






1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……





汉语拼音:chén āi luò dìng








  1. Similarly Jean Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, spoke about how the dust had begun to settle on the crisis.


  2. The bank said it was pleased to put the matter behind it.


  3. The dust may be settling on this dispute more quickly than it might have done.


  4. the wind strikes the trailer like a load of dirt coming off a dump truck , eases , dies , leaves a temporary silence.


  5. Wait until the dust has settled, there are still traces of its own, once the wind had wonderful flying marks.


  6. The great question that will emerge as the dust settles, of course, is what policy paths lie ahead as a result of this outcome.


  7. As the dust began to settle, in their indifference Germans had no country, . They just had each individual.


  8. After the excitement over the historic election dies down, the next president will face some serious domestic and international issues.


  9. As the dust begins to settle after the worst financial crisis in living memory it is time for the bank sector to start rebuilding again.


  1. 尘埃落定后

    Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

  2. 等到尘埃落定

    to wait for the dust to settle

  3. 一切都尘埃落定了。

    Well.that's done.

  4. 一切都尘埃落定了。

    Well. that's done.

  5. 尘埃落定中的原型塑造

    Prototype Creation in Novel The Falling Dust

  6. 但一切才刚刚尘埃落定啊。

    But everything just got fixed.

  7. 尘埃落定中的民间原型解读

    Explanations of the Folk Archetype in the Novel The Falling Dust

  8. 他们离婚一事在这周末尘埃落定。

    Their divorce became final this weekend.

  9. 这场争论也许可以更迅速地尘埃落定。

    The dust may be settling on this dispute more quickly than it might have done.

  10. 双方终于尘埃落定,翰,律师,获准保留的名字。

    The two sides eventually settled and Goldberger, a lawyer, was allowed to keep the name.

  11. 烟雾散去, 尘埃落定, 两个战士走近了。

    As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, two soldiers approached.

  12. 烟雾散去,尘埃落定,两个战士走近了。

    As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, two soldiers approached.

  13. 而且据我所知,这笔交易基本尘埃落定。

    And from what I understand, the deal's as good as done.

  14. 尘埃落定之时,我会很高兴和他们交谈。

    I will be happy to talk to them when the dust has settled.

  15. 尘埃落定后的华丽转身,不带一丝留念。

    After the dust settles the luxuriant turned, I will not take a souvenir.

  16. 尘埃落定之后,麦子和稗草将变得一目了然。

    After the dust has settled, wheat and barnyard grass will become clear at a glance.

  17. 本届世界杯决赛的两支参赛队伍已经尘埃落定。

    All is now set for the final game of this year's World Cup.

  18. 本届世界杯决赛得两支参赛队伍已经尘埃落定。

    All is now set for the final game of this year's World Cup.

  19. 当一切尘埃落定时, 我们的感觉还如从前吗??

    That when the dust settled, we still felt the same.

  20. 当一切尘埃落定,婚礼的钟声将为某人响起。

    And when the dust settled, wedding bells rang for someone.

  21. 待到尘埃落定,婚礼的钟声终于敲响为某人敲响。

    And when the dust settled, wedding bells rang For someone.

  22. 之后,当2012年大选尘埃落定,真正的行动就要开始了。

    Then, once the political campaign of2012 is over, the real work will begin.

  23. 第四章分析了尘埃落定独特的复调叙事视角。

    Chapter Four analyzes the unique narrative perspective of double tones in The Settling of the Dust.

  24. 不过成为世间一屡尘埃, 尘埃落定那刻, 万世轮回。

    But the world has become a repeated dust, the dust has settled that moment, Jesus Christ reincarnation.

  25. 当尘埃落定,在不同国家的花费差别就会很小了。

    When dust will settle, there will be very little cost difference left between different countries.

  26. 如果不是一切都尘埃落定, 你怎能知道这到底是真是假?

    And how do you know, until after the fact, whether it is friend or faux


  1. 问:尘埃落定拼音怎么拼?尘埃落定的读音是什么?尘埃落定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尘埃落定的读音是chén'āiluòdìng,尘埃落定翻译成英文是 To settle on; to have reached a certain conclus...


尘埃落定chén āi luò dìng ,成语,多用来表示事情经过了曲折变化终于有了结果。