




用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……



汉语拼音:tí zì







  1. 对一事一物或一书一画,为留纪念而写上字。

    唐 卢照邻 《悲昔游》:“题字于 扶风 之柱,繫马于 驪山 之松。” 清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈·水木明瑟轩即事》:“煮茗然双鼎,摊书占一斋,写碑金石録,题字水松牌。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“一个画画,一个题字,真是才子佳人,天生的一对。”

  2. 指为留纪念所题写的字。

    唐 李邕 《大唐泗州临淮县普光王寺碑》:“嘉寺之旁,立名宠圣札之题字。” 宋 梅尧臣 《得曾巩附永叔书》诗:“袖衔藤纸书,题字远已认。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致孟十还》:“《城与年》倒并不急……因为这不过为了图上的题字而已。”



  1. The dignitary wrote something on a slip of paper when he had chanted the sutra, Then he gave it to the family.


  2. In reality, most of the time hieroglyphs were used for innocuous inscriptions or historical depictions.


  3. There was an inscription in Chinese characters over the arch.


  4. Prevenient premier Zhu Rongji autographs in one's handwriting: Do not falsify accounts .


  5. Inscriptions indicate that when the latter died, two of his sons shared the throne as Cyrus I of Anshan and Ariaramnes of Persia.


  6. A piece of painting normally consists of the painting itself, calligraphic writing and seal stamp.


  7. One frequent inscription reads: "This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq" .


  8. Rock Carving the contents of the lease, poetry, that the inscription, inscriptions, essays and travelogues , and other epitaph.


  9. "Li home cuisine" inscription is the sign of the last emperor Pu yi's brother Pu Jie.


  1. 田遨先生题字

    The inscription written by Mr. Tian Ao

  2. 碑首。碑头及其题字

    Top part of a tablet

  3. 上面的题字是什么?

    What's the inscription say?

  4. 书上有作者亲笔题字。

    The book is autographed by the author.

  5. 写在其它事物上的题字。

    An inscription written above something else.

  6. 近代名人的题字遍布其中。

    Inscriptions by famous people in modern times can be seen all over the area.

  7. 这是什么?这是一行隐藏的题字。

    What is it? It's a hidden inscription.

  8. 一张题字很怪异的纸

    a queerly inscribed sheet of paper

  9. 救救宝丽莱,到场签名,题字,留影!

    Lets Save Polaroid! Come to the exhibition to sign this petition.

  10. 在扉页上题字是送给我的。

    On the flyleaf was an inscription to me.

  11. 爱请人在纪念册上签名题字的人

    an autograph hound

  12. 传统上,题字是从右向左的。

    Traditionally, inscriptions run from right to left.

  13. 而且我很喜欢你写给我的题字。

    And I love the inscription you wrote to me.

  14. 有请人在纪念册上签名题字嗜好的人

    autograph hound

  15. 孙中山先生为苏曼殊遗墨题字

    Mr. San Yaisens inscription on the book of Manshus Posthumous Paintings.

  16. 可以免费在你的婚戒上刻上你的题字。

    Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.

  17. 镌刻文字, 铭文镌刻在物体之上的题字或名号

    An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin.

  18. 我们还去了红军哨所, 那里有几个题字。

    We are go to the Red army station.

  19. 祁门洪家大屋官厅太平军题字考略

    On the Inscription by Taiping Rebellion Army on the Wall of Hongjia Big Room, Qimen County

  20. 一块由石头或木头做成的,适合题字、刻碑文的平板。

    A slab of stone or wood suitable for bearing an inscription.

  21. 坊上题字均为翰林单兰亭所书, 字体端庄幽雅。

    Square on the inscription of the book are Hanlin single Lanting, dignified and elegant font.

  22. 你需要一盏不是红色的并且不能有任何题字的油灯。

    You will need an oil lamp which must not be colored red or bear any inscription.

  23. 题字成为十个月后该部全体投降清军的前奏曲。

    The inscription became a prelude of the surrender of Gu's military unit to the Qing army ten months later.

  24. 鸟居一般有两根支柱,上面有两个横梁,也有上面有题字的匾。

    Torii generally have two pillars, there are two beams, but also the plaque bearing the inscription.

  25. 高僧诵经完毕,就在一张纸条上题字,然后交予其家人。

    The dignitary wrote something on a slip of paper when he had chanted the sutra, Then he gave it to the family.

  26. 洪家大屋官厅墙壁上的题字是太平军古隆贤部所为。

    The inscription on the wall of Hongjia Big Room was written by Gu Longxian's military unit of the Taiping Rebellion Army.


  1. 问:题字拼音怎么拼?题字的读音是什么?题字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:题字的读音是tízì,题字翻译成英文是 inscribe; inscription



词目:题字 示例:主人拿出纪念册请来宾题字 题字,在一般意义上指的是,在人际交往之中,应他人之邀,或出于某种考虑主动要求,而为对方所亲笔书写一些文字。通常认为,题字是一种与其他人进行交际应酬的高雅而又易行的方式。

