


养牲畜的圈(juàn ):虎~。亡羊补~(喻事后补救还不为迟)。~笼。古代称作祭品的牲畜:太~(古代帝王、诸侯祭祀社稷时,牛、羊、豕三牲全备之称)。少~(诸侯宗庙,用羊、豕之称)。监禁犯人的地方:监~。坐~。结实,坚固,固定:~固。~稳(a……


1. 笼 [lóng]2. 笼 [lǒng]笼 [lóng]用竹篾、木条编成的盛物器或罩物器:灯~。熏~。用竹篾、木条或金属丝等编插而成的养鸟或虫的器具:鸡~。鸟~。蝈蝈~。旧时囚禁犯人的东西:囚~。牢~。用竹木或金属材料制成的有盖的蒸东西……



汉语拼音:láo lóng










  1. 包罗;容纳。

    《淮南子·本经训》:“牢笼天地,弹压山川,含吐阴阳,伸曳四时,纪网八极,经纬六合。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·人物》:“既而 孟坚 勒成《汉书》,牢笼一代。” 明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷一:“作赋之法,已尽 长卿 数语,大抵包蓄千古之材,牢笼宇宙之态。” 鲁迅 《坟·宋民间之所谓小说及其后来》:“而这四种定法,也就牢笼了后来的许多拟作了。”

  2. 犹掩盖,盖过。

    《周书·王褒庾信传论》:“唯 王襃 、 庾信 奇才秀出,牢笼於一代。”

  3. 笼络;罗致。

    唐玄宗 《巡省途次上党旧宫赋》:“英髦既包括,豪杰自牢笼。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·慈恩寺题名游赏赋咏杂记》:“科第之设,沿革多矣, 文皇帝 拨乱反正,特设科名,志在牢笼英彦。” 明 瞿佑 《归田诗话·后山不背南丰》:“ 陈后山 少为 曾南丰 所知, 东 坡爱其才,欲牢笼於门下。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·勇健军》:“论者谓帝善於牢笼勇士,不使其为非也。” 田汉 《丽人行》第二一场:“他们拼命想以 亚洲 人的立场来牢笼 中国 人。”

  4. 约束,限制。

    鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第七篇:“世之所尚,因有撰集,或者掇拾旧闻,或者记述近事,虽不过丛残小语,而俱为人间言动,遂脱志怪之牢笼也。”

  5. 骗人的圈套。

    元 王晔 《桃花女》第四折:“怎知你逞尽顽凶,设就牢笼。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“牢笼巧设美人局,美人原不是心腹。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三七回:“我既然入了他的牢笼,又碍着交情,只得提起精神,同他赶忙画起来。”

  6. 关禽兽的笼槛。喻束缚人的事物。

    何其芳 《画梦录·黄昏》:“美丽的飞鸟寻找着牢笼。” 柯灵 《香雪海·首先强调什么》:“打开视野,从狭隘的牢笼里解放出来。” 陆文夫 《一路平安》六:“我们一起从那个牢笼里冲了出去,对那种优裕富足的生活视如粪土,毫不可惜!”



  1. not to follow me, not to make out of me a cage which will become a religion, a sect.


  2. From then on, my feeling is no longer MengMengDongDong, all day oneself imprisoned in set themselves up "cage" .


  3. It was just a case of we've just got to give it a go now and see what happens.


  4. A man's heart is like a bird locked inside the cage of the body. When you dance, the heart sings like a bird aspiring to a fusion with God.


  5. Such a person lives in a case of his own neurosis.


  6. As a substitute for a narrow cage the new enclosures are excellent, but I should think they are a poor imitation of a life of liberty.


  7. She was pacing the floor like a caged beast now, waiting for the unsolicited thing to be brought up to her.


  8. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision.


  9. Dalai's "Middle Way" is to restore his past heaven and put millions of already emancipated serfs back to the dark cage.


  1. 逃出监狱,逃出牢笼。

    The people fled in panic when the bull got loose.

  2. 而这是她们的牢笼。

    And here's their cage.

  3. 他都无法冲破牢笼。

    He could not break free.

  4. 冲破旧思想的牢笼

    shake off the bonds of old ideas

  5. 菩提树荫,我的牢笼?

    This LimeTree Bower My Prison.

  6. 梁山伯被关进了牢笼。

    Liang was put into prison.

  7. 孤独行走天涯就是你的牢笼

    Your prison is walking thru this world all alone

  8. 巨人将出现将给他套上牢笼

    The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage

  9. 那个战俘从牢笼中逃了出来。

    The prisoner of war escaped from the jail.

  10. 挤进象沙丁鱼罐头一样的牢笼

    Jam into the crowded cages like sardine fishes can

  11. 可怜的囚犯们拥挤在恶臭的牢笼中。

    Wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages.

  12. 家,这即是庇护所,又是一所牢笼。

    Home is a shelter and a cage.

  13. 有些动物在牢笼中, 繁殖的不好。

    Some animals dont breed well in captivity.

  14. 是我离开这个牢笼的时间了所以。

    it s time for me to fly the coop, so.

  15. 而我们难道是在牢笼里得困兽?

    Are we the beast in the cage ?

  16. 而我们难道是在牢笼里的困兽?

    Are we the beast in the cage ?

  17. 他们说我失踪了,但我只是挣脱牢笼。

    They say I disappeared, but all I did was break out.

  18. 因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。

    Now that he is disabled, his house have become a prison to him.

  19. 换取了一个囚在牢笼里的大人物?

    For a lead role in a cage ?

  20. 换取了一个囚在牢笼里得大人物?

    For a lead role in a cage ?

  21. 我觉得我们已闯进了牢笼, 危在旦夕。

    I had a feeling that we were caged and threatened.

  22. 这样的人生活在自己神经质的牢笼里。

    Such a person lives in a case of his own neurosis.

  23. 失败主义者把困境当成牢笼,毫无办法。

    The defeatist always see their stagnant circumstances as limiting.

  24. 他刚刚从守备深严的牢笼里逃出来。

    He just escaped from a maximum prison.

  25. 那黑暗如牢笼, 自他苏生, 就将他禁锢。

    The darkness is a cage, which limited him, since he revived.

  26. 真相是,全世界的穷人都深陷暴力的牢笼。

    The truth is, the poor of our world are trapped in whole systems of violence.

  27. 写下你的感觉可以帮助你逃脱情绪的牢笼。

    Writing down what you feel and how you feel can help you out liberate from your emotional prison.

  28. 龙游沟壑遭虾戏,凤入牢笼被鸟欺

    The dragon in a puddle is the sport of shrimps, the phoenix in a cage is mocked by small birds

  29. 不要追随我,不要把我变成宗教,派别这样的牢笼。

    not to follow me, not to make out of me a cage which will become a religion, a sect.

  30. 在指定目标周围, 召唤一个环状的骨制牢笼。

    Summons a ring of bone to surround a target.


  1. 问:牢笼拼音怎么拼?牢笼的读音是什么?牢笼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牢笼的读音是láolóng,牢笼翻译成英文是 shackles




【拼音】láo lóng
