




1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……



汉语拼音:lěng guì






  1. She left it on her daughter's porch Wednesday evening because her daughter's refrigerator was too small to hold the food.


  2. In the two series of commercial refrigerator, commercial refrigerator manufacturer of the emphasis on different markets.


  3. So completely closed rotating refrigeration compressors in refrigeration and air-conditioning and refrigerator in the broad-application.


  4. Later, he opened factories to produce refrigerators and freezers , and then construction materials.


  5. and the door body (9) is hinged on a side plate of the freezer body.


  6. Low voltage distribution room and control room are respectively equipped with one LF34N air cooling packaged air conditioner, totaling 2.


  7. We have bought too many special purchases for the Spring Festival, and crammed the big refrigerator.


  8. In a grocery store or in a convenience store in front of the beverage cooler you will see green tea this or green tea that.


  9. Keeping Tea shop must have freezer, and use freezer keeping tea in summer.


  1. 你有几个冷柜吗?

    You got a couple of coolers?

  2. 冷柜门外壳成形模设计

    Design of the Die for Forming the Outer Shell of the Freezer Door

  3. 我们的冷柜已经够用了

    We don't need any more freezers.

  4. 冰箱、冷柜检测系统的设计

    The Design of Refrigeratory and Cold Cabinet Test System

  5. 冰箱、冷柜产品中的密封应用

    Application of Sealing in Refrigerator and Freezer Products

  6. 冰箱和冷柜能量指标的分析

    The energy target analysis of refrigerators

  7. 价值分析在冷柜冷凝器上的应用

    Value Analysis for Condenser of Freezer

  8. 冷凝器是冷柜制冷系统的重要部件。

    The condenser is one of important components of the refrigerating system for freezer.

  9. 你必须把冰箱, 冷柜和橱子锁起来。

    You have to lock the refrigerator, the freezer, cabinets.

  10. 门体铰接在冷柜柜体的侧板上

    and the door body is hinged on a side plate of the freezer body.

  11. 低温冷柜内空气的传热与流动特性研究

    Characteristic study of air flow and heat transfer in a freezer

  12. 丙烷和丙烯用于低温冷柜的性能和充灌量研究

    Performance and Charge Analysis of Propane and Propylene Used in Low Temperature Cabinet Freezers

  13. 陈列冷柜玻璃门表面结露问题的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Condensation Problem of Glass Surface of Display Refrigerator.

  14. 制冷剂充注量对冷柜系统影响的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Influence of Refrigerant Charge on Freezer System

  15. 备注国内任何港口到敖德萨冷柜,绝对的国内最低价。

    Reefer container from any port in china to odessa offer the lowest price.

  16. 当我回到家,我就把冷柜里的食物都吃了。

    When I got home I ate everything in the icebox.

  17. 冰蓄冷柜式空调系统的充冷过程模拟

    Simulation of Charging Process of An Ice Storage Tank Air Conditioning System The Computation for the Cold Roll Forming Process

  18. 过年买的年货太多, 把挺大的冷柜都塞满了。

    We have bought too many special purchases for the Spring Festival, and crammed the big refrigerator.

  19. 过年买得年货太多,把挺大得冷柜都塞满了。

    We have bought too many special purchases for the Spring Festival,and crammed the big refrigerator.

  20. 过年买的年货太多,把挺大的冷柜都塞满了。

    We have bought too many special purchases for the Spring Festival, and crammed the big refrigerator.

  21. 介绍一种冰箱、冷柜基本性能自动测试的计算机系统。

    A computerized automatic test system for the basic performance of refrigerators and freezers is introduced.

  22. 所属行业口腔用具冰箱,冷柜汽车影音理发器电吹风

    Industry Oral appliances Refrigerator, Freezer Car audio Hair clipper Hair dryer.

  23. 开个茶叶店必备冷库冷柜, 即时下普遍在夏日使用冷贮法。

    Tea shop must have freezer, and use freezer keeping tea in summer.


  1. 问:冷柜拼音怎么拼?冷柜的读音是什么?冷柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷柜的读音是lěngguì,冷柜翻译成英文是 An refrigerator.