》词:“举案齐眉乐事、看年年。” 郁达夫 《扬州旧梦寄语堂》:“若当暮雨潇潇的春日,雇一个容颜姣好的船娘,携酒与茶,来 瘦西湖 上回游半日,倒也是一种赏心的乐事。”



  1. One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of knowledge .


  2. He took her education entirely on himself, and made it an amusement.


  3. Going to bed early is one of life's greatest pleasures and eight hours' sleep is bliss.


  4. Before they parted, she had to thank him for another pleasure, and one of no trivial kind.


  5. One of the greatest joys known to man is to take such a flight into ignorance in search of the knowledge.


  6. I felt as if it must be a fine thing to live in the country where there was such comfort and such luxury as this.


  7. After rushing around all day to take the sights in, it was a joy to return to this tranquil and private venue.


  8. For the other women, depending on their degree of shyness, touch is always a pleasure and a treat. . .


  9. it is wonderful for her to enjoy a ballet performance 2.


  1. 人生不全是乐事。

    Life not all roses.

  2. 他以苦干为乐事。

    He thrives on hard work.

  3. 人生并非满是乐事。

    Life is not all beer and skittles.

  4. 摆脱烦恼是人生乐事。

    What more bless than to put care aside!

  5. 采访她是一件乐事

    she was a delight to interview

  6. 他们去看戏真是乐事。

    It's a great treat for them to go to the theater.

  7. 外观纯美, 操作更是乐事。

    The look is pure elegance. The handling is pure joy.

  8. 听她唱歌是一桩乐事。

    It is a pleasure to hear her sing.

  9. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。

    It is a pleasure to work with you.

  10. 弹钢琴是他的一大乐事。

    Playing the piano is one of his greatest satisfactions.

  11. 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。

    Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.

  12. 防御行为对犬不是什么乐事。

    Defensive behavior is not fun for the dog.

  13. 驾驶这架飞机是一件乐事。

    The aircraft was a delight to fly.

  14. 偶尔坐着无所事事,也算是乐事。

    Sometimes it's nice just to sit around and do nothing.

  15. 能去伦敦,是她的一大乐事。

    Its a great treat for her to go to London.

  16. 收到你的长信真是一件乐事。

    It was a real treat to receive your nice, long letter.

  17. 去海滨游览对我们是一大乐事。

    The visit to the seaside was a great treat for us.

  18. 教导可立人是一件赏心乐事。

    Teaching Holapians is an enjoyable experience.

  19. 和我的小外甥玩是一大乐事。

    Playing with my young nephew is such a delight.

  20. 现代人以弄脏自己得窝为乐事。

    Modern man takes pleasure in fouling his nest.

  21. 现代人以弄脏自己的窝为乐事。

    Modern man takes pleasure in fouling his nest.

  22. 大热天来次凉快的游泳是件乐事。

    On a hot day, a cool swim is a joy.

  23. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。

    It's a pleasure to work alongside such men.

  24. 这将是处理与贵公司的一大乐事。

    It would be a great pleasure dealing with your esteemed company.

  25. 孩子们喜欢同父母一起分享各种兴趣和乐事。

    Children like to share interests and enjoyments with their parents.

  26. 看你的表情我就知道你一定有什么乐事。

    Oh, I can tell by that look on your face you've got something good.

  27. 与你们共进晚餐将是我的一大乐事。

    It will afford me a great pleasure to have dinner with you.

  28. 看这些表演节目对我来说是一大乐事。

    These performances are a great treat to me.

  29. 在你这样做时,你就把坏事变成了乐事。

    In doing so, you turn the bitterness in satisfaction!

  30. 写这本书是一大乐事,辛苦绝对是心甘情愿。

    Writing this book has been a great pleasure, a true labour of love.


  1. 问:乐事拼音怎么拼?乐事的读音是什么?乐事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乐事的读音是lèshì,乐事翻译成英文是 pleasure; Lay's



“乐事”是个多义词,它可以指乐事(汉语词语), 乐事(乐事薯片)。