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The ODRs will route the incoming HTTP requests in an "application scoped" fashion to any target server capable of servicing the request.
ODR将以“应用程序为作用域”把传入的HTTP请求路由到任何能够处理请求的目标服务器中。If two or more routes are available with the same cost , the load is distributed as equally as possible between them .
如果同一开销有两个或多个路由可用,则在它们之间尽可能均匀地分配负载。The best way to understand how a secure proxy can be used to route requests across a super cluster is to look at a simple example.
要理解如何使用安全代理在超级集群之间路由请求,最好的办法是查看一个简单的示例。Routers connect two or more logical subnets, which do not necessarily map one-to-one to the physical interfaces of the router.
路由器连接两个或多个逻辑子网,不一定地图一对一的物理接口的路由器。After the second or third time I griped about a misbehaving router, one of my friends convinced me to try DD-WRT.
在第二次或第三次我疲于应付一台制造麻烦的路由器以后,我的一位朋友说服我尝试DD-WRT。A router is often included as part of a network switch.
路由器通常作为网络交换的一部分。Once the email is retrieved, we need to be able to call from the DB and route emails to multiple agents, if they are online.
一旦检索电子邮件,我们需要能够从数据库和呼叫路由电子邮件多个代理,如果他们在线。Static routing also fails completely to adapt to network outages and failures along the route due to the fixed nature of the route.
静态路由由于路由固定的特性,因此根本无法根据路由来适应网络中断和故障。Before any of these commands are implemented, each router and switch should be checked to see which VLAN encapsulations they support.