


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:zhè shuō







  1. It's hard to call it a public mania.


  2. Be involved in their lives - The more you know about your children's lives, the less room there is for a lie to go undetected.


  3. This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.


  4. And I said, "Well, I would just, every student work at their own pace on something like this and we'd give a dashboard. "


  5. But rather than listening to me tell you why it's so great, wy don't you try it out yourself?


  6. This means that you'll have to go through all that data to determine what needs to go in your report.


  7. I was pretending to be another man, but losing my own heart. On my first visit, we sat together for a long time, talking of this and that.


  8. I know it's easy to say, but we have to do it.


  9. "Say, some tenderness, that! " This is reference to a smile or a melting glance on the part of a female.


  1. 这说不过去

    That's genius.

  2. 这说不过去嘛!

    There is no way to justify that degree of leniency.

  3. 恐怕这说来话长。

    I'm afraid it's rather a long story.

  4. 这说得通吗

    Does that make sense?

  5. 这说不通啊

    No, this doesn't make any sense.

  6. 你,好吧,这说来话长

    You okay,it's kind of a long story.

  7. 你,好吧,这说来话长。

    You okay, it's kind of a long story.

  8. 因为这说出来很尴尬。

    Because it's embarrassing.

  9. 因为这说出来很尴尬。

    Because it's embarrassing.

  10. 这说不上是纯粹的幸福。

    It is not an unmixed blessing.

  11. 这说不上是纯粹得幸福。

    It is not an unmixed blessing.

  12. 这说的是高尔夫球比赛。

    That was for the golf tournament.

  13. 这说起来容易,做起来难。

    This is easily said than done.

  14. 这说不定就是实时的进化

    and it may be evolution in real time.

  15. 这说不定会要你得命。

    It may cost you your life.

  16. 这说不定会要你的命。

    It may cost you your life.

  17. 显然这说的不是阿德。

    Obviously this said not Arab League Germany.

  18. 显然这说得不是阿德。

    Obviously this said not Arab League Germany.

  19. 什么秘密非得约在这说

    So what's so secret you had to drag me out here?

  20. 但这说不通,他爱我。

    This doesn't make any sense.He loves me.

  21. 但这说不通,他爱我。

    This doesn't make any sense. He loves me.

  22. 要告别的就在这说了吧。

    Anyone saying goodbye needs to say it here.

  23. 这说明星云是恒星得聚集体。

    This suggest that the nebulas are aggregates of stars.

  24. 这说明星云是恒星的聚集体。

    This suggest that the nebulas are aggregates of stars.

  25. 加布,我觉得你这说辞行不通。

    I don't think that story's gonna be enough, gaby.

  26. 加布,我觉得你这说辞行不通。

    I don't think that story's gonna be enough, gaby.

  27. 加布,我觉得你这说辞行不通。

    I don't think that story's gonna be enough, Gaby.

  28. 他是我妹妹的朋友,这,这说来话长

    He's my sister's friend. It's a. . . it's a long story.

  29. 就在这说吧,你昨晚去哪了?

    Then talk. Where were you last night?

  30. 这说不定和她的脑动脉瘤有关。

    It may have something to do with her brain aneurysm.


  1. 问:这说不通拼音怎么拼?这说不通的读音是什么?这说不通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:这说不通的读音是Zhè shuō bùtōng,这说不通翻译成英文是 it doesn't add up