


1. 呢 [ní]2. 呢 [ne]呢 [ní]一种毛织物:~子。~绒。毛~。呢 [ne]助词,用在句末(a.表示疑问,如“你干什么~?”b.表示确定的语气,如“他没来~”。c.表示动作正在进行,如“我正吃饭~”。d.使句子略停顿一下,如“……






1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:ní nán ruǎn yǔ









  1. 网络
  2. ne

  1. 燕子呢喃。

    The swallow twitters.

  2. 随着西风呢喃,

    As the west wind murmurs lowly

  3. 不是夏日里情人的呢喃

    Is not that young couples in the summer

  4. 我想念妹妹睡梦中的呢喃。

    I missed my sister's sleepy mumbles.

  5. 在你身旁呢喃着梦境。

    Whispering dreams down next to you.

  6. 古老的榆树林中鸽子的呢喃。

    The moan of doves in immemorial elms.

  7. 你呢喃着梦境会成为现实。

    You whispered dreams that would all come true.

  8. 呢喃着梦境如此模糊和疲惫

    Whispering dreams so blurred and tired

  9. 在梁间呢喃, 你是爱, 是暖

    whispering at my window, you are love, and mellow.

  10. 清晨中沉睡的恋人发出的呢喃

    The whispers in the morning of lovers sleeping tight

  11. 河水静静地呢喃等着我, 等着我!

    Lonely river sigh wait for me wait for me!

  12. 在银色的沙滩上呢喃着梦境。

    Whispering dreams on silver sand.

  13. 吾视不眠之鬼魂呢喃低语。

    I see unquiet ghosts and speak their whispered tongue.

  14. 她呢喃着说,病魔让她思虑过多。

    And she told me that her illnesses.

  15. 让我听见你每次温柔的呢喃。

    Let me hear you whisper softly in my ear.

  16. 丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。

    And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

  17. 我与那痴心的花儿呢喃低诉。

    I and the infatuation flowers twitter low v.

  18. 你呢喃着梦境的世界缓缓走来。

    You whispered dreams of a world to come.

  19. 微启的双唇呢喃谁的姓名心头难忘。

    Enlight lips twitter whose memorable name in my heart.

  20. 注相信是全血盟死之呢喃的技能。

    Note I believe this is clan deathwhisper.

  21. 无声的愿望航过七海转向的风在树梢呢喃。

    A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees.

  22. 无声得愿望航过七海转向得风在树梢呢喃。

    A silent wish sails the seven seas The winds of change whisper in the trees.

  23. 世事变迁, 留下串串足迹, 叶儿沙沙, 犹如你的呢喃。

    The world left its footprints in the universe, the rustle of leaves are your kind whispers.

  24. 咖啡馆几乎空空荡荡,电幕轻声呢喃着一首温柔的乐曲。

    The place was almost empty. A tinny music was trickling from the telescreens.

  25. 古老的屋檐上,归巢的燕子翩飞,呢喃。说着不为人知的悄悄话。

    The old roof on homing swallows Pianfei, twitter. Unknown spoke in whispers.

  26. 喜鹊啼枝报福慧, 新燕呢喃语春晖

    Pied magpie tweeting for blessing, swallow coming for the spring