


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……





汉语拼音:zhǔ yī







  1. 专一;专心。

    《二程粹言》卷上:“主一之谓敬。”《朱子语类》卷一一九:“於无事之时,这心却只是主一。”参见“ 主一无适 ”。



  1. A buck goat also shall be offered to the Lord for a sin offering over and above the perpetual holocaust with its libations.


  2. We enjoyed a horse-riding, cattle-herding, tagging-along-with-an-actual-rancher-while-he-worms-sheep adventure.


  3. Content is further divided into two "blocks, " one main and one secondary, as shown in Listing 8.


  4. With two home games and one away, the Reds biggest battle will be the tie with Spurs which holds a conflict of interest.


  5. With the loans, the investors offer community workshops, training and group meetings with local business owners.


  6. Jehoshaphat was frightened, and he hastened to consult the LORD. He proclaimed a fast for all Judah.


  7. "There can only be one" . "One ring to rule them all" .


  8. Curiously, winning the Oval Office has given them a normal family life.


  9. According to a 1997 NIDS report, ranchers in Utah were weighing and tagging calves one morning.


  1. 忠臣不事二主。一人不能事二君。

    No man can serve two masters.

  2. 但与主联合的,便是与主成为一灵。

    But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

  3. 我们这样得罪人竟能与主成为一灵。

    What a wonder that sinners such as we can be one spirit with the Lord!

  4. 我们这样的罪人竟能与主成为一灵。

    What a wonder that sinners such as we can be one spirit with the Lord!

  5. 一主,一信,一浸。

    One Lord, one faith, one baptism.

  6. 今天,主给予我一颗宁静的心。

    God grant me the serenity.

  7. 祝贺你们, 这只是栈桥得一小步, 却是主码头得一大步!

    This is one small step for the trestle, but one big step for the main quay!

  8. 祝贺你们,这只是栈桥的一小步,却是主码头的一大步!

    This is one small step for the trestle, but one big step for the main quay!

  9. 那个逃跑的奴隶被找到后又被卖给了另一奴隶主。

    The escaped slave was found and sold to another slave owner.

  10. 舷侧主一板

    man wales.

  11. 也不是屋主一个明显的受益者。

    Nor was the homeowner an obvious beneficiary.

  12. 吉姆在主大街中央被一辆卡车撞倒了。

    Jim was struck down by a truck in the middle of the main street.

  13. 如一时代的宗教,或主一神,或主多神,超神或泛神。

    If the era of religion, or the one God, or main polytheism, ultra God or Baha'is.

  14. 他们的顺服给了主一个机会行出神迹。

    Their obedience gave God a chance to work a miracle.

  15. 一端子连到主终端, 另一端子连接和线圈搭铁。

    One end is connected to the primary terminal and the other to the coil tower.

  16. 赠楼主一诀坐公交或地铁时, 请抓紧扶手。

    When travelling at bus or metro, please hold the handrail.

  17. 主,给我们一句活的话,说到你的奥秘,基督的身体。

    Lord, grant us a living word to speak something about Your mystery, the Body of Christ.

  18. 有些人是活跃用户,更有人甚至担任论坛版主一职。

    Some are active members, or even moderators.

  19. 他说,可是,我不能一人做主。

    He said, Well, but I can't do it alone.

  20. 这种情况下不能任凭你一人做主。

    Under these circumstances we can't let you take the decision alone.

  21. 我走进主卧室,拿了一双鞋

    into the master bedroom to get a pair of shoes.

  22. 您想要订一桌在主餐厅还是包间的席位呢?

    Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room?

  23. 内存心跳就是一个计数器,每过一秒,主处理器就给它加一。

    This heartbeat is a counter that is incremented by the master once per second.

  24. 在这个时刻, 我向主歌唱, 唱出一首爱的诗歌。

    In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus.

  25. 主建筑有三,一是文殊殿,二是五龙王殿,三是古戏台。

    There are three main building, first, Manjusri Hall Dian Second, Third, the ancient stage.

  26. 论一主多辅系统

    Discourse on the System of One Major Factor and Several Minor Factors

  27. 转轨从一主轨道转到一岔线上。

    To switch from a main railroad track to a siding.

  28. 振动灭得物体发生声波, 每一主振动产生一个声波。

    Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave.

  29. 振动灭的物体发生声波,每一主振动产生一个声波。

    Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave.

  30. 在任一主记录屏幕, 使用下列菜单条序列

    In any master data screen, use one of the following menu bar sequences