







汉语拼音:qiāng yǎn








  1. 碉堡或墙壁上开的供射击用的小孔。

    茅盾 《虚惊》:“那房子四面高墙,只有枪眼式的长方小洞,简直没有窗。” 李瑛 《红旗道班》诗:“注意!灌木丛中有没有匕首?警惕!野玫瑰下有没有枪眼?”

  2. 枪弹打穿的洞。

    姚雪垠 《长夜》二:“一个麻脸的土匪吩咐说:‘谁扯一句谎,就给谁钻一个枪眼儿。’”



  1. He got her to water down the idea that private bondholders must take a hit whenever countries get into trouble.


  2. By forcing entry into the mud-fortress home of a Pushtun, with its lofty buttresses and loopholes, they dishonour his property.


  3. a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns.


  4. When the shooting began, students said Dr. Librescu remained calm and went to the door, barricading it with his body.


  5. " Loopholes" in the experiments, however, mean that the question is still not quite settled.


  6. The rest waited in reserve, along with a bomb disposal truck and armored vans lined with tiny windows and gun portals.


  7. This definition , notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water .


  8. Matthew Poncelet: It' s quiet. Only three days left. Plenty of time to read my Bible and look for a loophole.


  9. Gunshots from time to time, that made us think "Damn, I wonder if someone is dying right now with a hole in their body" .


  1. 逃亡的枪眼。

    loophole of escape.

  2. 没有枪眼嘛,好现象

    No bullet holes. That's a good sign.

  3. 主教, 钓鱼, 法师和枪眼,

    Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes

  4. 在墙壁上凿枪眼

    slot the wall for guns

  5. 他的枪眼肯定是堵住了。

    His pistol must've jammed.

  6. 我的车子上到处是枪眼。

    My poor car is full of holes.

  7. 黄维光用身子堵住敌人的枪眼。

    Huang Jiguang stopped the enemy's bullets with his own body.

  8. 我在他胸口找到了六个枪眼。

    I count six shots in his chest.

  9. 枪眼,炮眼在墙或护墙上开的用于射击的洞口

    A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet.

  10. 我走到离我最近的一个枪眼向外望去。

    I turned to the loophole nearest me and looked out.

  11. 那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼得前方。

    The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.

  12. 那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼的前方。

    The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.

  13. 枪眼在胸骨下方几英寸的地方,四周都是血。

    It was framed by a small circle of blood a few inches below his breastbone.

  14. 狗跑过去捡拾死兔子, 兔子身体的一侧满是密密的枪眼。

    The dog went fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots down one side.

  15. 用锯齿状的和有可以射击的枪眼的城垛、胸墙保护。

    Protected with battlements or parapets with indentations or embrasures for shooting through.

  16. 其实,已有40名女士认为这些照片的枪眼程度都一样。

    The photos had been already been rated by40 women as of about equal attractiveness.

  17. 数值越高, 球员越可能去鱼跃头球或者舍身堵枪眼。

    The higher the more likely to go for a diving header or to block the ball.

  18. 狗跑过去捡拾死兔子,兔子身体得一侧满是密密得枪眼。

    The dog went fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots down one side.

  19. 馆长向下望去,他看到自己白色亚麻衬衫上的枪眼。

    The curator looked down and saw the bullet hole in his white linen shirt.

  20. 这种定义,过于明显的倾向于表意,有太多漏水的枪眼。

    This definition, notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water.

  21. 枪眼墙上的小洞或小缝, 尤指通过其可以进行小武器射击的

    A small hole or slit in a wall, especially one through which small arms may be fired.

  22. 黄继光舍身堵枪眼的英雄壮举, 激励和教育了几代人。

    Huang Jiguang heroic feats of his life for blocking loophole, inspire and educate the generations.

  23. 这种定义, 过于明显得倾向于表意, 有太多漏水得枪眼。

    This definition, notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water.

  24. 水手长 乔伯 安德森的脑袋出现在了中间那个枪眼里。

    The head of Job Anderson, the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

  25. 你知道阿尔菲斯墨瑞立。他一觉醒来,头上出了个枪眼

    You know alphonse moorely. he wakes up with a hole in his head


  1. 问:枪眼拼音怎么拼?枪眼的读音是什么?枪眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪眼的读音是qiāngyǎn,枪眼翻译成英文是 loophole; bullet hole

  2. 问:枪眼靶拼音怎么拼?枪眼靶的读音是什么?枪眼靶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪眼靶的读音是qiāng yǎn bǎ,枪眼靶翻译成英文是 Loop Hole Target

  3. 问:枪眼设备拼音怎么拼?枪眼设备的读音是什么?枪眼设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪眼设备的读音是,枪眼设备翻译成英文是 crenelation