


1. 苏 [sū]2. 苏 [sù]苏 [sū]植物名(“紫苏”或“白苏”的种子,称“苏子”)。指须头下垂物:流~。昏迷中醒过来:~生。~醒。死而复~。缓解,解除:以~其困。特指“江苏省”、“苏州市”:~剧。~绣(苏州的刺绣)。前“苏联”的……





汉语拼音:sū é






  1. 指十月革命后的 俄国 和1922年组成的 苏联 。

    鲁迅 《而已集·读书杂谈》:“其实 苏俄 的新创作何尝有人绍介,此刻译出的几本,都是革命前的作品。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致唐弢》:“倘要研究 苏俄 文学,总要懂俄文才好。”



  1. Soviet Russia also didn't plan to alter its intention to carry out a revolutionary war in Eastern Europe (at least before the NEP began).


  2. Communism is expressed in various movements, but Russian sovietism if often referred to as a good sample.


  3. Until World War II, Soviet Russia was the only example of a Communist regime.


  4. They needed a plane that could carry nuclear bombs across the globe, to the Soviet Union, in only a few hours.


  5. At heart, Lukashenko remains a man of Russia's Brezhnev era: His secret police even still use the acronym KGB.


  6. In late June 1942 the press of the United States and Great Britain was echoing the Russian cry for a "second front" .


  7. Soviet Russia had carved out a trading bloc of communist states in Eastern Europe, which limited reliance on the West.


  8. Their task was to collect information by infiltrating policy-making circles and report to Russia's External Intelligence Service.


  9. Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination. (New York Times).


  1. 苏俄棘球绦虫新种

    Echinococcus russicensis sp. nov

  2. 苏俄内战和外国武装干涉

    Soviet Russian Civil War and Allied Armed Intervention

  3. 苏俄蛙人装备的水下自动步枪

    The automatic rifles equipped by Russian frogmen

  4. 苏俄国内战争和外国武装干涉。

    Soviet Russian Civil War and allied intervention.

  5. 浅析英国干涉苏俄中亚的经过

    On the British Intervention Policies toward Central Asia

  6. 苏俄技术哲学研究的历史和现状

    The history and actuality of the research on philosophy of technology in USSR and Russian

  7. 苏俄时期东正教与苏维埃政权的关系

    The Relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Soviet Country in the period of Soviet Russia

  8. 新经济政策实施后, 苏俄才复苏过来。

    Only when the New Economic Policy was implemented did Soviet Russia begin to recover.

  9. 寇松线波兰和苏俄之间的边界线。

    Curzon Line Demarcation line Between Poland and Soviet Russia.

  10. 当然, 这个行动必须得到苏俄的大力支持。

    Naturally, this act had to get a strong support from Soviet Russia.

  11. 米8是苏俄在1960年代早期开发的多功能直升机。

    The Mil Mi8is a SovietRussian multipurpose helicopter, developed in the early 1960s.

  12. 米8是苏俄在1960年代早期开发得多功能直升机。

    The Mil Mi8is a SovietRussian multipurpose helicopter, developed in the early 1958s.

  13. 苏俄和美国间的限武谈判, 再度陷于僵局。

    The SALT talks between Russia and America have bogged down once again.

  14. 苏俄和美国间得限武谈判,再度陷于僵局。

    The SALT talks between Russia and America have bogged down once again.

  15. 苏俄时期英国对中亚的干涉外交及其影响

    Intervention Foreign Policy of Britain in Central Asia and Influence During Soviet Russia

  16. 直到二战为止,苏俄是唯一存在的共产政权的实例。

    Until World War II, Soviet Russia was the only example of a Communist regime.

  17. 由此,徐胡之间发生了一场关于苏俄问题的论争。

    Hence the dispute on Soviet Russia between Xu Zhimo and Hu Shi.

  18. 在同资本主义国家关系方面,苏俄签订了布列斯特和约。

    Relations with the capitalist countries, the Soviet Union signed the Brest Peace Treaty.

  19. 杜勒斯说苏俄在称霸美世界得驱使下过分扩张其势力。

    Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination.

  20. 杜勒斯说苏俄在称霸美世界的驱使下过分扩张其势力。

    Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination.

  21. 杜勒斯说苏俄在称霸全世界的驱使下过分扩张其势力。

    Dulles said Russia had overextended herself in her drive for world domination. .

  22. 苏俄也并不打算改变其在东欧进行一场革命战争的意图。

    Soviet Russia also didnt plan to alter its intention to carry out a revolutionary war in Eastern Europe.


  1. 问:苏俄牧羊犬拼音怎么拼?苏俄牧羊犬的读音是什么?苏俄牧羊犬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苏俄牧羊犬的读音是Sū'émùyángquǎn,苏俄牧羊犬翻译成英文是 Borzoi

  2. 问:苏俄人民委员拼音怎么拼?苏俄人民委员的读音是什么?苏俄人民委员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苏俄人民委员的读音是,苏俄人民委员翻译成英文是 commissar