


1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……





汉语拼音:qiě yóu






  1. 见“ 且犹 ”。



  1. A hash table that contains an internal object to which object pooling properties are applied, referenced by an internal key.


  2. The method used to control pulsations to a level acceptable for the piping system shall be elaborated by the bidder.


  3. This attribute can only be applied to classes and is inherited by derived classes.


  4. The Navy requires the helicopters to have controls for two pilots but be capable of single-pilot operation.


  5. Interface, which defines a component that logically contains zero or more other components and is owned by a parent component.


  6. The hosting of the World Expo must be applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee.


  7. 10Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.


  8. Replication is another useful technique and is implemented by a variety of cloud storage providers.


  9. Application data integrity is essential, and is ensured by the application server engine.


  1. 且由买方签字准予发货。

    Delivery of goods shall be approved upon signing of the buyer.

  2. 此属性只能够应用于类, 且由派生类继承。

    This attribute can only be applied to classes and is inherited by derived classes.

  3. 建筑的最大特点是高而尖, 且由竖直的线条构成。

    Construction is the most prominent feature of high tip, and by the vertical lines pose.

  4. 上斜肌肌腱被套叠且由极易损伤的血管鞘包绕。

    The superior oblique tendon telescopes and is surrounded by a vascular sheath that could be easily traumatized.

  5. 复制是另一个有用的技术, 且由各个云存储提供商实现。

    Replication is another useful technique and is implemented by a variety of cloud storage providers.

  6. 类型, 且假定由函数创建者来实现接口。

    And it is assumed that the interface is implemented by the creator of the function.

  7. 蚂蚁社会是等级森严的,且通常由母蚁王统治。

    Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens.

  8. 蚂蚁社会是等级森严得,且通常由母蚁王统治。

    Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens.

  9. 因着信德,定了世界的罪,且成了由信德得正义的承继者。

    Through this he condemned the world and inherited the righteousness that comes through faith.

  10. 因着信德, 衪定了世界的罪, 且成了由信德得正义的承继者。

    Through this he condemned the world and inherited the righteousness that comes through faith.

  11. 所述多个第一柱用于电连接且根据实施例由铜制成。

    The first posts are used for electrical connection and are made of copper according to an embodiment.

  12. 且该栏目应当由公司授权人员签名。

    This box must be signed by the Company's authorized signatory.

  13. 建物一般均高出地面且其屋顶是由平面所构成。

    Buildings generally protrude above the ground and their roofs are generally composed of plane surfaces.

  14. 且述说了灵魂由娑婆世界迈向永恒之道的真实历程。

    And describe the true path a soul has to follow on its journey from this world to eternity.

  15. 摘要建物一般均高出地面且其屋顶是由平面所构成。

    Buildings generally protrude above the ground and their roofs are generally composed of plane surfaces.

  16. 租金由承租人共同且分别承担。

    Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent.

  17. 有可由客人调控且音质良好的音响装置。

    Good acoustic setting that the guests can control. J.

  18. 此化身可能已经由用户创建且被给予一名称。

    This avatar may have already been created by the user and given a name.

  19. 宿命论认为所有事情都是由命运注定且无法改变的理论

    The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable.

  20. 以上资料业由本人填写, 且经详细检查, 在此保证正确无误。

    I have carefully reviewed the above information and certify that are correct and complete.

  21. 以上资业由本人填写, 且经详细检查, 在此保证其正确无误。

    I have carefully reviewed the above information and hereby pledge that all of it is correct.

  22. 以上资料须由本人填写, 且经详细检查, 在此保证其正确无误。

    I have reviewed carefully the above information and hereby guarantee their correctness.

  23. 以上资料业由本人填写, 且经详细检查, 在此保证其正确无误。

    I have reviewed the above information carefully and hereby guarantee their correctness.

  24. 以上资料系由本人填写, 且经详细检查, 在此保证其正确无误。

    I have carefully reviewed the above information and hereby declare that all of it is correct.

  25. 这些反应由酶所引发,且通过第二信使被连接在一起。

    These reactions are carried out by enzymes and linked through second messengers.

  26. 由主体所属的角色或组持有的,且不被拒绝的权限。

    A permission held by a role or group of which the principal is a member, and not denied.

  27. 温和且彻底洁净面部和颈部。由内而外清除尘垢和。

    Formulated by Cliniques guiding dermatologists to gently yet thoroughly cleanse the face and neck.

  28. 如判是由登法院原先作出, 且是在登之日作出的一。

    As if the judgment had been a judgment originally given in the registering court and entered on the day of registration.

  29. 滑雪橇是由木头而不是金属做得, 且隐藏在树丛中。

    The bobsled run is built out of wood not metal and hidden among trees.

  30. 滑雪橇是由木头而不是金属做的,且隐藏在树丛中。

    The bobsled run is built out of wood not metal and hidden among trees.