







汉语拼音:xiào liào








  1. 引人发笑的资料。

    阿英 《陈毅同志与苏北文化工作》:“因材料之具有笑料性者甚多,又用幽默语言表达,遂不断哄堂。” 郭小川 《五律一首》:“流言真笑料,豪气自文章。” 茹志鹃 《百合花》:“我说完了,她也不作声,还是低头咬着嘴唇,好像忍了一肚子的笑料没笑完。”



  1. The movie first half part, is flattering the child audience as if, is filling each kind of interesting movement and thelaughingstock.


  2. Jermaine went on to question why Michael is getting so much positive attention now, when before his death many saw him as a bit of a joke.


  3. Best comedy: If it isn't a tragedy, the dysfunction of the U. S. Congress is certainly good for a laugh.


  4. Wolf is too cunning, but for a while two wolves have been hacked to death, the animal deception to how much? Only give them increased humor.


  5. This question of a woman telling her story - the heaviest of crosses to herself - seemed but amusement to others.


  6. Everybody had different ideas for particular gags and some of them have been used in play and some have been thrown away.


  7. He was funny even as he lay dying of a heart attack in Mexico on the set of his last movie.


  8. BATMAN (ADAM WEST): "He's terrorized Gotham City, he's baffled the police department and he's held us up to public ridicule. "


  9. But no one could prove he was a clone of Mozart without digging up the original, so the media treated him as a joke.


  1. 被人当作笑料。

    Have a good laugh at sb.

  2. 无论你想象什么笑料。

    So whatever tickles Ur fancy.

  3. 常令人发笑的笑料

    standing joke

  4. 痴呆症已不再是笑料。

    Dementia is no laughing matter.

  5. 他们试图拿我做笑料。

    Theyre trying to make a monkey out of me.

  6. 成为未来多年的笑料

    that will provide hilarious memories for years to come.

  7. 寻找笑料,然后大笑30秒。

    Seek out laughter and laugh for 30 seconds.

  8. 你应该见见她,她笑料十足!

    You ought to meet her,shes a hoot!

  9. 成了让人奚落的笑料。

    Became the subject of your ridicule.

  10. 喜剧也利用双关语制造笑料。

    Comedies also play on words to create fun.

  11. 他的想法被当成了笑料。

    His ideas were held up to ridicule.

  12. 小丑的笑料一个盖过一个。

    Each clown capped the last joke of the other.

  13. 这是这部冷酷剧作中的笑料。

    These are laugh lines of the grim sort.

  14. 首先, 你会成为人们的笑料。

    For a start you would be a laughing stock.

  15. 我想我们需要寻找些笑料。

    I think we could use a few laughs around here.

  16. 我想我们需要寻找些笑料。

    I think we could use a few laughs around here.

  17. 他们将这个想法看作了笑料。

    They treated the idea as a laughing matter.

  18. 引人发笑的事或人。笑料。笑柄

    Amusing incident or person

  19. 为公共表演者写笑料的人。

    Someone who writes comic material for public performers.

  20. 好了,现在我们成了他们的笑料。

    Well, now we're their bitches.

  21. 笑料由于低级趣味而被删去。

    The comedy tine was cut out as being off side.

  22. 对于经典的解构完成笑料的制造。

    For the complete deconstruction of the classic joke of manufacturing.

  23. 我们的雇主把我们的建议视作笑料。

    Our employer treated our suggestion as a joke.

  24. 你是不是在把我当笑料呀?

    Are you trying to make a fool out of me?

  25. 这给她提供了不少新的笑料。

    She found fresh sources of merriment.

  26. 这给她提供了不少新得笑料。

    She found fresh sources of merriment.

  27. 他只不过把它当成笑料说说而已。

    He said it merely as a joke.

  28. 那伟大的诗篇也给了人们笑料。

    The great poem contributed to the gayety of the world.

  29. 原想耍弄别人, 自己反倒成为笑料。

    Sb. who tried to make another person look foolish now looks ridiculous instead.

  30. 政坛成为了他们挖掘笑料的新大陆。

    They have opened up politics as a new minefield for jokes and material.


  1. 问:笑料拼音怎么拼?笑料的读音是什么?笑料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笑料的读音是xiàoliào,笑料翻译成英文是 laughing stock