




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:mù mén




2.春秋 晋国 邑名。《左传·襄公二十七年》:“﹝ 子鲜 ﹞出奔 晋 ……託於 木门,不乡 卫国 而坐。木门 大夫劝之仕。不可。”杜预 注:“木门,晋 邑。”

3.谷名。在今 甘肃省 天水市 西南。



  1. 木制的门。

    《汉书·外戚传下·孝成赵皇后》:“先是有童謡曰:‘燕燕,尾涏涏, 张公子 ,时相见。木门仓琅根,燕飞来,啄皇孙。皇孙死,燕啄矢。’” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》三:“大门可是只拦着个木栅,没有木门,没有门楼。”

  2. 春秋 晋国 邑名。

    《左传·襄公二十七年》:“﹝ 子鲜 ﹞出奔 晋 ……託於 木门 ,不乡 卫国 而坐。 木门 大夫劝之仕。不可。” 杜预 注:“ 木门 , 晋 邑。”

  3. 谷名。在今 甘肃省 天水市 西南。



  1. That evening, Mr. Yang smashed through the wooden door of his 63-year- old neighbor, Wu Wenguang, and struck him in the head with an ax.

  2. The image in the Canon is of a solid wooden door: a ball of string thrown at the door won't leave a dent at all.

  3. Towser closed his eyes and bumped his head back against the rough wood of the paddock door.

  4. He stood for a long moment, but there was no reply. He struck the heel of his hand against the door and the timbers shuddered.

  5. And the finished product door still unable to install, every door to home after all, sometimes need adjust size can finish all day.

  6. What have something made to order obviously is wooden door, how to turn plywood into the door, chipboard still is completely inside.

  7. Every spring, he would move the herd down a long ramp, through a wooden gate and into a holding pen for inspection.

  8. A wooden door has a very limited life even if it is well looked after, as it is virtually impossible to stop wood from warping and bending.

  9. As the title of the doorway, wood, wood industry international standardization, the door. Good polity and high.


  1. 木门及门套

    Wood door and door frame.

  2. 雕饰硬木木门

    hardwood decorative carveddoor

  3. 玻璃门, 制冰盆, 木门。

    Glass door, make icebox, wooden door.

  4. 大宫门有3扇大木门。

    The Great Palace Gate used to have three huge wooden doors.

  5. 木门成套生产及加工设备。

    Wooden door production and processing equipment.

  6. 木门,放火门,纺织品中的甲醛。

    Wooden doors, fire doors, formaldehyde in textiles.

  7. 木门在潮热天气会膨胀。

    Wooden doors expand in hot, wet weather.

  8. 警察砸破薄木门进入房间。

    The police battered through the flimsy wooden door.

  9. 所属行业地板木门檐口线脚

    Industry Floor Wooden doors Foot cornice line.

  10. 外包金属的木门, 包铁皮防火门

    kalamein door

  11. 可经营厨卫,地板,木门等生意。

    Can manage hutch to defend, floor, the business as wooden door.

  12. 外面,回响着木门被劈裂的声音。

    The sound of splintering wood reverberated outside.

  13. 他爬上楼梯,敲他祖母房间的木门。

    He climbed the stairs and knocked on the wooden door of his grandmother's room.

  14. 他用手掌的根部敲着门,木门颤动着。

    He struck the heel of his hand against the door and the timbers shuddered.

  15. 集成材实木门的结构与加工工艺

    Structure and Processing Technology of a Solid Door with Laminated Wood Materials

  16. 赤道几内亚总统府装修专用木门

    Special decorating wood door for the office of the president in Equatorial Guinean

  17. 过好一会儿, 那巨大的木门的门栓开始松动。

    Moments later, the bolts of the enormous wooden portal began to move.

  18. 杰夫猛地一脚踢向那扇雕花木门。

    Jeff kicked in the engraved wooden door.

  19. 木门和侧板都要涂一层最初的油漆。

    Doors and primed ready to paint, but no paint should be in cost.

  20. 木门和侧板都要涂一层最初得油漆。

    Doors and primed ready to paint, but no paint should be in cost.

  21. 浅谈木门生产中手糊薄木的工艺及其利弊

    On the production of wooden doors veneer hand lay process and its pros and cons.

  22. 所属行业防水,防潮材料木门踢脚板檐口线脚

    Industry Waterproof, moistureproof material Wooden doors Skirtboard Foot cornice line.

  23. 关于迎春林业局实木门实木家具厂经济效益分析

    Economic benefit analysis of the wood door and furniture factory in Yingchun forestry bureau

  24. 那扇旧木门上得螺丝钉已有两颗松动了。

    Two of the screws in this old wooden door have worked themselves free.

  25. 那扇旧木门上的螺丝钉已有两颗松动了。

    Two of the screws in this old wooden door have worked themselves free.

  26. 木门大门是阳宅的气口,对家居风水影响重大。

    The door is YangZhai carbon monoxide to household geomantic effect is significant.

  27. 所属行业踢脚板学生床课桌椅木门踢脚板檐口线脚

    Industry Skirtboard Student bed Desks and chairs Wooden doors Skirtboard Foot cornice line.

  28. 黑袍人停在一道木门前,推开门栓,打开了它。

    The man in black paused at a wooden door, slid a bolt aside, and opened it.

  29. 据分析,木门不合格的主要原因是设计不合格和偷工减料。

    According to the analysis, mumenbu's eligible main reason is a design unqualified and jerry.

  30. 当他推开木门,步入拂晓的阴影,新的黎明已然接近。

    It had already become day as he opened the big wooden door and stepped out of the shadows.


  1. 问:木门拼音怎么拼?木门的读音是什么?木门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木门的读音是mù mén,木门翻译成英文是 wooden door

  2. 问:木门窗安装拼音怎么拼?木门窗安装的读音是什么?木门窗安装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:木门窗安装的读音是mù mén chuāng ān zhuāng,木门窗安装翻译成英文是 installation of wooden doors and windows...


